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EFFORTPOST Douchebags of r/eurocucks shit brix as article showcases that Bongland has in fact NOT receded into a hellscape, and is performing maarginally better than EU as an economic bloc. :marseyflageu::soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum:







Balkanoids only ones based as per usual


However eurocucks try to rewrite history



Euros took the Brexit debacle very VERY seriously, and while i personally agree brexit was stupid, the RECTION of europeans, especially EU-supremacists went turbo bongphobia for the past 5-years.

The degree to which krauts, frogs and other westoids hated on England was downright embarrassing. I dont even think Irish, Indians or Boers hated the Bongs on /r/europe as much as the heartbroken eurocucks did. You'd think that the action which Bongland had undertaken was nothing short of ethnic cleansing against western europe to warrent such a deluge of hateposting and circlejerking about bongland, but no it was abandoning the 4th Reich of EU.

Even balkanoids who actually genocided each other, showcased less vitriol and bitter hate against Bongs past 5 years. And it sure as heck wasn't "banter"



and on the are <1000 vote posts, the pro-EU and anti-Bongland circlejerk tends to be broken where both Bongs and non sperg-EUcels agree that the bong hate has been wildly disproportionate against their crimes of abandoning eurolandia.

also /u/frisso gets dunked on for his revisionism



=I'd like to point out that the thread on Horizon & this thread may have the same effect of the view of others on Brits.=

"Sorry you cant point to a couple of threads after literal years of almost daily threads pooping on the UK. Some of them going into the hundreds if not thousands of comments."

=Brexiteers & Trumpists made an alliance to raid this subreddit non-stop for months=

"Ive been on here for a while, I have not seen this alliance of non-stop raiding on here. Generally any comments negative to the EU are nuked into oblivion."

=I've read Brits around here who did wish that on the EU and it's people=

"The vast minority and almost inconsequential to the amount of users on here that wish ill on the UK. Its not even close and its fairly deceitful that you are trying to make this remotely comparable."

=so few member advocate for them.=

"Thats fine, you can rest in the knowledge that the UK would help out anyone in Europe while hardly anyone would help us. We are used to it."



=the focus on anything negative done on your side while ignoring anything negative done by your side=

"No, just pointing out that of the two sets of users, one outweighs the other to the point of irrelevance."

=but unfortunately means a lot of deleted comments and users. Why don't we have an exercise to see who gets dog-pilled more for this thread?=

"Again, any comments negative about the EU get downmarseyd to the depths, I certainly dont remember this mass invasion you are trying to say happened. Yes, lets see who gets jumped on. What would this thread be like if it was negative economic news about the UK? Shall we look at some previous examples?"

=You do remember how ugly the Brexit rhetoric was, right?=

"Brexit was an almost 50-50 vote, most of the objection was against the EU institution and rarely against individual members."

=The victim complex appears again=

"Polls have been conducted showing exactly that. The rest of Europe would rather help India, Nigeria and Vietnam (for example) over the UK in a crisis. The UK would help every other European country."



"Not a tory. The point I'm making is that this sub alienates pro europe UK people because of how gleeful it is when UK does badly, although most of the UK didn't want brexit but young people are just shit at voting (and are the majority in this sub and get all the flak)."

Euro douchebags are extremely gleeful whenever there were articles posted about foodshortages in Bongland, and how terrible it's going in england post-Brexit and how joblessness is running amok ect. They were downright sadistic in their happiness whenever news stories came out that Bongland was on the brink of the apocalypse or depression

So when an article goes out and says: "actually Bongland is actually doing ok economically compared to the earth and eurolandia" then the Eurotrash shit brix and :soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum:



=UK's agenda with Brexit was always to destroy the EU by leading the "by example"=

"Is it? Must have missed that during the lead up to 2016. What's in it for the UK if the EU falls apart exactly?"

=So it became necessary and politially expedient to shit on the UK as hard as possible for as long as possible=

"We noticed, dont worry."



"72% upmarseyd, bushiness as usual here. Let the seething commence." :marseytroublemaker::marseytroublemaker::marseytroublemaker:



"My favourite part of Brexit was seeing the Germans angrily, often viscerally, demand that Britain is Europe and therefore automatically belonged to the German dominated EU."


"Impossible! The galactic minds of /r/Europe told me EU economy is booming."



Krautland cucked :marseybikecuck: itself

"germany is in bad shape they relied on their auto industry and cheap energy for massive foundaries making huge specialized parts that overnight became uneconomical.....2 things that just went quickly out the window in a couple years."



Based monarchist :marseycharlesiii::marseycharlesiii::marseycharlesiii:


Unbased irish strag :marseyhibernian:


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I too am absolutely fricking shocked considering the shit government crisis with prices everywhere doubling :marseymerchant::!marseypoggers:

Eurobros, tighten your fricking belts right now! It's gonna get ugly! :tfwyougettrolled::lepanicrunning:

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