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Child molesting rightoids discuss rDrama and the AHS/FBI connection



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He's 100% a troll, and I doubt that he actually is a glowie. More like a loser who wastes time online trying to bait reactions.


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Say what you want about rightoids, but they generally give more realistic assessments of their adversaries.

A leftoid would've spun some grand tale to make us look comically evil even though half of this place is jaded leftists that resent what their ideology has been reduced to.

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Say what you want about rightoids, but they give more realistic assessments of their adversaries.

You clearly haven't read that thread. It's one of the most delusional pieces of nonsense I have ever read. They call him a glowπŸ€ (repeatedly), suggest that drama and AHS are the same crowd (never mind that AHS hates us far more than any other group still partially on reddit), and think that carp spend months researching loli porn on their site to attack a "prominent user" (instead of just clicking on the tag).

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I maintain my point that those assessments are GENERALLY more accurate than an AHS dingus calling our bussy fan community whatever feckless synonym of "homophobic" they can come up with.

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Really? It's GENERALLY more accurate to suggest that we're antifa glowie wreckers in cahoots with AHS?

God darn you're r-slurred. You'd fit right in with those people...


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Hey man as a both sides suck guy imma step in here and say this: @Infidel clearly was referring to the specific comment I qouted not the overall thread. Kinda weird that some of us sperged out over it and really read way too much into what he said.

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At first he was, which is why I just tried to correct him by pointing out the whole thread. He then doubled down. It's just two days of saying "trans lives matter" anyway...

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God I hate jannies so much. You are not special. Your opinion is not more valuable than anyone else's. His opinion doesn't need to be "corrected" by you, you smug commie SRDine frick.

Trans lives matter to disgusting subhuman janoid scum like you, which is typical.

Go back to reddit, please.

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God darn you're an imbecile. Literally a mirror image of a SRDine, except they at least have an excuse for short-circuiting every time they encounter someone arguing against their points that doesn't fit their black-and-white worldview - their ideology specifically forbids interacting with hostiles. You have had like three dozen accounts here already, though, and should probably know better, yet you don't.

Your opinion is not more valuable than anyone else's.

I didn't present an opinion. I stated facts - go search for mentions of "/r/drama" on AHS, you'll see how much they are like us and how much they love us.

you smug commie SRDine frick.

Literally banned from SRD and got their jannies so bussy-blasted, that they snitched on me to reddit gigajannies.

Go back to reddit, please.

No. You should, however, go back to /pol/ or wherever it is that you usually seethe at, because my tolerance for your returns is starting to wear thin. If you think you aren't shadobanned on sight because you're slick or something and we can't figure out who you are - you're mistaken. I just have a ridiculously big heart and keep hoping for the best.

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Seethe lol

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I guess I'm sorry for helping instigate an actually dramatic thread here for once. Trans lives matter.

I suppose I couldput pizzashill im daceapp, talk about how many coins LLM has, or shitpost about some other minor r/Drama celebrity.

[Im not even gonna bother to proofread this because my screen is covered in spiders]

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It's only two days, you'll make it :marseythumbsup:

PS. We're all for actually dramatic threads. Circlejerking about evil leftoids on a post about rightoids being insane isn't really the way to do it, though - like half the site is full of that already with no jannie interference whatsoever. It doesn't need to also be the case on the few rightoid drama posts that we get a week, does it?

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Thank you, it's okay. In the name of drama, I shall hold my head high in the face of this wrongful persecution.


Trans lives matter

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Don't worry, that janny is r-slurred. But he's our janny. And he does it for free

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On AHS there’s often someone saying that trolls are just in it for reactions too.

The real difference is that on AHS they get downmarseyd and told that ironic β€œbigotry” is still bigotry, while rightoids accept that they’re a troll but continue to call them Antifa train communists.

So at the end of the day, not much difference.

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>enjoys censoring
>tranny lover

Yeah I'm thinking we got an AHScel over here boys

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Yeah a :marseytrain: lover who jannied superstraight, makes sense lol

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AJAB and AJAT no exceptions srry

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The :marseytrain: lover is me, not him

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Literally all jannies are or love :!marseytrain:s. It's a prerequisite for the job

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Jans mad (x24)

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Jans mad (x25)


Trans lives mattering is what jannies actually believe

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Trans lives mattering is what j-slurs actually believe


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Trans lives fricking matter, bigot!


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You and @Infidel can be buddies. Are you going to do the alt dance again?

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"Trans lives matter. Also, I have a 2 inch peepee and I love reddit. Get agendapostered, chud!!!!"

  • JimieWhales, 2021
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I see an important difference though: nobody attacks reasonable guys in that thread, while ahscels would treat any suggestion that maybe we aren't Nazis as Nazi apologetics, resulting in maybe slightly less insane but much more uniformly insane discussion.

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Oh look there's a giant sneedout below over this comment :marseysmug:

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We? Absolutely not. You? Yes, absolutely.

Yes, it's a well-known fact that AHS just loves me. They'll make me a janny on their sub any day now!

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No, I meant you're a glowie. Thats why you got me marked as an agenda poster for daring to call out your CIA affiliation.

Now the servers are fricking up because I have put a curse on you and Quadnarca.

Trans lives matter.

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He's more a :marseycomrade: :marseyglow: than a :marseypatriot: :marseyglow:.

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Hi @Infidel,

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:marseylaugh: :marseymcarthur: :marseylaugh:

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(never mind that AHS hates us far more than any other group still partially on reddit)

Thanks to some brilliant work of MasterLawlz, I think SRD might top that list.

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I guess I wasn't clear - I meant that AHS hates us more than any other sub/demographic, not that we're hated more by AHS than anyone else.

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Say what you want about rightoids, but they generally give more realistic assessments of their adversaries.

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lets block out the sun

This but unironicallly. Make the whole world a snowy paradise inshallah

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Well yeah, it's foolish to assume that liberals would propose a solution to any of the problems they b-word about

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What problems? Liberals have stayed winning for the last 100 years. Every hand is aces for liberals in 2021.


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Hi @Infidel,

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lol blacked

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How can I get this to happen to my posts? What is the trigger?

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Agendaposter theme. You need to seethepost a bunch about πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒs or πŸ€s, and one of the jannies will oblige. If you want - I can give it to you for free :marseyshrug:

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half of this place is jaded leftists that resent what their ideology has been reduced to

Someone finally hurt me with their words

:marseycry: :marseycope:

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rightoids ... they generally give more realistic assessments of their adversaries.

They're speculating that he's an FBI glow-negro / antifa organizer / censorist / troll / trans person all at they same time. They're paranoid fricks that can't for a moment not believe that everything they read on the interwebs is true.

:marseyglow: ? :marseyfbi: ? :marseytroll: ?

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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They're speculating that he's an FBI glow-negro / antifa organizer / censorist / troll / trans person all at they same time.

Nah that's just what they call anyone that they disagree with in general. It's been that way on the chans for years, only thing missing is "shill".

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jaded leftists that resent what their ideology has been reduced to.

:marseypat: :marseylaugh:

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Leftoids (well, the reddit kind, at least) would have said "he's probably a troll but that doesn't mean he's not serious" before dilating and seething.

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Yeah but rightoids talk about interdimensional energy vampires and breakaway civilizations run by lizard people and underground NWO/Chinese armies connecting closed Wal-Marts.

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Are you really pretending rightoids didn't come up with giant child molesting blood sucking cabals to explain why they lost elections?

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This, but unronically.

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A toxic character indeed.

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