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clever comebacks thread sucking off nexusmods doesn't go as planned




There are literally mods for slavery on the nexus

"There are literally mods for slavery on the nexus"

Diversity is encouraged in slavery business.

Because bigots are real and slave drivers aren't. People using slavery mods literally can't discriminate someone at work place because they aren't a slave.

If your brain wasn't just dirt a fair comparison would be mods that make characters turn into a bigot, killers, torturers,.. which exists in games. Like Sarah a literal child getting shot to death by adults in TLOU. There are mods that make characters kill characters. Are they promoting murders?

It's not the same thing as using mods to set the all the characters to a cis white straight men and turning same-s*x couples in games to hetero Disney couples.

Were you fighting for slavery mods to be removed anyways before seeing the post? It's like comparing mods making Miles Morales white, versus mods making Miles Morales get captured and tortured by Aaron? Knobhead morons.

>slave drivers aren't real

least clueless redditor :#marseyclueless:

Slave drivers are real, see the US prison system and several Middle Eastern oil states.

But I agree with you.

There is no real-life political movement of making/bringing back slavery into the law of the land. There is currently a very frontal and vocal movement of erasing the existence of trans people. This is not a hard concept to grasp.


Slavery, r*pe, underage models , ability to mod child characters to be killable, and gore to name some… but the pronouns being modded out are apparently the real issue they choose to combat.

[CURRENT THING] is the most important one, chud :#soyjakanimeglasses:

i would never have found out about the mods if nexus would just ignore it.

Shouldn't ignore transphobia pal

ah yes, the biggest problem of the world today. :#marseythumbsup:

I honestly don't understand why this is such a big deal. Both having pronouns and removing pronouns.

They are kinda stupid either way though. Like what is the point of creating male character with female pronouns? It seems like some kind of mockery to me. Having they/them pronouns is pretty convinient though.

While not pronouns, the recent trend of removing character sexes/gender has actually genuinely annoyed me. Especially in some games like hogwarts legacy where honestly the 2 character models look really similar in the default outfits.

I know what I want to play, so let me play as it. Why do I need to play a weird guessing game about what type-a means or preset #7 means? Just call it male and female if you want to be all gender picky about it.

It is a genuine negative to everyone who isn't constantly obsessing about their made up pronouns.

It seems like it's a negative to you because you obsess over being called he/him or she/her.

While I agree clear options for m/f are not bad I feel like starfield does a great job letting everyone pick what they want their custom made character to be so everyone can get what they want while yes most people will just use the default or do a little trolling, the others who are trans/mid transition/inbetween/whatever and want someone in a game they can relate will care about being able to select someone they can relate to for example she/her for a more male looking character because that might be where they are now in their transition and the issue is people being so against pronouns (a system where you can just use the old default without any fuss) that they will shame anyone who cares is about as big of an issue as being homophobic/racism/(whatever someone who hates based on religious belief is called)/...

>you obsess over being called he/him or she/her


Yet r*pe, child murder and such are still perfectly tolerable.... yeah totally checks out there nexus.

S*x mods aren't on nexus so idk where people are getting r*pe/child abuse shit(yeah I know they have murder children mod). That's a completely different site and I don't even know how gross the s*x mods get as I'm not that much of a degen.


"Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class."

Child murder and r*pe (which all you right ring parrots love to repeat over and over again) don't fit that criteria.

I can't imagine being such a snowflake to get offended over a word

So r*pe/child murder isn't provocative, objectionable or abusive? Are you for real? Based on your reply r*pe victims and children aren't real, while simultaneously ignoring the not limited to conte wording, and following up with a dumbass assumption. Incredibly moronic of you.

not to some redditors


I thought they delete any mods that are made with negative intent?

Regardless of political affiliation

edit: "Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class."

The original comment was based off memory, but I was way off lol

Nexus Mods are ok with r*pe, slavery, torture and child violence mods.

Because those aren't discriminatory. You can r*pe and enslave anyone equally.

Truly a /r/redditmoment

:#marseyokay: slavery

:#marseyno: removing pronouns

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The only reason they care is beacuse it got huge backlash lmao

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If Nexus Mods admiggers had any balls, they'd collate all the degenerate shit with thousands of downloads, publicly post the stats, and tell people to choke on their pearls.

