EFFORTPOST The Dog Question

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The phrase “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” has Biblical origins, with the Gospel of Matthew 7:15 reading: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” As the idiom implies, one should be wary of those who pose as harmless when they are in fact predatory. Beyond its Biblical context, the lesson has implications in daily life, as it instructs one to be discerning regarding who and what one allows into one’s life. Importantly, the idiom stresses that one should not rely on looks to make judgments, as they can be misleading.

In nature, there are several instances of animals who attempt to be “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. This is a tactic known as aggressive mimicry, and it involves animals attempting to look harmless to prevent being detected as predators. The zone-tailed hawk, for instance, resembles the turkey vulture when in flight. It flies among them, lulling its prey into a false sense of confidence until it is close enough to strike.

As a whole, humans are wise enough to not go near wolves. Their visual appearance is frightening enough. Their perky ears remind one that they are alert predators with keen senses, and their yellow eyes carry no warmth. With their intimidating size and massive jaws, it is clear that they are carnivorous beasts that are not to be trifled with.

In contrast, the domesticated dog has floppy ears, large eyes like a newborn human baby, and a rounded forehead. Many have shortened muzzles and curly tails, and they retain puppy-like behaviour for their whole lives. Consequently, it is dogs and not wolves that have earned the title of “furbaby”, and it is a common belief that the dog is an animal that is suitable to bring into the home and around one’s young offspring.

When comparing the dog and wolf, it is worthwhile to ask which one regularly harms humans. In the past century, there have been two fatal wolf attacks on humans in North America. In contrast, dogs have caused 279 human deaths between 1979 and 1994 in the USA alone. Dogs savage humans far more than wolves, yet it is the dog that is treated as the kind one. It hides behind the innocence of its appearance. The dog is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

A Man's Best Friend

“A Diamond is Forever” is a marketing slogan used by De Beers for decades to sell precious minerals. As De Beers summarises, the phrase “encapsulates the security and eternal romance that comes with owning a diamond and it marks the sentiment of responsibility and commitment between two people”. With four words, De Beers has been able to permanently entangle the concept of love with diamonds.

As many are well aware, the value of diamonds is artificial, and there is no real connection between diamonds and love. Buying a diamond for your spouse does not demonstrate your love, nor does it guarantee that the love will last forever. Nevertheless, through the power of marketing, the phrase persists as a truism that continues to influence society in drastic ways.

The modern man thinks of himself as quite clever to see through the trickery of the slogan “a diamond is forever”. However, the general public remains mostly accepting of a similarly baseless truism – “a dog is a man’s best friend”. It is an easy belief to accept, as humans have been living alongside dogs for centuries. When the phrase is used by the pet industry, it denotes something entirely different. It is meant to imply that dogs are a part of the family; that they go beyond working animals and can live beside our young and in our homes. It implies that dogs can be integrated into all aspects of human life.

There is a marked attempt to keep this big lie alive, and the drive is particularly strong in the West. Once one notices it, it is impossible to not notice it any longer. Time and time again, dogs are portrayed as loving, loyal animals. In popular media, it is not uncommon for dogs to be heroic characters strategically used to garner sympathy from the audience. Paw Patrol, Marley & Me, Bolt, Eight Below, the list goes on. Sickeningly, the majority of these films are marketed towards children, who are primary victims of dog attacks.

Pray tell, what kind of friend sends at least a thousand Americans to the emergency room daily? Is it acceptable for friends to attack 4.7 million Americans yearly? Do friends maul your offspring unprovoked out of jealousy?

Let us compare the dog to other common suburban pets. Dogs bite, disfigure, and kill our young daily, yet we feed and house them. Far from being friends, they are ungrateful, contemptuous creatures that have waged war against us for centuries:

>The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates half of all children 12 years-of-age and under have been bitten by a dog.

>The vast majority of dog bites are from a dog that the child is acquainted with - his or her own, a neighbour’s, or a friend’s dog.

>79% of fatal dog attacks are on children.

>Even small breeds such as Dachshunds and Pomeranians have attacked children resulting in fatalities.

No other pets pose these risks to us. No other pet will attack half the population, target children, and fill up hospitals daily. Cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, none of these pets popular in residential areas maul children. Only one animal does this. Dogs are not man’s best friend. Compared to the rest of our animal companions, they are man's worst enemy.

Bite the hand that feeds you

As part of the dog propaganda machine, there has been a concerted effort to conceal the dog bite epidemic. So strong is the dog propaganda machine that children, the primary victims of dogs, are the demographic most likely to desire one in their home. Children are not born loving dogs – this is the product of years of Courage the Cowardly Dog, Scooby Doo, and the rest of the dog propaganda that has normalized the idea of dogs in the home. With these propaganda pieces, dogs are anthropomorphised and given human voices and emotions, convincing children that dogs are something other than bestial predators with high predatory drives. These beliefs are carried into adulthood, and by that time they have been held for so long that they are seldom questioned.

However, much like one stepping out from an ultra-religious family or an extremist political movement, once one recognises the glaring flaws of one’s beliefs, slowly but surely, a sense of shame creeps in as one realises what a ridiculous meme one had been a victim of. To unstick oneself from the dogist meme, there are few cowtools more powerful than raw numbers. When attempting to portray dogs as harmless, dogists will often focus on a single statistic – deaths. Dogs are responsible for about 30-50 deaths in the USA yearly. The argument made is that this is a relatively small number, and that such anomalies can be prevented by practicing dog safety.

