Abusive antiwork brigading causes loving corporation to reach out to Grindmaxxing mods for a wellness check


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Isn't it nice that a friendly mega Corp like R-slurdit offers articles on crisis management so the people who manage their site for free don't suicide themselves and leave the company without the free labour they need to be profitable? That's so nice.

Also I'm wondering why the commie tards on that site haven't shit themselves in realization that their j-slurs work for free while capitalist scumbag spez makes 3000% more profit from their labour. Maybe we need to point this out to the good tankies and hope they form a union for their jannies.


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They would just pull out this and smugpost about how they owned you

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I’m thinking there may be some gas in stirring up the tankies. Consider Steve Huffman is worth 10mil. Alexis the same. They already do pay a roster of “admins” who are arguably just super jannies.

Mods are forced to delete content they don’t want to to satisfy ADVERTISERS who want to run ads on Reddit. Reddit is nothing without the mods but when mods want to have covid misinformation subs removed the ownership just poo poos them.

That capitalist scumbag Huffman is pulling in MILLIONS per year all thanks to the hundreds of moderators who work for FREE.

I think if done right we could stir up some shit. Consider the mods on the really big default subs who help generate millions in ad revenue. Now that they want the site to be a business they should be paying all those who help generate revenue.


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It might work. I think a lot of the commie jannies see it as doing their bit to usher in a communist revolution... Just like the Bolsheviks in 1917!

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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There's no ethical consumption under capitalism

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