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The Korean gender war moves into a gacha game because the company decides not to make swimsuit costumes for their coomer fans :marseycoomer3:


Summary from what i understand

1. there was no coomer gacha unit released for this event

2. :marseychingchong: got pissed and started digging every single employees twitter history to find anything that could piss people off :marseymoidmoment:

3. they find a artist who posted apparently radical feminist shit on twitter like 5 years ago

4. a bunch of :marseyjoseon: goes to their office locations to protest

5. the company fires the chick

6. redditors seethe that the incels have won :marseyitsover:


Tons of seethe over the korean incels here

I think the worst part is that now there's precedence that going up to the company irl and threatening them will create changes. Everyone might be like "lol incels what are they going to do to you" but it genuinely is scary in Korea to have three grown men sit outside your building when you consider those people have had military experience before. I fricking hate that the biggest W was for these people and literally every single other fan demographic has to suffer as a consequence. There are a ton of unreleased art from the TGS promo that now will get removed from the game.

Also, imagine the people working under Ji-hoon now after this. They all decided together to get this illustrator on the team and Ji-hoon chose to fire her for something she did 4 years ago. Wouldn't all this create some distrust within the company?

but westoids get fired for shit they said years ago too :#marseyhmm:


korean incels having a little baby tantrum that this artist posted “feminist” tweets 3 years ago which were deleted a while ago, angry sinclair is in a choker and Ishmael is not in a bikini and have been review bombing the game

the feminist tweet being "i wish you die miserably" with a korean man for the image :#marseykneel:


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Time and time again people dig up things from the past, SHIT FROM YEARS AGO THAT THE OFFENDING PARTY DELETED ON THEIR FEED, accuse them of all sorts of misconducts, and bully the company that employs them until they acquiesce.



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I love when Westoids find Korean incel vs feminazi drama. It makes Mayo Culture War look weak and gay.

Both sides absolutely go apeshit in the culture war because they absolutely target each other IRL and try to drive both sides into suicide. Revenge porn is crazy high.

There was a bounty for incels to upskirt uppity feminists and find leaked nudes so they could harass them IRL with, and the feminazis conversely try to get peepee pics from incels so they can also harass them IRL.

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I've once or twice checked forums of main radfem groups from worst Korea

Lots of talks about wanting to kill gay dudes there...

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I'd argue that the incels are more open to LGBTs than the radfems.

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Wouldn't go that far but lol, all those people ranting about incels?

Yes, that woman got fired by incels for 5 year old tweets

'never happened to a dude on Twitter before lol'

But while they are only mentioning that woman who was fired is a feminist, they somehow forget to mention that same woman supports a very special korean radfem group who wants to kill all other queer minorities, except radfem lesbians.

And they say only rightoids and incels do selective memory bullshit.

Surely femcels would never send death treats to a game dev or a cartoon creators over fanservice

Oh wait...Voltron, Stevens Universe, Adventure time...

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>They somehow forget to mention that same woman supports a very special korean radfem group who wants to kill all other queer minorities, except radfem lesbians

That's the South Korean culture gap I was talkin about, their feminists are fricking whacky real cultists instead of just larping and shoving Yoni eggs up their kitties.

In other words, they're baseder then ours in the west.

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The more I read the more based they are.

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You have to understand that gay and bi are below lesbians in leftard hierarchy.

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Another day straggot foids mad that they can't sexually control non straggot moids.

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God I need more Korea drama, the extent of my knowledge is a president got impeached or forced to resign for being a part of a feminist cult or something (Megala?). I know that rabbit hole must go deep as frick but not enough people bridge that culture gap.

Uhh to stay on topic for the thread I'm still mad Project Moon went the gacha game route , Lob Corp and Ruina are fun as frick, the former being more interesting than the latter.

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Honestly @Redactor0 might be closer to ground on gook drama. I only hear the big stuff.

