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Today is an election day in Germany

I know, who cares. Could be lots of drama if the CDU/CSU lose majority.

Anyway, I am not a citizen so I can't vote. But my foid is and she will vote. The problem is that she is a white woman so she is gonna vote wrong.

I know she plans to give one of her votes for the greens. And my problem is that they are extremely bussy/train loving cute twinks that used to be journ*lists, diversity professors, and book translators before becoming politicians. And I draw the line at journ*lism.

Should I lock the door and "lose the key" or do I let a woman practice her right to vote?

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I thought this was some kind of joke, but nope this is real. :marseydoomer:


Already nuke Berlin from orbit

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"Our vision for Xhain"

And then one day, for no reason at all...

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You're just jealous you don't have any blue lipstick or lightning shades.

Looks like paradise for Carp.

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Surprised they're getting shit on so much in the replies tbh. On burger twitter I think they would have gotten a lot more support.

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Probably because everyone in the picture looks like fat, inhuman ogre.

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Nuking Berlin was on the cards a couple of times

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Bomber Harris didn't go far enough.

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Reject modernity, embrace tradition


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As a Jewoid, the fact that this is somehow less disturbing than the original speaks in volumes.

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Now I don’t feel so guilty for liking it better than the original. And, yes, it does speak volumes. Why not a party that supports tradition and is anti-communist? Without, you know, the mass murder, starting wars, actual racial persecution, and complete elimination of freedom of speech?

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Sounds like a plan.

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So the Republicans?

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:lol: Good one! Wait, you were serious? They love to start wars (Trump excluded). Oh god, I hate the GOP. Yes, I REALLY fricking hate the Democrats, but I like the devil himself better than them.

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As a Jewoid, the only thing I'm mad about is that Hitler claimed to be a eugenicist but then went on to genocide the race with the highest average IQ. He could have done so much good for the world, and he decide to waste it all on r-slurred tribalism.

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Well you sure have a point. But aesthetics and beauty matters too, not just intelligence.

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Aesthetics are arbitrary though, in the sense of whatever is currently being sexually selected for is the definition of what "aesthetic" means. Human society is already an ongoing aesthetic eugenics program. What else are you hoping to add? Rounding up and shooting up people you consider too ugly? Don't worry, they're already not reproducing

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Aesthetics are arbitrary though

Nah that's a lie from postmodern doctrine. They'll also have you know that being obese or bald is beautiful too. There are universals, such as symmetry, smooth skin and decent face features (proportion, button nose, silky hair), and even babies sense these things.

Rounding up and shooting up people you consider too ugly?

Nah, that's just evil, just as it would be to round up the stupid people. As you say, leaving it to evolution is probably best, with heavily enforced borders at most to prevent things from getting worse.

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Nah that's a lie from postmodern doctrine. They'll also have you know that being obese or bald is beautiful too. There are universals, such as symmetry and smooth skin, and even babies sense these things.

I think you're missing the point entirely. You're confusing individual aesthetics/preference for group aesthetics/preference. Eugenics does not affect individuals, it affects groups. Using eugenics to improve an objective metric (like intelligence) makes sense, because it can meaningfully change how we live. Using it to improve a rank metric (like beauty) does not. If 50% of men are too ugly to reproduce now, 50% of men will still be too ugly to reproduce after eugenics - the bar for reproduction just gets raised.

Even the ugliest man alive has infinitely smoother skin and better facial symmetry from the early hominids we descended from. Transport them back in time and they'd be the most attractive individuals around.

Nah, that's just evil. As you say, leaving it to evolution is probably best, with heavily enforced borders at most to prevent things from getting worse.

Why would evolution need any interventions? Doesn't sexual attraction always succeed in selecting for attractiveness, by that being the definition of what "attractive" means?

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Using eugenics to improve an objective metric (like intelligence) makes sense

Many would argue measuring intelligence is just arbitrary and subjective too. We both would disagree with them, but that brings me on to your next point:

Using it to improve a rank metric (like beauty) does not.

I disagree there, as I think beauty is objective too - just super tricky to get the full truth on it, just like it's fairly tricky with intelligence.

If 50% of men are too ugly to reproduce now, 50% of men will still be too ugly to reproduce after eugenics - the bar for reproduction just gets raised.

