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EFFORTPOST Ultra turbo :soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soycry::soymad::soyreddit: soys sneed and screed over a fictional image in r/Grimdank :marsey40k::marsey40k::marsey40k:





Warhammer 40k is a fictional dramatic opera about genocide :marseyalienannoyedgenocide::marseyalienannoyedgenocide::marseyalienannoyedgenocide: and superhuman :daddysgirlgenocide: daddy issues. In 40k future humanity, after a lot of catastrophic galaxy-wide wars have regressed from a star trek Utopia back into a ultra totalitarian religious dictatorship, where all of humanity worships (or is forced to worship by pain of genocide) the comatose corpse of the God-Emperor sitting on a giant hospital ventilator. Everything sux and is mega dystopian, and traitors (rebels/dissidents) are called synonemously as heretics, so show how entrenched emperor worship is.

The main thing putting 40k universe apart from all the other Starshit nerd franchises is the perpetual genocides, and specifically the XENOPHOBIA :marseyscared::marseyscared::marseyscream::marseyscream: Humanity hates all other sentient life and aliens, and are prone to genocide :marseyalien::marseyaliengenocide::alienfingergenocide::marseyalienpeacegenocide::marseyalien2genocide: all alien life

So art and fanfiction regularly places the totalitarian humanity (called the Imperuim of Man) in the position of genociding aliens, sometimes for fun, the Imperuim of Man is depicted fighting aliens from other well known franchises, like star trek, star wars, Xenomorphs, and other series just for fun. :marsey40k::marsey40k::marsey40k::!marseyalienangrybird::!marseyalienangrybird::!marseyalienangrybird: It's common

You'd think with such a turbo edgy :shadowrage::emo::carpbane::capybane: universe with chud shit like genocide, slavery, neo-feudalism and racial supremacy being core themes of the universe that a more right wing-ish crown would make up the core fanbase :soyjackwow::soyjackwow::soyjackwow: But on Fricking reddit, and especially /r/Grimdank (a meme sub), it's often filled with turbo ultra omega soys :soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster::soyjakhipster:

And these turbo soys will b-word about the most typical bullshit we have grown tired :marseyitsallsotiresome: from reddit echo chambers. Like the frequent fights :slapfight::slapfight::slapfight: about Space Marine :marsey40k::marsey40k::marsey40k: only being male in universe, or the frequently monthly "TRANS RIGHTS" posting :marseytransattentionseeker::marseytransattentionseeker::marseytransattentionseeker: , or virtue signalling by libtards who are clearly not sub regulars of give a shit about the 40k lore at all and wants to colonize all hobby/fandom subs like the chaos gods :marseyslaanesh::marseyslaanesh::marseyslaanesh::marseytzeentch::marseytzeentch::marseytzeentch:


Well in today's sperg congregation, we have another shitlib hugbox cry fest :soycry::soycry::soycry::soycry::soycry: about some art on twatter where another generic 40k artist made some art about the Imperuim of Man facing off against the Navi from the Avatar movies.

The cardinal sin of the artist in question today is the use of the Navi specifically because they are space Indians :marseycherokee::indianeye: (the yank type) , and the casual and INSENSITIVE nature of this fictional picture has ruffled the :marseyturkey: feathers of grimDork


Killing space natives is unimpressive :marseyindignant:




"Killing space natives in fiction is A POLITICAL STATEMENT" :marseybluecheck::marseybluecheck::marseybluecheck::smugtranstwitter::smugtranstwitter::smugtranstwitter:




"Ugh I hate the low brow members of this truly scholarly and cultured hobby of ours, ggnnhhhhh" :marseyjerkofffrown::marseyjerkoffsmile:



"YIKESERINOS, I keep getting a bad VIBE from fans who immitate the bad-guys too much, they give off a hecking NAZI VIBE!" :marseysoyhype::soyjak::soysnoo2::soyjakhipster:



"It's getting disturbing for me how many of the fanbase is taking the purge the Xenos seriously" :soycry::soycry::soycry:





"Chuds masterbate to Space :marsey40k: Marines killing :marseyslaanesh: furries, and this makes me mad!" :soycry::marseycrying2::marseypearlclutch2:






Man this art REALLY pissed of the soys



"Some people are a little too excited to be space xenophobes." :soymad::soymad::soymad:



@XY plz pin thank you

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40k is a setting where humans are all monsters and deserve to be eaten by tyrannids

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Shut up heretic https://i.rdrama.net/images/16940924253856235.webp

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I hope a dark eldar catches you b-word

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So.... you're going to threaten me with a good time :marseyconfused:

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Me too


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The universe made them that way, tbh.

