people are starting to nootice
It is slow, but it is happening. There's a post I just saw in a travel subreddit about how they're sick of getting sick every time they travel, and lots of the comments acknowledge Covid and a perception of increased illness. Then, I flipped over to LinkedIn and saw a colleague in my extended network (who is definitely done with Covid precautions and has previously remarked on the fact that he “never sees my face!” lol) is holding a social event outdoors because “too many of us are getting sick right now.” Hold the line on masking. Keep patiently spreading the word. People may finally be waking up to what's happening…
reddit responds
can u imagine these people doing manual labor? they're looking for "outdoor jobs" like lol, such as? if you can't handle covid hysteria how could you ever handle construction work?
My husband has applied for outdoor only jobs to avoid covid again because he has been long hauling over a year and it's pretty bad. He was so relieved that he was chosen to interview at a covid conscious place and that masks were mandatory if he is chosen for the job and has to go inside the buildings.
I really hope your husband gets a "covid friendly" job so to speak!!!
omg please, I need an outdoor job so bad!!! Is there anything entry level he's applying for?
i have no idea what this person is trying to say even (leftists bad masks good? inconsistent but ok) but the neighbor's kids are based
That's great. I‘m afraid we are lagging behind on the timeline … probably because we have had LESS severe covid in my part of northern Germany so far. Many people got their vaccine before infection and maybe had lower viral loads as well when they got sick as there were some mitigations in place (I would really like to know how much that matters). Of course there is A LOT of illness, but not enough yet? The neighbors‘ kids just SMIRKED at us for putting on masks before passing them to go inside. Even though one of the kids coughed their lungs out the day before yesterday. It was a truly horrible sound. I don't care if it was covid or the danish whooping cough outbreak arriving in our town. Mask up your kid this close after symptoms at least. The parents are proud, pronounced leftists. They have also shown very little respect for our wish to socially distance so far.
long-covid man accidentally acknowledges masks don't work, comes sooo close to the point, yet remains so far also plz tell me how an "invisible disability" (ie "autism spectrum disorder, depression, diabetes, and learning and thinking differences such as ADHD and dyslexia," according to understood(dot)org, whatever that is) makes one more susceptible to a virus?
As someone who stopped masking all the time and is new to this community, I will confirm that this is true. I was still sort of Covid cautious but like a lot of people, I followed the mainstream media and I did not have anyone in my life telling me about Long Covid & related risks. I thought the vaccines had eliminated Long Covid as a serious risk and I stopped considering asymptomatic infection because the testing positivity was so low before they stopped it. I tested positive for the first time on August 1st and it's been a whirlwind. I cannot believe anyone said this thing is mild. It's not. I didn't really have the breathing issues but my fever was insane (I've had several fevers before 2020 and this was the worst). I developed Long Covid symptoms a week later and it was heck. I've come along well but I'm still struggling. In the worst moments, I researched a ton about Long Covid, post-viral syndromes, ME/CFS, etc. and I've been stunned ever since. I had a huge blind spot when it came to disabled people and people with invisible disabilities. I believed one-way masking with an N95 would be enough to keep them safe and I was wrong… and even if it was, I really did not do enough to consider how we've shut these people out of everyday life and made basic situations really unsafe for them. I am proud to say I never stopped masking in healthcare settings, always isolated if I ever suspected I could've had Covid, tested periodically, and would always mask in the presence of people who asked me to (this has come up for me with a few folks with visible disabilities). However, it was all still not enough because I quit masking for a year and a half in most settings. I deeply regret the decision. I'm fully on the Zero Covid bandwagon. I hope y'all can forgive me but I know it's not that simple and I'm not owed anything. But yeah, I've also managed to get some people to admit to me that they think they might have Long Covid? And I've managed to convince those people and others to mask again. Your work is not in vain. When I was in my despair dealing with the start of my Long Covid symptoms, it was people online like you guys who opened my eyes to the research. Please keep staying true to your values and informing people on the risks. Your voices are getting through to us. I know it can't come soon enough, but I believe things will change on a larger scale in the near future.
Thank you so much for saying this. Whenever I hit the depths of my anger over being discarded by society for being disabled and high-risk, I sometimes fantasize about someone in my life coming back to me to apologize and tell me I was right. It never happens. Even when people learn the hard way and have their own personal health impacted, they still don't think to consider the impact their past and ongoing choices have on people like me (repeatedly exposing me to risk, judging me for my precautions, not taking any themselves, gaslamping, etc) Disabled people like me are collateral damage, both with our health and our efforts to educate, warn, protect. It hurts a lot. I really appreciate that you acknowledged this phenomenon. I teared up when I read this. Sending you love, healing, and forgiveness. May we get healthier and stronger together 💖
a handful of people wearing masks in grocery stores?? rejoice! it's happening these people are excited that covid is "coming back" and i cannot understand it
Every time I go grocery shopping or to the pharmacy now I see at least 2-3 other patrons masked. There's an uptick happening for sure. I had gotten used to being the only one for a while now. Located in Southern California.Northern California and although I work somewhere that had long long mask wearing culture, it had been the same - maybe one other person, maybe, for months now. Today, at a crunchy store in a neighborhood where there's a lot of the "my <s> pureness </s> diet protects me from all illness" crowd who got hostile about masks kinda quick, I was pleasantly surprised to see close to 20% of the workers wearing masks and ended up on an aisle with 4 other N95 / Kn95 wearers. More than I'd seen there since 2020/21 probably.
