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I can't be arsed to read all of that. Are the admins seriously saying that more removals = good? J-slurs burning a thread the second anything interesting happens isn't what I'd consider a sign of a good subreddit.

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Are the admins seriously saying that more removals = good?

This should only be a question if you haven't used the internet since like 2016. Its a generic sentiment, but most people engaged in any ideological tomfoolery view "removals" as a good thing. Id say "censorship" but 90 percent of the rightoids I've ran into on the internet ban me for saying generic leftist garbage. Its not just reddit, its everywhere.

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Thats true, but it depends on the ideology in question. Rightoids certainly don't ban over financial legal stuff. Neolibs (reddit) do for sure. Different flavors of hypocrisy, but its irrelevant to me.

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I setup a bait sub last week and it asked a bunch of stupid questions about content. Apparently having a discussion about guns as a consoomer is A-OK but discussing guns as a sport or hobby marks the sub as Adult Content 18+

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Not "good" but "advertiser friendly"

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