And you could say the same about intelligence. There'll be a new "stupid 50%" after the population has gotten more intelligent. This is why it's crucial to not go down the purity spiral too far, as the logical conclusion of that path would leave the world's population in the hundreds instead of the billions.

Why would evolution need any interventions? Doesn't sexual attraction always succeed in selecting for attractiveness, by that being the definition of what "attractive" means?

Yeah, it's a fair point. I think very, very long term, it will always succeed no matter what. But without a border, you're gonna have a rough short term. In theory. There's also the argument that putting up a border is a natural part of what makes us who we are, and is all part of the evolutionary pattern, so perhaps it shouldn't even be classed as an 'intervention' in a sense.

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It does speaks volumes, just maybe not about what you think it does.

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Oh do please elaborate.

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Well I agree with you that there are other ways the original's more disturbing that I haven't considered.

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:marseylaugh: :taylaugh: great edit lmao

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Thats great, only thing missing is the dog on the balcony turned into a shepherd.

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Holy frick, lol! That almost makes me like Nazis, If it wasn’t for the whole industrialized separate , kill, and torture innocent families thing. That, and the Wehrmacht killed my great uncle.

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I still can't believe this isn't satire. Thankfully shit like this is leads to more people taking the Wagenknechtpill


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Didn't know Wagenknecht was a true Aryan, huh.

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The Euro/Iranian mutts always come out looking 100% Euro. Return to our indo Aryan roots?

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Wagenknecht has argued that the Left Party must pursue radical and anti-capitalist goals, thereby remaining distinct from the more moderate Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Green Party. She has criticized the Left Party's participation in coalition governments, especially the Berlin state government, which has made cuts to social spending and privatized some services.

She has expressed strong support for the rise of left-wing leaders in Latin America, such as Hugo ChΓ‘vez, and for SYRIZA's 2015 electoral victory in Greece. She serves as a spokesperson for the Venezuela Avanza solidarity network, and as an alternate on the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Mercosur.

Wow, she's so r-slurred, I hope Krauts vote for her so she can run their country into the ground.

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Eh most leftoids turn into normal succs when elected. My state is being governed by them for the last couple of years and it's going ok. But the Left party tried really hard this year to not get elected. Absolutely r-slurred leadership. I hope they don't get into the parliament and have to rethink their positions and strategy

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I hope they don't get into the parliament and have to rethink their positions and strategy

I mean not getting elected is kinda the plan, at least it looks like it. (Ignoring Ramelow, who has the outstanding advantage of not being a r*slurred zealot)

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Quite based, but no-one can beat the PM of Denmark.

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THAT is a poster for the Green Party??!! And Germans VOTE for this, enough to make them a major party?? So, basically, they are all about what your identity is, as opposed to your character? And why put :marseytrain2:s up front? Their numbers are tiny. Or is there so many in Germany now , that pandering to them works?

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Its an election poster from one shitlib district in Berlin. If they used this federally theyd be done tomorrow.

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Frick, this explains perfectly why there isn't a political party I can identify with

I'd vote for a less r-slurred version of the AfD, but the AfD decided to pander to the most r-slurred audience possible

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Thanks for the insight. The pendulum always swings, the question is how far?

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I voted green/fdp mix and I have never seen this poster nor do I think it's representative of the green party as a whole. Social justice and identity politics isn't exactly a mainstay of the green party's agenda, this isn't the US (yet).

Also, like all propaganda it's basically BS anyways, they were just trying (and failing) to capture an audience. English twitter is genuinely this r-slurred so they thought this is how you market to them, I guess. It even backfired on them. Also, one regional candidate being completely r-slurred doesn't mean your local candidates are.

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Cool. Thanks for explaining your thoughts on it. I don’t know German culture or politics, so it is a relief to see this isn’t representative of a huge political force.

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Don't worry, it's just a matter of time until the American propaganda machine exports CRT/SJWism to everywhere else that still broadcasts American media

Nowhere is safe. I haven't yet decided where to flee to when they set up the concentration camps.

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We already have many Democrats wanting to set up re-education camps here, for people that disagree with them. I don’t know how they’d enforce it, since they are so scared of guns.

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Link? Sounds juicy

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Source: :marseyschizo:

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Deutschland Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt!

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