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If you read the prequals it turns out there were a lot of non-terrible human civilizations the Imperium exterminated. The Imperium is humanity's greatest enemy. It is a cage in a slaughterhouse, where victims are fatted to be consumed by the dark gods.

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If you read the prequals

I refuse to read anything out of Black Library on principle. :marseyindignant:

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Bad opinion, some authors suck peepee but if you avoid them there are some decent (by teenager scifi standards) ones

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I remember seeing one that said “friendship is magic, and magic is heresy” and was a pony from my little pony being torn in half by a dreadnought, I almost died because of cringe

But that's funny.


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That image is probably older then half the posters on that sub.

Also I'm waiting for people to go, "Slannesh is an allegory for drag queens"

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"Slaanesh is an allegory for drag queens."

:smugtranstwittertalking: :ch!udsmugtalking:

!chuds !nonchuds Unity! :marseyexcited:

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Slaanesh is canonically a futa. :marseycoomer2:

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And/or a femboy.

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Dark prince :blush:

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She Who Thirsts, but also exclusively referred to as the Prince of Pleasure... :marseynooticeglow:

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Space marines are transphobic CHUDs and don't accept Slaanesh's heckin train status,

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The chud to train pipeline (through neurodivergent media such as Warhammer) is yet again shown clearly

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Some already do, I mean they already associate satan as an "ally" as some sort of "aha!" at christians or something. Literally the dumbest thing ever.

"Haha, chuds, demons of debauchary and lies say trans rights! I'm validated! Got you now!"

like :#marseyfacepalm:

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All goys go to heck anyway so this doesn't matter.

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Paradise Lost did that plotline hundreds of years ago, Satan is a b-word

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The chaos god of hedonism and lust. They want that as an allegory for drag queen then go for it.

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"It's getting disturbing for me how many of the fanbase is taking the purge the Xenos seriously"


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Giant spider frickers

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"Stop punching down :soycry:on the famously viciously brutal 8ft+ giant green monsters, whose culture is based around following the biggest one in the tribe and being so dumb that if enough Orks believe something then it's true (like painting things red makes them go faster)"

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giant green monsters, whose culture is based around following the biggest one in the tribe and being so dumb

Smh bro why would you be racist like that do better

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Orks are just british people, can't be racist towards them.


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I certainly didn't think that when i first read their dialogue...

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:#smugtranstwitter: orks are black-coded and its racist to oppose them

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Dude, keep your anti-black racism to yourself.


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I think they mean the genestealer cults. Which is still a longer reach than the Golden Gate Bridge

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Just let the Dark Eldar r*pe and torture you.

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There are actual giant arachnid aliens you'd love to live in your house. The Imperium has been trying to genocide them for millenium and keeps getting beaten.

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:marseytrain:s ruin fanbase


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There is a reason why WH40k speds are either nazi LARPers or tankie :marseytrain2:s.

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WH40k speds are either nazi


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"Um ya good job killing bow welding natives, pick on someone you own size. Also don't say things I don't like or I'll have society cancel you."

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Don't fricking blame us, it's normie soys that fricked it up.

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There's nothing straggier than the fans of a series about murder and war crying because of fanart containing murder and war.

>Nooooo, you can't like the heckin genocidal super soldiers, they're problematic!!! :soycry:

Why are the coolest franchises ruined by the worst people?


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>Franchises are supported by nerds

>Nerds are universally inclusive after being bullied and excluded all their lives

>They have no lives outside their fandom and can't spend time on anything worthwhile like s*x

>Franchise + Inclusivity + Forever Alone Losers = Ruin


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Which is why gatekeeping is valid.

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The people who hate gatekeeping are the ones you want to gatekeep out

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Not enough gatekeeping. Isn't the entire point of wh40k is war and purging aliens. It's like complaining about basketball and why they all want to put the ball in the hoop :#marseydunk:

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There's no shortage of garbage being produced for Warhammer. Just like with anything else you just ignore the shit, enjoy the gems and play the screeching of the turbo neurodivergents on endlessloop :marseyjamming:

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Because theyre cool, which attracts people that arent cool but hope it rubs off on them. These people then infest it with their lameness until every shred of cool is gone.

