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Chad doesn't pick this foid, causing her much mental anguish.


In college met a guy who was everything I had dreamed to have in a man. He was super tall and handsome, smart, funny and charming. Above all, he was kind. Let’s call him “A”. Unlike other guys, who either made fun of me or completely ignored my existence, A was lovely. He treated me well, like a friend.

What are the chances of the only guy to give you any positive attention being the chad. Amazing :marseyagree:

In the final year I decided to confess my feelings to him. When I told my girlfriends about this , they just laughed at me and said he was waaay out of my league and would never date me. This broke my confidence and I never said anything to him.

This still didn't convince the foid to not shoot far above her league.

He said he was moving to my city for work and would like to meet me. I felt the same butterflies I did when I saw him in college. This time , I thought I had a chance with him, considering that I looked much better.

We met and I helped him set up his house and showed him around the city. One day when we were hanging out at his place, one thing led to another and we kissed. It was perfect. But he pulled away and said he had just gotten out of a relationship and did not want anything serious. I agreed and we became Fwb. Wrong decision. Those months I I spent with him were the best ones I’ve had. He was great at the s*x and we had good chemistry. I opened up to him about my struggles and he was vey sweet about it. Again, I fell for him. I was delusional enough to think he felt the same and told him. He was shocked to learn that I loved him. He did not feel the same way and said what we had was purely platonic. I was devastated. He broke up with me. I begged him to come back but he kept his distance. He tried to comfort me but being around him was too taxing for me so I went NC. I built my self back up again. Got therapy and worked out even more, through lockdown I got into the best shape of my life.

:marseylaughpoundfist: this chick really got into an fwbship despite having feelings for him lmfao. She literally thought "I can change him", only to be pumped and dumped by chad :chad:

Cut to a few months ago, I learned that my best friend from college was getting married. She invited me. She also told that A was going to be there. I told her it was okay.

When I saw him at the wedding, all the memories came back to me and I felt like crying. He was handsome as ever and sweeter than ever. But there was a catch. He was there with his GIRLFRIEND. What was even worse that she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. The kind of person that makes heads turn. She would put any Bollywood actress to shame. Everyone was looking at them and gushing about how gorgeous they looked together.

This made me so jealous, I had to go to the bathroom to get a good cry out. I hated this woman. I hated how A couldn’t keep his hands off of her. I hated how he looked at her. With love and adoration. I hated when he kissed her. I hated when the photographer gave them all the Attention and took pictures of them.

Got cucked by Stacy :marseychadfoid:. The foids nature to hate other foids they compete with rears it's ugly head :slapfight:

I can’t help but think how she has taken away something I always wanted. His love, his attraction. She gets to have s*x with him. Kiss him good night. Was he even attracted to me? Or was I just an easy lay? I hate this woman. I hate how good she looked in every outfit. I can’t look at group pictures without comparing myself with her. I know that even at my physical best, I can’t even come close to how she looks. And he would never consider a relationship with me. My self esteem is at an all time low again. I’m crying I don’t know what to do.

WHOA WHOA WHOA let's unpackerino this sweaty. You are not entitled to his body. Do better sweaty, maybe work on your personality next time.

This foids entire world falls apart because chad chose someone else to marry, and now judging by the comments, she will have to spend time and money in therapy to overcome this blow to her psyche lmao. Common foid :marseyl:

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lol if this was from a male perspective crying about how a chad stole his cute ex gf then these same foids would be reeeing hard

>I can’t help but think how she has taken away something I always wanted. His love, his attraction. She gets to have s*x with him. Kiss him good night. Was he even attracted to me? Or was I just an easy lay? I hate this woman. I hate how good she looked in every outfit. I can’t look at group pictures without comparing myself with her. I know that even at my physical best, I can’t even come close to how she looks. And he would never consider a relationship with me. My self esteem is at an all time low again. I’m crying I don’t know what to do.

literally just incel posting kek

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