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Nah, it was a religious cult, nothing to do with feminism, the feminist cult part probably comes from a weird intermixing of the conspiracy theory from before she got impeached and the actual thing that happened. The wildest part of the whole impeachment is that the cult leader was bribed by the FSO (Future Strategy Office, Samsung intelligence agency) to convince the president, who controls the public pension system that owns a decent portion of samsung stock, to agree to a merger as part of the new Lee family head's succession to the samsung chair.

Also limbus is great. It's not what you usually expect from a gacha game, there's no gambling or fomo or credit card swiping. You pay 30-40$ a year for season passes and you can farm out all the characters by doing dailies, you're not meant to pull them.

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Well Gacha route is more profitable, pretty sure just these 2 seasons made more money than Lob Corp and Ruina combined.

And let's not pretend there's no drama from the previous game. 9/11 and Keter Realization, anyone?

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Those were purely gameplay issues that didn't have culture war implications (also, mostly foreign seethe from chinks). 9/11 was also hilarious.

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>9/11 and Keter Realization,

Explain? What happened?

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Library of Ruina was originally an Early Access game, multiple mechanics were refined and/or removed. On the 9/11 update they removed the key page exp grind and replace it with passive stacking.

The majority of the player was fine with the grind removal ( except for the Chink cause grinding is coded in their blood), however passive stacking broke the balance completely. The update was reverted very quickly.

Keter Realization

Originally the game had an ending with a teaser for this game, but no Keter Realization (basically an extremely hard boss rush). Chink and Gooks were unhappy with the ending, thinking it was a cash grab move, so review bombing and death threat were sent.

So what did the dev do? REMOVE THE ENDING ENTIRELY, and replaced it with a different ending and finally releasing the Realization. Needless the say, not everyone is happy.

Basically the moral of the story is, if you play a Gook game with continuous updates, prepare for unending seethes.


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Why they so mad over a bad update? The company is very receptive to player feedback as far as I can tell, why is all the seethe and review bombing necessary? It's not like something like war thunder increasing repair costs or something, the company will listen if players express being upset.

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For the 9/11 update, gooks and chinks who grinded thought that their time of grinding was wasted, even though it was a single player game. The passive stacking update that breaks the balance wasn't quite as egregious.

As for the ending, I guess they though the teaser ending was a cash grab way to introduce Limbus, and was too rushed.

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Crazy korean incels remind me of the time when korean esports fans hired a truck with text on it demanding that coaches step down from their favorite team lmao


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They literally did that again 2 weeks ago.

It happens at least once a month.

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Fakers hand better heal by tomorrow.

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There was a bounty for incels to upskirt uppity feminists and find leaked nudes so they could harass them IRL with, and the feminazis conversely try to get peepee pics from incels so they can also harass them IRL.

it kinda sounds like they are all thirsty af and should just hatefrick

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There was a bounty for incels to upskirt uppity feminists and find leaked nudes so they could harass them IRL with, and the feminazis conversely try to get peepee pics from incels so they can also harass them IRL.

This is only a problem if you're ugly or have a small peepee. Otherwise you can just laugh it off.

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Too bad us gook have paper thin skin like the Chinks.

Just doing the peepee small hand gesture is enough to cause incels to chimp out.

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Oh, I forgot that we were talking about a group that is 90% ugly people with small peepees.

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From what I can tell, Korean feminazi is truly an unpleasant bunch, and they are a match made in heck with the Korean men.

East Asian gender conflict is really something to behold.

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Most healthy gender relations

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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How is there a sub for "gachagaming".... they don't even like a specific one and are just addicted to coombling? (Coomer gambling, obviously :marseycoomer::marseygambling: )

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Because most gacha aren't popular in the west and thus not big enough to have an active sub (and most the more active subs are filled with shitty fan art and comics) so it was made as a central hub with a focus on news.

The reality of the sub though is similar to /r/livestreamfails where it's more about drama in the community than anything else.

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That makes sense

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!slots 111


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!sd marsey addicted to heroine

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I wanna kill all those misogynist incels. The fact that the company yielded to the demands of the incels and fired her is a disgrace.