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I prefered wh40k when your imperial guard unit could be entirely aliens and the commissar just shoots anyone who questions it. When every Imperial world was almost completely independent because warp travel is incredibly unreliable. When no one though the inquisition was the good guys and people just knew them as “those creepy dudes you shoot in the face for getting in your way”. When it was accepted the Imperium was in a constant state of civil war over any question you can imagine.

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Space genocide is only okay when it's against Space Elves (white people).

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Space elves are clearly japanese. They believe they're better than every other race, despite literally creating a chaos god of perversion (anime)

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That's the other frickers, no? You have white "people" (Space Elves) and white adjacent Asians (Bad Space Elves).

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Nah, Dark Eldar are rich white people:

>drug addicts :marseyjunkie:

>s*x-obsessed :marseycoomer2:

>treacherous :marseyhillarybackstab:

>live off of pain/adrenochrome :marseyschizowall:

Craftworld neighbors are like very smug Amish.

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Craftworld eldar should be less “hateful xenos” and more “those weirdos who make really good shit we should trade for”.

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Warhammer's setting exists to justify the wargame, you can't have two factions with no reason to fight each other because players for each faction may want to play against one another.

Also, genocide is just the Imperium's vibe, man. :marseyrasta:

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No, they were the same thing until they birthed the space-BDSM god.

Then one decided not to yuck your yum and joined kink-culture :#marseykink: :#marseyvore2: ,

and the other joined the way-u of-a de samurai, HO! :#marseysamurai:

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Wrong. They are better :marseysaulgoodman: cause they just are chud.

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Remind me what Eldars (Not the schizo BDSM ones) would do to mankind

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Depends on the Craftworld or Harlequin Troupe. Some want to completely exterminate humanity, some are indifferent, and some see mankind as a powerful partner (tool) against chaos.

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They are the pushes glasses in :soyjakanimeglasses: I'm of superior intellect and must pre-genocide humans out of a Paradox of Tolerance (literally)

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I'd love to play as craftworld eldar ruling over humans who are actually running everything. A combination of Ottoman Jannisaries, Chinese court eunuchs, and pets who take over the household.

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They'd get some BHC.

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Keep them as pet r-slurs.

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Between grimdank and 40klore, I wonder how much of the user base actually owns an army or has ever even played 40k

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The trans users own more and are active than most, I'd reckon

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Why is this? The franchise seems made for :chudsey: with the imperium and main themes so why has it become popular with :marseytrans2: and marvel enjoyers?

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In the case of at least a few, the fan base was neurodivergent and alternative enough to develop their own valids.

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Does playing Dawn of War count?

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I read the books and like collecting the cool little figures.

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Same read the books as an adult and painted the toy dolls for a year as a child

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I've only really played KillTeam and Necromunda :marseygiveup: The main game is too unbalanced. My AdMech army is trash rules wise.

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Infantry heavy?

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I like skitarii :marsey: but the Infiltrators and Ruststalkers are the only real wound dealers :marseygiveup:

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All humans are equal but non humans definitely aren't. Exterminate those lesser beings! :marsey40k:

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I take pride in having never consumed a single piece of 40k media in my entire life, but the idea of a power fantasy setting where my people slaughter a thinly-veiled allegory of those I dislike with sounds very appealing.

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More like /r/grimsoy


Please be satirical

I want to stuff this braindead dork in a locker

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I don't hate myself enough to click on it

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I love 40k seethe :marseypopcorn: if only wingnuts were neurodivergent enough to read the books and find out how actually xenophobic they are

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All the mega turbo autismos flood to the lore/hobby/shitty-boardgame

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Yes Snappy, burn the heretics :marseyflamewar:


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Lmao redditors comparing Wagner and the east India company

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soy central

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blue people movie would have been 100% better with Astartes in it.

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Soyboys are an alien :marseyscalped: psyop to hobble our willingness to fight :marseykrazykarate: back against them. I am a PROUD :marseysinga: humanosupremacist, and anyone who isn't should :marseynorm: be shot as a traitor :marseygreytide: to the species :marseyhank: and just a general :marseydayan: genetic dead end r-slur. TOTAL XENO DEATH :marseyprey:

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What's the problem with purging xenos? Like seriously who objects to that?

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