Fear and Hunger is an indie franchise settled in the horror/survival RPG genre made by a single neurodivergent Snow Mongol from Helsinki called Miro Haverinen. When the first part was released in 2018, it was barely noted by any westoid and mainly played by Eurotrash outside the "European garden" as Eurosharts would say. Its very depressing, takes huge influence from Authors like HP Lovecraft and other Horror Schmuck you guys might or might not know. If you'd like to know more about the game visit the Wiki or give the game a try. It includes some very gruesome and non PC shit which is also the topic of my coming sneed. Such as:
Child R*pe
Child sacrifice
just lots of children getting hurt in general
all types of sexual violence this is the r*pe train neighbor we R*PE around these blocks
And this is already our entrance to my main problem. See as I said this game flew under the radar of every Westoid until recently (as seen by this chart)
You can clearly see the sudden explosion of popularity mainly caused by YouTube and videos such as this one by super soytard wolf. Now I am happy for the creator of this franchise that his talent and vision finally gain some acknowledgment by a wider audience, but this wider audience is absolute cancer that will ruin the future of the franchise and any potential fun original fans of the games could have had. Please turn your attention back to the video, I have linked the relevant section with a timestamp HERE
So his first point of "criticism": The game isn't accessible to everyone (Streamers and such) cause of the hecking nudity
And now to his second "criticism": The portrayal of the literal demon worshiping troglodytes living in the god-forsaken caves you venture into. Now I can't be assed to find the timestamp but this BIPOC is complaining about the "portrayal of indigenous people" because for some reason his rotting r-slur mind makes a connection between Native Americans and some literal subhumans in some Dungeon in Europe?
And to ADD upon this shit in the second game, the game you can see on the "thumbnail" of this rant, has a character. The girl holding the knife is a train and I will just copy-paste from the wiki to explain why:
"Her mother was not an active participant of these rituals, and so wanted Marina not to follow in the footsteps of her father. The life of a dark priest was cruel and a lifetime of servitude to gods of old was not what her mother wanted for her child. It is alluded that she was born male, but Marina's mother then made her look like a girl before her father or anyone else had a chance to see Marina."
So a boy forced to grow up as a girl so the weird sect of her dad don't groom him to be a dark magician forced into the servitude of the old gods. A tragedy. Unless you ask Reddit of course. In that case its a hecking valid UWU moment and I have a choice thread prepared to show you their delusional fetish fueled Autism:
Here is a funny exchange:
"Mariana accepted the grooming her mom did like she accepted her father was abusive. They do identify as a girl, but none of it was a choice she made. It's supposed to be a tragic story of selfish parents where the neglected child managed to salvage their life after it all. But it's not a good "pro trans story" mostly because it has the same issues plenty have with parents forcing standards and behavior on kids in an unhealthy way, where parents force these choices on their kids."
"Ignore him, he's just a transphobe who's full of shit. Yes, Marina was raised as a girl as a child to protect her so that she could have something remotely resembling a real childhood. That was many years ago, and she's been away for quite some time. Marina has decided that she is most comfortable living as a woman, and thus, she does. It's literally canon via Word of God that she's a proud transwoman with no doubts about her identity, but garbage people like the one you responded to are trying to do everything they possibly can to try and invalidate that because the game doesn't fit their shitty ideology."
There is nothing like this in the game by the way.
Now the author will be pushed by western audiences to scrub away all the more "tasteless" aspects of the game and replace them with heckin , furry, reddit bullshit. Which he already did by the way. One of the enemies of the game is based on some perma online furry cute twink that gave him a shout out.
"The Sergal spears are a reoccurring weapon from the first game and a homage to the Youtuber Neco the Sergal, who was one of the first people to do a full let's-play series of the original Fear & Hunger, and one of the people who first brought the game into popularity"
TLDR: Casuals ruin everything and another one bits the HRT dust
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If you care about any fanbase you're r-slurred.
Play the games or don't.
ps the games suck
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Well when you get terminally online s and schizo liberals moving into the fanbase, eventually the game/series creators bend the knee and it turns into a soulless husk of cute twinkry. Gatekeeping is a good thing. So many franchises have already been ruined by twitter r-slurs.
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You are a dumb r-slur BIPOC mutt monkey if you think fan bases don't control the direction a franchise is heading, especially in the case that there is a SINGLE guy developing the whole franchise. Fanbases are what ruined TES.
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Sounds like Morrowboomer seethiny about Skybabychads
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You know what we say to Morrowchuds on rDrama?
Fus. Ro. Dah.
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I wouldn't even care if I had an alternative that was not developed in the 90s but look what happened to the outer worlds
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No, especially a single neurodivergent is not beholden to his fans.
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You are a real mayo monkey if you think neurodivergent game developers dont seek the approval of other terminal online loosers. The only exception to the rule is Toby Fox but thats cause he has pre online autism.
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Yes, I'm sure this one neurodivergent who has created these extremely niche games who has in no way demonstrated any sort of compromise to make them more accessable or appealing to a wider audience is secretly craving validation from online strangers.
Don't be such a drama queen because some random r-slur made a video and you went out of your way to find stupid comments.
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I literally posted an example of it happening at the end of my rant im sorry you are an illiterate public school BIPOC
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Were you one of those "just some weirdos on Tumblr" r-slurs back in 14?
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This 100%.
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