User posts a beautiful cityscape, redditors have the expected reaction

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What do you see when you look at this photo? Do you see a majestic achievement of man expressed through the art of architecture? Maybe the glorious spledor of God that allows for all things to be? Or maybe you're appreciating how the simple laws of the universe that were set billions of years ago after countless iterations allow for something so complex and so beautiful to emerge out of pure chaos?

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's better than what redditors have on their mind, because never leaving your house only leaves you with one possible association: Bing Bing Wahoo! :marseymariosuit:

This looks like bloodborne :soyjackwow:

Looks like it's from bloodborne :soyjackwow:

Watch out, cleric beast ahead :soyjackwow:

Looks like a video game :soymario:

Looks like Naboo :soysnoo3:

Is this the Mission: Impossible (first Tom Cruise film) bridge? :soysnoo5:

This reminds me of a game I played in the early nineties :marseysoyswitch:

Wait this isnt a screenshot from Elden Ring??? :soysnoo4:

This Looks like blasphemous :soyjakyell:

If someone had this as a backdrop in star wars, I wouldn't bat an eye :soysnoo:

Praise the… moon?:praisethesun::marseysoypoint:

In conclusion:

11 out of 20 comments are literally just 'I've seen this in my bideo gayme!!!'. I hate redditors. Please don't waste your entire life playing vidya, it's just not worth it

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He's pushed the levels of magenta right up or is really over saturating the image. The lights on the bridge are seem too visibly bright for how bright the sky is. The people on the bridge are shown as ghosts.

They've overused colour post processing and combined it with too high a range of HDR.

Its a really artificial image so it really does look like a computer game.

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>it's edited


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This r-slur knows nothing about photography and it's making me seethe really hard.

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which one?

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Not you sweaty the other one xx

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Its edited to look like a computer game either delibrately or sub consciously moaning about redditors noticing that is mid wit.

Its a cool photo though anyways and respect someone going out and playing around

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I'm bimothy



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You =

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Literally all incels when a hot foid posts a pic online.

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They're right albeit

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It's a long exposure that's been metered by the brightness of the sky you thick twat. Of course the electric lights are going to look brighter than the dusk sky. Can you imagine how pointless they'd be if they weren't?

All everyone ever thinks is Photoshop this, levels that, HDR blah blah blah while being totally ignorant to the actual fundamentals of photography

Low light, small aperture, long exposure = this image.

@Groo didn't you say you were a landscape photographer? Can you educate these children please.

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They definitely have pushed magenta look at the colour of the fricking cobbles.

Also way shadows are looks like hdr to me but could be wrong about that

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This is a crop of an image I took.

Did I:

A) "Push orange"

B) Do minimal editing because it was taken at sunrise and this is what some sunrises look like.

Can tell you rarely leave the house.

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Nice work using the shutter speed trick to capture the details in that image

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Thanks r-slur. "This photographer edited his photo." No shit sherlock, next year when you graduate high school and go to college you'll be shocked to see what fat girls do in their dating photos

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it's realer than real

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