Seeing more masks in Boston this week too 🙌
Wastewater in Boston shows that's a smart move www(dot)mwra(dot)com/biobot/biobotdata(dot)htm 1,000 copies/ml corresponds to approximately ~3% of the population currently infected
woman shocked that nobody else is masked up, determines common colds = covid , is disgusted that her coworkers behave normally and attend meetings in person. thread makes up fun new words (novid ) and proudly ends friendships over the refusal to participate in hysteria over a virus that no longer matters to anyone but these freaks
wish I saw / heard more of that around me. Just today I had a mandatory 1+ hour, in person training (that had absolute zero reason not to be done via zoom) and someone sat 6 feet from me coughing, sniffling, and blowing their nose the whole time. I would've moved but all other seats were taken and he didn't start coughing (or I didn't notice) until it got quiet and the training began. I was the only person masking (out of around 40-50 ppl) and had a CO2 monitor, which peaked around 1155 ppm, which equates to breathing between 2-3% others' exhalations (if unmasked) and no one seemed to care or question any of it. A friend, who is immunocompromised, mind you, has been flying without masking and got SARS-COV-2 in Vegas, probably while in the casino unmasked. Another friend, who has until now been relatively cautious, has been flying but masking. Yet doesn't mask in stores day to day. They also got SARS-COV-2 probably hanging out unmasked with a non-cautious friend (who has a child in school and now the have masked for some time now) at a crowded park. Yet another friend has had sars-cov-2 three times that I know of and is flying internationally today. I have never seen them mask and doubt they are in transit./endrant Thanks to everyone here. Hang in there. Do what you have to do for your mental as well as physical health. It helps a lot to know I'm not alone. Otherwise, I think I'd go bonkers with the gaslamping by society at large and seemingly everyone I know (family included).Ugh, I'm sorry! I never go anywhere that I don't see or hear at least one person coughing or sneezing (many times into their hands 🤢).
Thanks. And yet so few people connect it to Covid - The mass delusion is just mind boggling.
Ugh, I feel this. My mother used to mask but stopped over the last year, and after being Novid for three years she caught Covid twice in that time. Now that she's preparing to travel/sees other people (not me though, apparently I don't count 😂) masking again she's considering returning to masking herself. I also spotted someone I stopped seeing because she ardently refused to mask despite getting long Covid walking around in a mask again. In both cases I'm glad to see they're masking again, but geez. Some people really need the strength of numbers to do anything. 😅
wdym people live normal lives now that covid derangement syndrome has passed? redditor hopes virus will return so that people will stop behaving normally
Yeah but as soon as cases trend down, or the weather warms up, the few people that started masking again will throw them in the trash, go to a huge concert, and the cycle will begin again . . .Maybe, but even getting masking to be a common thing when numbers trend upward would be glorious at this point!!
typical signs of aging are actually just covid symptoms!!!! we are not crazy "conspiracy nuts"!!! someday they will see, this is just like what happened with lead exposure!!!
Sadly, at least in America, I think people will write of their worsening health as a consequence of age, not realizing it's from repeated infections. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I'm not convinced there will be a lightbulb moment for most people without a concerted fight from those who still care.The effects of lead were not realized by a lightbulb moment a priori, but as the result of scientific studies. Unfortunately, there are many scientific studies about SARS-CoV-2 causing harm, but many people have been conditioned to view anything contradicting official narratives as fringe. The mainstream narrative is that vaccines protect against SARS-CoV-2, so anyone claiming otherwise is likely to be attacked as an "anti-vaxxer" or "conspiracy nut" without any consideration of scientific evidence.
In addition, some of the greatest evidence of the dangers of lead were post hoc, comparing the outcomes of a generation raised with less exposure to lead compared to the generations raised with more exposure to lead.
pro-mask? u earned my updoot, good sir! also, word police in thread tout disdain for normal people who use normal words and behave normally
[redditor links to original post]I've upmarseyd every mention of an N95, P100, "better masks", Long COVID etc. Always reinforce these statements when you can. They might not ultimately be zero covid or masking everywhere but they are literally the people who will help lower R0/rate of transmission in the places where we have the least options and control in staying safe.
