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for those who have their gender validated or intensified while drinking energy drinks.

Its a corporate psyop to sell shit, how can anyone not see this whole woke movement is a fricking transparent marketing gimmick to shift the blame away from exploitative and corrupt plutocrats and convince people to buy a bunch of lgbtq branded product, their basically tea-bagging us with it now, WHY IS EVERYONE SO R-SLURRED!?

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Based and stupidpol is right pilled.

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If you can set your clock by anything then its the worst doom posting of 4chan and stupidpol to turn out to be reality.

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Its called being a decent fricking human being! :soyjak:

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It's bizzare to think that the writers on "LGBTA Wiki" are the most advanced scholarly minds on gender. Everything they say is law. They decide who is an who isn't valid.

I guarentee most of the senior mods are fat :!marseytrain:s trying to groom the zoomers who want attention because their only personality trait is liking monster.

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