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Women are inherently more powerful and more resilient than men and were created to lead and rule the world. Men are created to help and serve women. They're tools. You can find many examples of this in nature too. Plus the older men get the more they agree that this is the truth of life. Like wiser men will agree with what I just said and they understand that they're nothing in comparison to women in terms of inner power. It's only the stupid young ones that will argue and accuse me being anti-men. The world is not operating on its original mode. Women are wolves wolfthey need to reclaim their inner power. This world should revolve around women.





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:derpsnickering: :mars#eysoypoint:


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This is weak sauce gender war nonsense. It’s almost burger tier. Sometime before Covid it felt like the moids were flipping out and getting bitches fired over a pinch emoji. This is lame by comparison.


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The thing is this kind of thing is so bizarre to a westoid like me and so unacceptable. In the west most devs are insane ideologues for any old meaningless lefty activism. They will justify getting rid of an afro comb in a coomer game like Skullgirls. Then you have korea which is not only the opposite but way more extreme. I cant imagine a dev listening to these kind of people, and the idea they have the power in this kind of scenario is unnacceptable because this isnt a balanced scenario but people will want this. Lefty bullshit is bad but at least it’s not coomers getting you fired for not making bikini skins

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As a loyal member of the cult of Project Moon allow me to say gacha is a mistake that brought in the lowest of the low common denominator into the fan base. And any new fan that expected PM to actually to sexy swimsuits is r-slurred.

Also the Chinese have been a continuing blight on PM as well, this is not the first time they have done this. PM’s last game (not a gacha) ended a bit ubruptly and the Chinese players review bombed (repeating tactic it seems) and sent death threats to the devs until they changed it. Because of this PM banned the gacha game in china but the Chinese are using VPNs to playing and caused drama early in the gacha game because the VPN broke some game functionality and allowed the Chinese players to dupe rewards. Since the Chinese duped rewards there was some uproar in the jap and Korean communities until they gave them some extra rolls on the gacha as a gift.

Now this happens. If I was PM I would release a Chinese version of the game that is infected with malware and bricks their phone and PC by “accident”. They just causing problems with everything they do, I’m not sure why they are so neurodivergent about this game

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I remember reading a few effort posts in the past talking about Chinese g*mers and how prone they are to review bombing anything that even remotely upsets them. Very dramatic demographic. Such a shame Western g*mers are spineless cucks.

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PM didn't release the game in China because government didn't approve it, not because of the review bombing. That would require them to have a spine sadly.

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I read about 75% of this and didn't understand a thing, what a great feeling :marseysalat:

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@Slimbo have I misread the subreddit and that game art examples I found and made false conclusions that this game features lots of fanservice for yaoi loving women?

If so, please correct me, because I'll need to edit few of my comments

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The attractive males not supposed to be fanservice for the yaoi women nor is the attractive females fanservice for the men.

PM just makes hot characters, and I support them in their “no uggo”’s based art direction. Most of these characters get brutally killed and dismembered as well, the game is not sexual at all and based mostly around all of these people suffering as much as possible

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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you really can't make this shit up. Imagine seething over a game and getting someone fired because you are an unemployed incel. Spend less time jerking off to 2d pixels, and more time on indeed.com, clown. :marseysad:

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I didn't even know this was a gacha game until this drama. I kept seeing these threads on /v/ catalog but assumed it's just some shitty indie flavor of the month game.

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You're not wrong still.

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Korea is such a hellhole :marseydisagree:

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Everyday I wake up, I thank Buddha for not making me Korean.

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You just have to be proactive and kill the scrotes that get big ideas like that

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As a player, I'm not really seething at anyone in particular, but I am quite upset and annoyed at the whole situation. Who protests a company over a single low level employee's political beliefs? Now the relationship between player and the company is pretty heavily damaged. The :marseyjoseon: started review bombing the game over stupid shit and now that the company solved their complaints there are :marseyburger: review bombing for the opposite reason. This doesn't hurt anyone except the future of the game. I just want to play the game... so tiresome. Are they going to pull this shit every major update?

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