Top comment on that post is how they can fix it all with Vitamin D. I'd like to be hopeful, but most people will continue to be delusional.
A little too much "post-covid" and "since covid" for my liking, too, but happy to see a scattered post acknowledges immune dysregulation at least and a few that still wear respirators when travelling.
The "post covid", "after covid", "since covid" language drives me totally bonkers. My child's teacher said it 3 or 4 times at back to school night last night within 20 minutes. Made me want to scream "look at my mask! Sorry if it makes you all uncomfortable but covid is very much still here and currently surging in our area!"
I always correct it when I see it, but in my experience, it's used to refer to the time since the start of the pandemic ("pre-COVID", "post-COVID") as often as it's used to refer to the pandemic being over.
It's hard to know what they mean when they say it but I think for a lot of people it just means we're past the point where people are worried about dying basically.
i hope u enjoy these highly dramatic crazies circlejerking over prevention methods that are proven to not work and the possible return of covid mitigation measures. reddit is truly a terrible place and i have a headache now
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Unironically two of my nurses have gotten super sick in the last two weeks so def something is going around. I had yellow nose mucus (tmi, sorry) like a week and a half ago so I probably got something as well. Occupational hazard but I bet there's an uptick in covid fr. Don't think it's serious, it's just like any cold/flu.
Edit: I mainly work with biologics coordinators who are normally RNs. That what I mean by “my nurses”.
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Nah uh you're clearly claiming to be a doctor!!!
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oh word, do u work in healthcare? and yeah it's def going around but it's nothing to go this insane over and it's been proven that masks do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of covid/protect the wearer from transmission.
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Yeah, sales rep so I go into 15-20 offices/hospitals a week. I wear a mask when I go into cancer centers as a courtesy (they also do biologics infusions, I work in high dollar biologics) bc I figure I should do what I can to protect those people but usually masks aren't required. I think it's mainly just theater but no reason not to do it when it's easy to mask and they're especially vulnerable.
The two sick nurses just worked in regular MD offices. Had to cancel two meetings in the last week.
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very cool! when i say they don't work i refer to the cochrane study that demonstrated that masks made little to no difference in preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses incl. covid. it's def theatre but i do get wearing them for courtesy, i wore one when i would visit the nursing home back in january for the same reason. it literally just makes people feel better and has no other function atp.
also shit that's annoying, they're sick w/ covid?
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They didn't say. Just told me they had to cancel bc sick. I believe them bc we had pending cases with issues.
Literally only two cancer centers have required masks and I have at least 15 on my rounds?
I'd rather just put the mask on and play nice. My job is literally to make people like me so no reason not to go the extra mile. Irl I am an anti-masker and think it's stupid. Was almost kicked out of the lyric opera in early 2022 bc I didn't want to put on a mask lol If you're vulnerable stay home from the opera….but a hospital is a little different. They don't have a choice but to be there.
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Well the masks also help make old people feel better about going to walmart where they catch covid and die. But probably if theyre in a nursing home theyre not going to walmart too much
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Old people die from the flu just the same, masks def don't do anything but make them feel better.
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She's a foid. 95% of them work in healthcare or k-12.
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I'm a foid and I don't
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Post tits
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Never coomer seek help
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Omg i had yellow mucus just yesterday UWU
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Last night I was out drinking and this morning I woke up with typical covid symptoms -- a weird taste in my mouth, headaches, hoarse voice, nausea. That's a new deadly strain going around for sure.
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Yellow mucus is almost synonomous with china virus
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my vaccinated employees all got the yellow snot and were out for 3 or 4 days with shit in their lungs. Everyone else had a runny nose and basic allergies
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I haven't gotten sick in years. Whenever someone has the gall to divulge to me their disgusting lack of immune response or claim there's 'something going around', I do one of these
how are you, as a man, going to get the sniffles my neighbor.
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The only thing that I'm ever sick of is crime.
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I havent read any of it yet but I lovvveee the colored text it looks so good
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i put it back, thank you! i love when people use color in their posts so i did too haha
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Whatever you do make sure that people do NOT think for themselves!!
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Why did you write this in pink? It's literally unreadable.
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i like pink and am not on mobile so i can read it just fine but i'll repair it for u
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No keep it tax is just geriatric and his eyes dont work anymore. Im on mobile and I can see it fine
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dark theme user 🤮
also don't deadname me. I'm E now
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I will continue to call you tax untill you follow me again
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Thank you. It's impossible to read on the coffee theme (the best theme)
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skill issue. i put the pink back bc i like it, use dark theme so u can read the post or get fricked
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not ok
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I appreciate the Marseys peppered throughout. Great post
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Thank you!! Marseys r the best thing ab this website
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