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  • ACA : I'll clear your mom's cookies
  • kongmaxx : I am sick and tired of seeing this post
  • Ubie : :marseycarpabusivewife: Honey, it's time to clear your cookies again!
  • Mike_Pence : Why is this post still pinned?
  • Battleloser : i am etching my name into the roman colloseum

clear ur cookies if u cant log-out, cant toggle poor mode, cant toggle pins, cant confirm ur 18+, or cant dismiss mobile app tooltip (but make sure u remember ur password before doing that)

sry :#marseygiveup:

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Yo BIPOC, I'm shadowbanned but I don't think I deserve to be shadowbanned because I don't remember doing anything deserving of it. If you have any evidence otherwise (which may well be possible because I get blackout drunk constantly and have no memory of much of what I get up to) please provide me with it.

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