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You guys see this shit?


Idk if plebs can see that chart, lmk if not.

In related news, we have:

16,042 threads


3,221,932 dramacoin in circulation

3,558,161 total votes

Crazy. It's been like 4.5 months. 3 months since the mass migration.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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where's the rdrama crytocurrency scam?


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Want to buy my Marsey NFT futures? Where you give me money and I promise to deliver Marsey NFTs at some time in the future. Then you can sell those futures to two other people. And those two people can sell to four people, then eight, then sixteen, etc... As long as everyone involved sells to someone else, I never have to deliver the NFT.

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Literally cannot go tits up

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