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Least parasocial Jerma fan gets a WOMB TATTOO of their favorite Twitch streamer


I bet I'm the only person with a Jerma Womb tattoo


People wanted proof so here it is Yes it hurt and yes I get bitches marked nsfw bec the womb is a gray area lmao

Context: Jerma985 is a ex-Youtuber current Twitch streamer. He makes a very concerted effort to be inoffenssive, apolitcal, and doesn't really get involved in streamer drama so he's cultivated a fanbase of parasocial wholesome 100 Tumblreque types. Here's a good r/drama post about his run-ins with the trans community if you want to get what I'm talking about. If you want to know what a "womb tattoo" is (I didn't know either), this comment on the original drwawing of the tattoo explains is better than I ever could:

Had an idea for a Jerma-themed womb tattoo, thoughts?


For those confused, a womb tattoo is a tattoo you get on your abdomen where your womb would be that resembles a womb, popular in Japanese Doujins, mostly seen on succubi.

Now you might be wondering to yourself: "Surely this is fake, right? No one's r-slurred enough to get some weird hentai shit of a Twitch streamer put on their body?" And I'd be inclined to agree with you, but also everyone on Reddit is acting like it's real so in the spirit of blowing things out of proportion we should, too. Also, it's pretty weird either way, innit? You might also be thinking that that looks like a male abdomen, and how could a male get a "womb tattoo"? And I'd tell you to stop being transphobic

this is so true


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used to watch jermas yt vids back in the day glad that little nibba made it even if his fans are weird or whatever hes still gotta be loaded

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On the one hand he doesn't deserve the shitty neurodivergent audience, by all accounts he's a genuinely good person and I think he has a ton of talent

On the other hand these spergs are making him a millionaire

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He had an neurodivergent TF2 audience and they were pretty chill and funny before 2020. Then, presumably during the covid shit, half of them transitioned (as autists do) and he got more popular, a huge wave of r-slurs washed in from tumblr and twitter because they saw how "wholesome" and "lolrandom" Jerma is. I don't watch Jerma often anymore, except for his big 'event' streams, just because he's gone from being a genuine, relaxed personality to tip-toeing around minefields constantly. He avoids any possible controversial topic now, or anything that might make him seem 'unwholesome'.

I miss comfy pre-2020 Jerma streams.

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He doesn’t deserve those autists! He deserves normal fans like me :marseyclueless:

Oy vey.

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No, he deserves better than me. I don't give him any money and block all ads :marseycool:

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he doesn't deserve the shitty neurodivergent audience

I'm not really familiar with the guy but he absolutely could get rid of them if he had any balls or spine. How you act attracts certain people, if he has wholesum 100, family friendly, quirky, non confrontational persona of course he's flooded with neurodivergent hypersensitve zoomers. Drop a couple of hard r's (not that one, the other one), ban obnoxious people, and voila the zoomers are gone.

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He doesn't have the heart for that, he's a just a swell guy. Frankly if he went full Michael Richards he wouldn't have any audience left.

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they arent half as bad as the average tf2 player

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Isn't Jerma the guy that used to make TF2 videos back in 2010? :marseyclueless:

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yes. he made the mistake of letting the autism ferment for a decade and a half

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Funny watching his old videos with STAR_ and seeing how much their paths diverged

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Jerma kept having fun and doing his thing while ster got depressed, angry and became extremely sensitive to criticism. Ster made better videos by far, but he just stopped doing them.

I think streaming as a platform just mixed better with Jerma's personality. Star can't be "on" for entire streams nor can he keep a consistent schedule. I tried watching a few ster streams during lockdown, half the time it seemed like he hated doing it.

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Loved his yt arc, and even up until when I last watched him (like 2 years ago) the man is an honest to god entertainer

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