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r/Target [MEGATHREAD] Pride Fiasco 2023


:marseyjanny: starts us off

I don't agree with making this a megathread.

I understand we are a small mod team but this feels like giving in to the trolls if Im giving my honest opinion, because how can this possible be enforced unless we plan to now remove any pride related posts, even the positive ones because of the comments they will receive

I've never really gotten into how the moderation settings and tools work beyond using the basic removal and ban options, but if it is somehow possible I feel temporarily auto removing comments and posts from people with no history in the subbreddit would be a better option, similar to our union posting rules

I feel this would be very effective because nearly all the comments I have seen that needed removal were from outside users and not this subs typical base of Target workers

We could go through and approve comments on a case by case basis as we happen to see them while browsing

So many fricking long posts :marseylongpost:

u/JayUnderscore_ could you sticky a comment for me? Don't have to, but I'd appreciate it.

Heya, team. I comment on here a lot, and I do my best to be helpful - I try to relay stuff to team members, because I know communication breakdowns do a lot of damage. I'm a PML, and also a leader of the Pride+ Business Council.

I've given the Pride+ Business Council a LOT of feedback from store level, especially in the last few days. I've told them how I feel, and how some folks from my store feel, and I've given them some generalities from comments on here about the mood. I'm exhausted, pissed off, hurt, sad, betrayed, and feeling too many things to really process.

That being said, if you are okay with having comments pushed up to the business council, I would LOVE for you to respond to this with how you're feeling. They (the business council) doesn't have a lot of outlets for gaining insight from the team, and the boots-on-ground TMs are the ones who need our voices heard the most right now.

Edit: I don't have the mental energy to respond to everyone who's been commenting, but I've upvoted them. Thank y'all so much. A lot of the corporate TMs are incredibly invested in making sure we're okay out here in the field, and want to hear our voices. I've copied/pasted a lot/all the comments I've seen so far, and posted it on comms for them to read. I will continue to do so as people respond. Take care of each other, and we'll weather this storm.

Pride means not backing down.

Our value is far greater than the stock price of Target.

The corporate side of Target has shown through its recent actions that they don't actually care about LGBTQ staff or the community as a whole. They only care about the money they can make off the back of the Pride movement. By backing down instead of making moves to actually defend their staff, they have aligned Target with bigotry.

Total stock price death!

u/danyavich, your comments about feeling exhausted, pissed off, hurt, sad, and betrayed really echo how I'm feeling right now (and I'm sure that's how a LOT of us are feeling right now).

Pride is something that reinforces acceptance for the LGBTQ community. As a guy who grew up in the south, seeing pride merch in stores always gave me a small glimmer of hope that maybe one day I'd be able to live a life with my partner without fear. If a big store was selling pride stuff, it meant the social climate had shifted to the point where it was okay for the store to do that. That meant something to me. It also let me know who around me was definitely unsafe to come out to (based on comments regarding pride month/merch).

As a trans person, I also felt such joy this year and last year when I saw target carrying things like binders. I would have cried seeing something like that as a teen. That kind of accessibility for trans people - like selling safe ways to bind in one of the largest retail chains in the country - is honestly life saving. It made me feel good about Target compared to other retailers. It felt like Target actually cared.

Pride merch has a positive impact on people. Moving it has given fuel to right-wing outlets to claim that their hate against Target has resulted in another "victory."

I decided to work at Target because I knew they were inclusive and I felt like I would be safe working there. Moving the collection is a decision that has made me feel unsafe.

Target's mission is to help all families discover the joy of everyday life. I am not feeling that joy with Target's latest actions.

:marseytrain: :marseywords:

i work for Meijer and stand with you guys in solidarity. Sure they are looking for a way to push pride merch to the back of the store here again too . Stay strong and stay safe

checkout clerks of the world unite :marseyrevolution:

Does anyone know if Target gets a percentage of prescription sales from the CVS inside stores?

I ask because I’m no longer shopping at Target since they capitulated to the Christofascist terrorists and wanted to know if I need to switch pharmacies as well.

it's gonna be budlight 2.0 I can taste it

Target claims that they’re removing the items because of “violent threats from shoppers that make their employees fear for their safety”. Bullshit, Target. You’re just trying to make sure you don’t piss off the alphabet crew like bud light, so you’re trying to make it about self defense instead of losing billions.

The only "threats" I've seen is people saying they won't shop at Target anymore. That's how conservatives fight they just withhold their money .

Too true :soyjakanimeglasses:

Why make your sexuality the only personality you have? It's clear that society is starting to realize that if you pander to one group, you'll only push away all the others.

Go ahead and downvote. But just realize that target is a corporation that only cares about their bottom line and nothing more. If they really cared about the pride community, they would increase wages across the board.

You don’t work here, go away.


Nextdoor ( I know, not popular on Reddit) deleted my post stating that I would boycott. Nothing vulgar, or hateful. I had a lot of comments, but couldn't read any. Sure would have liked to know what my local community thought about it.

People like you are the reason an LGBTQ coworker of mine was harassed yesterday by a bigot.

Supporting a boycott is pushing the harmful rhetoric that is putting at risk the safety of people just trying to do our jobs.

Homophobia is hateful and vulgar. Please don’t bring it into my workplace.

OP has another post in their history implying the boycott is because target moved pride, not because target had pride in the first place.

Oh goodness!! I wish they had said that!

These people are beyond parody

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So weird to see every redditor instantly calling them terrorists over a boycott. Narrative setting is real

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Still mad about the wizard game boycott and I’m guessing finally coming to terms that Reddit isn’t the real world

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I guess BLM and BDS are terrorists after all

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it's enough to make a man seethe

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um sweaty there were chuds livestreaming their going around the store threatening hecking violence

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Stochastic terrorism is when something I don't like happens

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