They should kill themselves for depriving us of this drama.

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People who care this much about a fricking 3 second pronoun picker in a video game should be executed on spot. Rightoids are absolutely pathetic and they get more pathetic each day

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>2 ESG credits have been deposited in your account.

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bing bing wahooie! i might get crickets instead of cockroaches this week! :soyjackwow:

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Nah neighbor, this week it's striking autoworkers.


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Dramaphobic comment. You're the kind of person who slaughters a milk cow to make steak.

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mmmmm steak

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Milk steak :marseybeandrool:

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But the libtards who managed to throw an even bigger temper tantrum, pooping and cumming all over themselves in anger about the mod existing are heckin valid, right?

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Nah man the biggest tantrum is definitely the rightoids that spent 2+ hours developing a mod and then 5+ minutes installing it because they felt so hurt by having to write "he" in a textbox which would take a second

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Yeah definitely not the leftards literally defending libertarianphilia and slavery because you can do that "equally" lmfao keep yourself safe

Trans lives matter

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!nonchuds what this neighbor talking about

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Trans lives matter

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>Rightoids crying about Vidya are pathetic


>Tf this neighbor talking about

>Ha you Have been OWNED

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@JohnnyButt haven't seen this level of willfull ignorance since shittankiessay

No wonder you never argue against anyone smart on this site

Trans lives matter

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Holy frick bro you think there are smart people on this site? :marseyrofl:


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More comments

Least insane rightoid.

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But also unless you're a literal brainlet it takes like 30 seconds to install a mod. Less if you use their mod manager since it's one click and done.

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>thinking it wasn't developed by a dramatard to harvest seethe

Oh you sweat summer child

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People who care this much about a fricking mod in a video game should be executed on spot. Leftoids are absolutely pathetic and they get more pathetic each day

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Neighbor anyone who cares enough too deny hosting too a simple pronoun removal mod when they let you download mods too r*pe people is r-slurred and pathetic why are leftards like this. You're diametrically siding yourself with slave drivers and male feminists like all leftards. @JohnnyButt hate being a lefty. Idpol has rotted you're fricking minds and literally none of you cute twinks care about the root cause of human strife which is class

Trans lives matter

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There are no r*pe mods on the Nexus.

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Catering to mental delusions is a slippery slope.

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Caring either way on this means you should keep yourself safe.

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Because bigots are real and slave drivers aren't. People using slavery mods literally can't discriminate someone at work place because they aren't a slave.

Slave drivers are real, see the US prison system and several Middle Eastern oil states.

But I agree with you.

There is no real-life political movement of making/bringing back slavery into the law of the land. There is currently a very frontal and vocal movement of erasing the existence of trans people. This is not a hard concept to grasp.

What isn't a hard concept to grasp is that there are 50 million slaves in the world today, and around 400,000 in the U.S. alone. And there is, in fact, a national movement to open the borders and let every so-called asylum seeker into the country to supply that demand.

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Isn't there more slaves in the world right now than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade?

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No, that depends on using broad definitions of slavery today but narrow definitions for slavery in the past.

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Even if that was true (I refuse to check) it causes more seethe this way so I believe it

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Live your truth, king.

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slave drivers aren't real

And then it gets even worse; the following replies go slavery is real after all because having a bank account is basically slavery and employment is also slavery because the boss makes more money.

There is actual slavery happening right now, 30-50 million people are actually slaves, not metaphorically.

These disgusting pieces of shit honestly believe the mild inconveniences in their lives are the most horrible fate that a human could experience today.

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because having a bank account is basically slavery and employment is also slavery because the boss makes more money.

Not that I think I'd survive, but I'd love a civil war just to fricking clap some of these commie bullshitters and commie adjacent sympathizers who spew r-slurred shit like that. I fricking hate woke idpol “workers rights activists”. They're the fricking reason there's no unity anywhere in the workforce, because they want free gibs and a paycheck for doing nothing. Fricking Starbucks wagies thinking they can “fight the power” when they're just glorified button pressers.

