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:marseykink: redditor finds out boyfriend is a chaser and pays for trans onlyfan content and more :marseypopcorntime:


10 month old account but it's the user's first post so there's a little sus but from her comments and response it looks legit :marseyhmm:

I first want to say I didn’t look through his phone. I was helping him with expenses and saw onlyfans charges and this is when he came clean about the trans fetish and showed me his account and that’s when I found the messages. I do not care about the type of porn he is watching. I understand it is normal and that trans women are women. I am not judging him in any way. I obviously initially had some questions about what this means about his sexuality and if being with a cis gendered woman is really what he wants deep down. If this is just a fantasy or something more serious for him.

He said he has never actually engaged in this type of s*x but he does ask me to use a strap on which I don’t love but I want to make him happy.

I understand lots of straight men are interested in this type of porn. What I’m upset about is the messaging. He wasn’t trying to meet up with any women just more along the lines of calling them gorgeous, flirting etc. I am hurt that he is messaging other women. We also have s*x everyday sometimes even more than that so I don’t really see the need to be fulfilling himself elsewhere. Im angry over the messages but he is carrying so much shame and embarrassment over this I don’t wanna traumatize him and make him feel like being attracted to trans women is something to be ashamed of and hide that part of him even more. Is there anyone with experience with this who can give me some advice? I am really hurt, confused and struggling to digest this all.

I will share that I was super into trans porn from about 13 to a few month ago (I'm 33) and then came to realize that I'm looking at them bc of admiration and awe. Well long story short, I realized I'm actually trans myself (started transitioning and all that) and as soon as that occurred the "fetish" subsided to almost nothing. Turns out I was probably just super jealous. Not saying this is the reason your bf is into it. For most men it is a fetish but wanted to share that perspective bc I thought u may find it interesting.

Just curious, did you imagine yourself as the trans girl? I’ve always imagined myself as a trans woman, whether in my fantasies or watching trans porn. I’ve seen a lot of posts about people being disgusted with trans porn, and I understand why, but it’s the only thing I’ve been into and it’s the only way of exploring my sexuality, not having had s*x. It’s led to where I am currently and that’s questioning.

Extremely high s*x drive is another flag. I don’t know why, but my trans-dar is tingling on this one. It’s worth a deeper discussion.

Now with his shame and embarrassement, I'm going to speak from personal experience. I too watched a lot of transgender porn, and I always felt a certain shame afterwards. It made me question myself a lot, and I'd deny myself the opportunity to ask those questions which led to more embarrassement. I'm not saying this is necessarily the case with your SO, but it might not be unthinkable that there's some similair reason for his embarrassement. Watching trans porn isn't necessarily hetero normative, so to say. (Not saying he's gay or anything btw)

lol redditor think it's normal and fine

I kindly disagree with this. I think its all about the intention of texting. I.e. If he is texting to a female friend in a non sexual contexg it would be no problem. Question is, why did he text other girls? He doesnt intend to meet them so its not necessarily physical s*x he is after. And if he is only vomplimenting them its also no personal/ intellectual connection. My bet is, the texting is just a more direct form of affirmation of his sexual interest in the whole transeomen porn thing. Anyway i think the important point is to figure out what his intention really was.



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He said he has never actually engaged in this type of s*x but he does ask me to use a strap on which I don’t love but I want to make him happy

Only a matter of time now :marseytrans2:

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