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Is 2009, things now are a lot worse thanks to old and how easy itโ€™s for any foid get Chad and then when she hit 30 meet all those inkwells that didnโ€™t roped that she doesnโ€™t want. She mb give them chance but they wonโ€™t treat her nice because who in right mind would ? Also society in general doesnโ€™t respect 30+ year old women. Like if she goes to work when she is 20, everyone will be nice to her and help her. The moment she hits the wall all the niceness will be gone. While if a guy is not obese alcohol he will get more respect than a 30 year old women.

On top of it with push of lgbt women made a net negative of men/women ratio and ironic society is forced to respect that 40 year old 6โ€™4 240lb six packed.

So women lives are now an even sharper carousel.

And we can say thanks to feminism and their doing the right thing because they feeling itโ€™s the right thing


Building a career is also homo cope, no guy will bang post wall roastie because she decided to build career in HR after her gender studies

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Scrotes say this shit to distract from the fact that they are fat and balding and their skin looks like garbage while they're still in their 20s :teehee: they think somehow they'll go from that to looking like a silver fox in their 50s, ignoring the fact that all those guys who aged well were still hotter when they were younger

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I bet you are very hotโ€ฆ femcel???

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My appearance has nothing to do with it, it's mostly because I'm touch repulsed mentalcel so incapable of having casual s*x and too r-slurred and moid-hating to find a relationship :marseyitsover:

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A hot mentalcel Stacy

:#marseybooba: :#hijabwojak:

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I'm like 200kg too light for you :marseyitsover:

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chubby isn't a requirement, and you've got a nice tummy


bonus points for being pale too

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yesterday a guy said he was jealous of my shoulders, I'm basically a moid now :hmph: :marseypassftm:

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manlets aren't real men sweaty


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even if i got heightmaxxing surgery i'd still be a gigamanlet :marseyitsnuts:

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wow, chad only!

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too r-slurred and moid-hating to find a relationship :marseyitsover:


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when these incels become big wizards, and realize that still no woman wants them, and they are even uglier than when they were young incels, that is always very funny

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Are you legit a r-slur that canโ€™t follow any statistical dataโ€™s ? Like how your homo butt can explain why dating over 30 and 40 on Reddit has majority foid population ?

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Those subs you describe are clearly for women, there are way more men in similar situation, they simply won't post on that sub.

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There are literally more straight women at that age than men so by definition they will end up more in that situation. Men are a lot more likely to be single in their 20ties than women but later is women that are more likely to be single. Like it seems you even ignoring the single mom market. Like do you think a lot of decent good looking men that have decent salaries in their 30ties will go after a 30 year old single mom ? Her child + combine of shrinking market, her value will be as fat incel.

All the couples that stay long together meet each other in teenage age after 20 everyone is egoistic and pragmatic

Rising someone else child is fricking huge risk that rarely pays off. But of course those women imagining the fricking best case scenario thing oh there is a rich Chad who will love me and my child as his own when there are fricking more single moms in US than 6โ€™+ guys

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Men libido decrease faster than women one that combined with thinner women skin + non stop alcohol creat a result that 80% dating over 30 post are made by women while Reddit has majority men population and dating over 40 is just women posting.

So by 30 men act like women in their 20 so they would rather kill them self than settle with a single mom

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>So by 30 men act like women in their 20 so they would rather kill them self than settle with a single mom

if this was true then nobody would have a stepdad lmao pure cope

reddit isn't real life, more women use dating/relationship subs in general so it's a meaningless metric

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if this was true then nobody would have a stepdad lmao pure cope

reddit isn't real life, more women use dating/relationship subs in general so it's a meaningless metric

Tbh, step dads most of the time are just losers. Their foids are based for draining them out of their wallets and divorce raping them after they stop being useful.

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>if this was true then nobody would have a stepdad lmao pure cope

Aren't they often dads themselves already?

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Anecdotally I've seen all kinds of situations, it's probably more common that way but idk

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