Now if Grumpy Jim the 30 year maintenance guy who's in at 3 am every morning said don't cross my picket line, I'd be right there next to him picketing.

Alright m8 it was just banter no need to write a short novel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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The same people who constantly say the pronouns don't matter will fight with every fiber of their pathetic existence to make sure you have to choose them in everything you do for the rest of your life as mandatory information that must be declared publicly.

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"You caring about things is culture warring, and us caring about things is le hecking wholesome activism"

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This but unironically

Leo Frank was innocent

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>Because bigots are real and slave drivers aren't. People using slavery mods literally can't discriminate someone at work place because they aren't a slave.

>If your brain wasn't just dirt a fair comparison would be mods that make characters turn into a bigot, killers, torturers,.. which exists in games. Like Sarah a literal child getting shot to death by adults in TLOU. There are mods that make characters kill characters. Are they promoting murders?

>It's not the same thing as using mods to set the all the characters to a cis white straight men and turning same-s*x couples in games to hetero Disney couples.

he should say that update hasn't been pushed out :#npcsupport: been a lot simpler and a lot less cope

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It's not the same thing as using mods to set the all the characters to a cis white straight men and turning same-s*x couples in games to hetero Disney couples.

Yeah because Disney is an anti-progress christian company and the mod doesn't just default shit to they/them

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They want to be counterculture so badly

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It's not even a comeback wtf

>It's like having hamburgers on a breakfast menu. I don't want a hamburgers for breakfast, so I'm not going to choose that. If some one else wants it, go nuts. What I'm also not going to do is go on an internet rampage, trying to ban Hamburgers on breakfast menus. It's not my fricking menu.

"rampage" lol

If a game has flags in it, would a mod that removes Confederate flags be banned? "If you don't like it, just don't select it"

>slave drivers aren't real

Posted from my iPhone 15 Pro Max


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All of this is just trite, and there is no way convincing either side to chill.

Thank God I don't have this game, so I don't have to bother with all this shit.

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You're not missing much. There's a reason why 1 week after release this is the only news about the game.

It's fricking boring as shit. And I say this a massive Bethesda-strag.

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a massive Bethesda-strag

Get a better taste.

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So basically spacerim

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It's the most boring Bethesda game ever made. Couldn't get past 5 hours

Trans lives matter

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The mod set everyone's pronoun to they/them. Isn't that progress?

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Nexusmods can frick right off with their constant begging, locking downloads behind wait times, and inventing rules out of thin air. Arthmoor was right.

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But it is actively trying to scapegoat LGBTQ people for all the nation's problems

When do Republicans do this? I have literally never seen them blame things like rising debt or homelessness on the LGBTQ.

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TB already ended this discussion with the cleverest comeback


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So committed to the bit he literally died of cringe

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Slave drivers are real, see the US prison system


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Holy frick that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upmarsey! Take another from my second account! Heck, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping butthole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I'll even give you the PIN numbers! Heck, you can take the whole darn house while you're at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I'm willing to go into poverty just because your post on reddit.com was that funny! I think there's only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn't a goddarn repost


There are literally mods for slavery on the nexus:

There is no real-life political movement of making/bringing back slavery into the law of the land. There is currently a very frontal and vocal movement of erasing the existence of trans people. This is not a hard concept to grasp.:

i would never have found out about the mods if nexus would just ignore it.:

I honestly don't understand why this is such a big deal. Both having pronouns and removing pronouns.

They are kinda stupid either way though. Like what is the point of creating male character with female pronouns? It seems like some kind of mockery to me. Having they/them pronouns is pretty convinient though.

Yet r*pe, child murder and such are still perfectly tolerable.... yeah totally checks out there nexus.:

I thought they delete any mods that are made with negative intent?

Regardless of political affiliation

edit: "Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class."

The original comment was based off memory, but I was way off lol


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Gaymers should be executed on sight regardless of :#marseywingcuck:ry.

Leo Frank was innocent

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Alexander Gordon Jahans plays Skyrim with slavery mods (and vore)

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Leftoids are truly fricking r-slurred. Imagine caring this much as about a lil change to their game when there's furry/libertarian shoehorned into every single game. Muh pronouns, yikers!

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