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I may be a little schizoid but I literally cannot feel loneliness. When people tell me they are lonely, I’m like “yeah, me too, man” but it’s a lie to make them feel less…alone.

Loneliness is a state of mind, completely within your own head, and almost completely within your own control. You do NOT need social support or therapy to stop feeling lonely. There have been moments in your life when you have been physically alone, maybe even socially isolated, yet you didn’t feel lonely. Maybe because you were reading a book or cleaning the house. For that time period, you managed not to “feel lonely”. This shows it is only a state of mind.

Searching out company in an effort to stop feeling lonely is not the answer because the problem is inside your mind. That is just a bandaid and people can still feel “lonely” despite an active social life. I’m not telling you not to have friends and go to church. That is healthy. I’m simply saying loneliness is a feeling within your control.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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Skynet looms

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Humans have a physical need for communication. That is why solitary confinement is one of the harshest punishments possible.

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I don’t mean to say it’s not good to have friends and obviously humans are social creatures. HOWEVER, you can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.

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It’s still a state of mind and comes from inside. Hermits get by fine. It’s the same as self esteem. Praise from outside doesn’t work, it has to come from within or at least be internalized.

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Bad analogy. Hermits still get things like sunlight, free movement, lots of nature and stuff, better food.

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Dudes like being lonely

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Yes except when they get old for some reason then they become like noises around their children's necks demanding constant company.

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Yea its like that patrice oneal bit

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I never feel lonely either. 🤗

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She keeps bringing up how religion/community has insulated the speaker from loneliness and depression but then concludes that the real solution to these problems is therapy.

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The real solution is finding a communal activity that everyone engages in to build a sense of unity and shared interest, isolated therapy sessions can't do that but religion is very good at it.

People just need to pick better religions to follow; if the state religion was based around a god of parties, orgies and dancing there wouldn't be any problems.

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Frick you

t. Apollonian gang

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Greeks and Romans would have massive feasts and get trashed on wine that was probably fricking awful by modern standards, several times a year. I particularly like Lupercalia, where you could see aging heads of state run naked through the street and whip people!

Where did we go wrong...

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Dionysus worshippers you mean.

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The patriarchy in Utah cannot be denied, and the women in society are bestowed with the gift of having their worth based on the success of their partner.

Opposed to the non-patriarchal women who are all into NEETs and the unemployed if he has a nice personality, right?

half the article dedicated to the identity of the speaker

She'd fit in at /pol/

But with her being raised in, and living with, the way of comparisons that Utah has to offer, she’s merely scratching the surface of loneliness.

Sounds like she needs to just go move to Utah then.

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People suffering from depression often compare their lives to the lives of others. Often have been the times when I was on a meth bender, all alone, thinking of how much of a failure I was because I would compare my life to the lives of others.

no thats just the meth dude

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I'm calling you alt-right because you're using alt-right dog whistles. Don't like it? Don't use them. Though it's always been funny to me the way you fascistic fricks pretend to be upset when you get identified for being exactly what you are.

I don't give a frick about your view on religion.


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