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I have no words frankly. Its like the lights are on but no one is home. Just zero information entering your brain. These comments are an achievement of man that we can sustain someone like you. Bravo sir. You win. You are the dumbest high functioning person on earth. I hate to ad hominem you but this is truly just the stupidest thing I have ever read. You saw a video labeled "Measurement of heat" with Measurement of heat underlined on a whiteboard with a guy explaining what it is and you were compelled to say "Calories are a measurement of energy". Simply amazing.


my guy, your entire thread here is absolutely fricking amazing, i love just how badly you're all communicating with each other.

Calories literally are a measurement of energy, it states that on the video you yourself linked, written in big black letters on the board.

a Calorie is a unit of energy equivalent to the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C (now often defined as equal to 4.1868 joules).

I can tell you're trying to pull the I'm smarter card by using a Physics resource, however if you actually were smarter, you'd know full well that Joules have replaced calories as the go to unit of measurement for Heat.

Common use terminology now uses Calories as a measurement of energy within a food source. Yes its the same standardised base principle but You're just arguing for the sake of arguing.

I would however posit, that the calorie content in a bar of butter would remain the same regardless of whether it was consumed raw or melted/cooked and then consumed. The Fat content would also likely stay the same and if anything being in liquid form would make the butter more readily absorbed by the body therefore reducing the calorie cost for ingesting it, making it technically worse for you to eat than raw butter.


Its my understanding that heat is a byproduct of energy and a calorie is a measurement of the difference between the two. Making a calorie a measurement of both. At that point its semantics. As you said I was 100% arguing to argue it was 5 am and I was watching the sun rise lol.

I also only brought it up because he randomly threw in that I said cooking butter would change its calorie content and I tried reading some of the papers regarding that but my physics knowledge is purely space oriented so I wouldnt know.

As for your last comment about the fat content in the butter melting it is very possible. I was originally perturbed that he said fat content doesnt change when cooking when it most certainly does, whether making it less or more fat as you stated.

I'm just a graphic designer that spends his free time reading this kind of shit so feel free to link me some fun stuff. I have spent 3 hours arguing over butter so Im at the point of no return.

This is how reddit reacts to a video of a 5 year old making cookies.

On an unrelated note, I would probably beat that kid to death. Fricking brat.

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