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  • ACA : I'll clear your mom's cookies
  • kongmaxx : I am sick and tired of seeing this post
  • Ubie : :marseycarpabusivewife: Honey, it's time to clear your cookies again!
  • Mike_Pence : Why is this post still pinned?
  • Battleloser : i am etching my name into the roman colloseum

clear ur cookies if u cant log-out, cant toggle poor mode, cant toggle pins, cant confirm ur 18+, or cant dismiss mobile app tooltip (but make sure u remember ur password before doing that)

sry :#marseygiveup:

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:marseypirate: : Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include trans lives matter! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with trans lives matter included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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