"There are literally mods for slavery on the nexus"
Diversity is encouraged in slavery business.
Because bigots are real and slave drivers aren't. People using slavery mods literally can't discriminate someone at work place because they aren't a slave.
If your brain wasn't just dirt a fair comparison would be mods that make characters turn into a bigot, killers, torturers,.. which exists in games. Like Sarah a literal child getting shot to death by adults in TLOU. There are mods that make characters kill characters. Are they promoting murders?
It's not the same thing as using mods to set the all the characters to a cis white straight men and turning same-s*x couples in games to hetero Disney couples.
Were you fighting for slavery mods to be removed anyways before seeing the post? It's like comparing mods making Miles Morales white, versus mods making Miles Morales get captured and tortured by Aaron? Knobhead morons.
least clueless redditor
Slave drivers are real, see the US prison system and several Middle Eastern oil states.
But I agree with you.
Slavery, r*pe, underage models , ability to mod child characters to be killable, and gore to name some⦠but the pronouns being modded out are apparently the real issue they choose to combat.
[CURRENT THING] is the most important one, chud
i would never have found out about the mods if nexus would just ignore it.
Shouldn't ignore transphobia pal
ah yes, the biggest problem of the world today.
While not pronouns, the recent trend of removing character sexes/gender has actually genuinely annoyed me. Especially in some games like hogwarts legacy where honestly the 2 character models look really similar in the default outfits.
I know what I want to play, so let me play as it. Why do I need to play a weird guessing game about what type-a means or preset #7 means? Just call it male and female if you want to be all gender picky about it.
It is a genuine negative to everyone who isn't constantly obsessing about their made up pronouns.
It seems like it's a negative to you because you obsess over being called he/him or she/her.
While I agree clear options for m/f are not bad I feel like starfield does a great job letting everyone pick what they want their custom made character to be so everyone can get what they want while yes most people will just use the default or do a little trolling, the others who are trans/mid transition/inbetween/whatever and want someone in a game they can relate will care about being able to select someone they can relate to for example she/her for a more male looking character because that might be where they are now in their transition and the issue is people being so against pronouns (a system where you can just use the old default without any fuss) that they will shame anyone who cares is about as big of an issue as being homophobic/racism/(whatever someone who hates based on religious belief is called)/...
S*x mods aren't on nexus so idk where people are getting r*pe/child abuse shit(yeah I know they have murder children mod). That's a completely different site and I don't even know how gross the s*x mods get as I'm not that much of a degen.
"Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class."
Child murder and r*pe (which all you right ring parrots love to repeat over and over again) don't fit that criteria.
I can't imagine being such a snowflake to get offended over a word
So r*pe/child murder isn't provocative, objectionable or abusive? Are you for real? Based on your reply r*pe victims and children aren't real, while simultaneously ignoring the not limited to conte wording, and following up with a dumbass assumption. Incredibly moronic of you.
not to some redditors
Nexus Mods are ok with r*pe, slavery, torture and child violence mods.
Because those aren't discriminatory. You can r*pe and enslave anyone equally.
Truly a /r/redditmoment
removing pronouns
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The same people who constantly say the pronouns don't matter will fight with every fiber of their pathetic existence to make sure you have to choose them in everything you do for the rest of your life as mandatory information that must be declared publicly.
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"You caring about things is culture warring, and us caring about things is le hecking wholesome activism"
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