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Good thing these people have moved on from internalizing misandry and joined positive spaces which celebrate masculinity. These people talk like extreme closet cases and the fact their actually straggots is astounding. Even straggots don't deserve this level of emotional torture.

>I ran in some far lefty circles in college, and this article hits home.

>When all the people close to you do nothing but talk about how straight, white, men are the problem... It's hard not to internalize that.

>I, to this day, struggle with my self image in public. I always feel like I'm some looming, intimidating, inherently off-putting presence to everyone, but especially women.

>As a result, it's hard for me to be anything but withdrawn, which makes me act more cold and stiff, which end up making me seem more like all the things I'm afraid of being.

>It's a vicious cycle, and I've only been able to break out of it by being with friends when I'm out in public.


>Great article that isn’t talked about much.

>Boys born ~1998 and onwards have been subjected to endless amounts of messaging telling them they are scary, they are predators, they shouldn’t do this and can’t do that…

>As much as it sucks, I truly think young people, but especially boys, need to be given much more grace to make mistakes and learn how to go about meeting, approaching, and asking girls out. It is not some innate thing we should just understand, rather it’s an incredibly complex and ever changing social dance that will be difficult to learn.

>Nowadays, I think boys are being intimidated into not trying, leaving a huge number of boys like you described as the “polite horny teen” that have never and would never do anything to deliberately harm a woman, but they have no fricking clue how to go about it to begin with.


>I feel like I can relate to a lot, having a lot of feelings like that, but being terrified of them. I was around a lot of radfems/gender essentialists as a kid who taught me a lot of this stuff, and it's really hard to un-internalize. I fell into the right-wing pipeline as a teenager because I thought it would help me "get back" at all the women who viewed me as a predator as a kid, but I ultimately realized how harmful that stuff was, not just to other people but to myself, and now I feel... isolated. I am still ashamed of myself for having perfectly normal urges, and never harming anyone with them.


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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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