Firstly, it should be noted that the majority of the deaths are children. This cannot be ignored, nor can it be understated. Dog victims are almost always children. Secondly, contrary to popular belief, most dog attacks are unprovoked. In many cases, the victim is not even aware that the dog is around. Alternatively, what is considered “provocation” is regular human behaviour, such as a baby crying or squealing, or a child running, or, heaven forbid, walking near the dog while it is eating.

Most importantly, focusing on deaths allows dogists to ignore the terrible non-fatal effects of dog attacks, including disfigurements, psychological trauma, and lifelong injuries that leave victims disabled. There is also a high pathogenic risk that comes from dogs, as they are the primary transmitters of rabies to humans. One in five dog bites become infected.

So how many people are bitten by dogs? It is impossible to know. A survey done in Pennsylvania revealed that the rate of dog bites was 36 times higher than what was reported to authorities. It’s in a dog owner’s best interest to not report dog bites and to try their best to not visit a hospital to treat wounds, especially in USA where healthcare costs are exorbitant. Consequently, dogs continually bite the hand that feeds them, and the true statistics are never captured.

The question sincere dogists are always left asking after their dog attacks is why? After being fed and treated well its entire life, why would the dog suddenly snap? The answer, more often than not, is predatory drift. Regardless of how much training a dog has, it is still liable to predatory drift. This cannot be trained out of a dog because it is part of its core instincts it inherited from wolves. You cannot predict when it will happen, and even the most loving dog can go into predatory drift:

>Predatory drift is a glitch in a dog's prey drive that causes a dog to display predatory behaviour. The dog tries to stop an agitated, squirming, squealing, running thing from moving and, unfortunately, this involves using its mouth and teeth.

Dogs will be dogs.

Protect and Serve

Of all dogs, it is the police dog that is treated with the most nobility. They’re viewed as heroic, selfless, disciplined, and brave. To interfere with them is a crime, and they receive respect almost on par with their human counterparts.

Police dogs should be abolished immediately. Setting an animal on a human being is unnecessarily degrading and inhumane, and it should not be a routine form of aggression used by law enforcement. It is essentially turning the other person into the prey of a dog. In those moments, the victim is less than a dog, and they are brutalized in an animalistic manner. This barbaric use of dogs is done specifically to degrade the victim and strip them of their dignity, and such tactics are cruel and unusual and have no place in law enforcement. Cops should not get to set dogs on unarmed, non-violent crimes. A dog bite from a German Shepherd results in lifelong disfigurements and permanent injuries. This is a disproportional response.

>An extensive investigation led by the Marshall Project last year examining more than 150 severe bites found almost none of the victims were armed and most were suspected of low-level, non-violent crimes. Some were innocent bystanders. Among those cases are an Arizona man whose face was bitten off, and a 51-year-old man who committed no crime but was mauled to death in Alabama when a dog tore an artery in his groin.

Police are not training cats to do this. Nor are they training pigs, goats, or donkeys. Just dogs. They are uniquely suited for the task of human torture. They have no sense of right and wrong, and they easily are taught to attack innocent, helpless individuals.

>Laureen Frausto was sleeping in an abandoned West Covina, California, post office two years ago when she woke up to a police dog mauling her arm, according to a lawsuit Lacy filed. The dog allegedly dragged her more than 40 feet while officers asked her questions. Frausto underwent four surgeries, lost function in her left arm and hand, and was left with permanent deformities

Look into your heart and tell me that is a proportional response to a homeless person sleeping in a post office. They also attack innocent people, because dogs cannot understand human affairs and discern between suspects and innocent people.

>Desiree Collins sued the city of St. Paul after a dog latched onto her elbow as she was taking out her garbage in the morning while police were out looking for someone else.

Frank Baker, a Black man, was not suspected of any crime when he was brutally attacked by a police dog in 2016 while a cop kicked him in the ribs.

Enough. This needs to be put to a stop.

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Even small breeds such as Dachshunds and Pomeranians have attacked children resulting in fatalities


The source is pitbull advocate

Even small breeds such as Dachshunds and Pomeranians have attacked children resulting in fatalities. said Kris Crawford, Kristine Crawford of For Pits Sake


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>A dachshund that police said dragged a 6-week-old baby from his playpen and mauled him was put to death yesterday, St. Mary's County animal control officials said, ending a 10-day effort by the breed's admirers to save the tiny dog.

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6-week old baby survived though.

>Andrew was in critical condition for several days, but his condition is now fair, a hospital spokesman said.

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I probably spent over $400 on this website and generated so much traffic from ops that go million sub youtube accounts but some mod showed their butthole on the Reddit subreddit 6 years ago and because of that they have say in who can be a moderator or not and got mad because I removed comments from someone that was exposing a secret and then kept reinstating it because “haha I'm annoying XD that's my only personality trait”

Also the creator of this website is the biggest spineless user I've ever met. “Nooo I just wanna code I will have a mental breakdown if I have to make a decision”.

Frick this website. No loyalty here whatsoever.

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