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  • K9 : ITT: Dramatard :marseyautism: take hyperbole literally

So, I searched "Peak fiction" :marseytea: on twitter and the results were almost exclusively from weeb :marseyneckbeard: shitters lmao :marseydicklet:.

There was an occasional capeshit/cartoon manchild here and there but it was overwhelmingly weeb shit :marseyfacepalm:. Not just that, their weeb shit of choice seem to be mostly shonenslop and Isekaislop. There was even one neighbour who said "Rent a girlfriend" is peak fiction :marseywtf2: . Wtf is wrong with these kids? Do they think if they keep calling it peak fiction the slop they consume will have more respect? :marseywut2:

Anyway, to show you guys I'm not being hyperbolic, here's some ss to show what I'm talking about.


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Kinda cool how he's self aware about it

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Search for r-slur zoomer buzz words, get r-slur zoomer results.

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Why is it all zoomer slop when I search "bussin fr fr no cap?" :marseyhmmm:

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Zoomgroids also enjoy capeshit(probably a bigger global fanbase), tv slop and cartoons. I thought it was funny that it was almost exclusively weeb zoomers.

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Every zoomer I've met either was completely uninterested in capeshit, viewed it as old people shit, or begrudgingly enjoyed it while still thinking it was old. I think you have the generations confused, millenials are the ones who unironically enjoy capeshit.

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MCU has a really young fanbase. Endgame made 2.7 billion. I don't think that's possible without a huge zoomie presence.

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Gen alpha going in with their Millennial parents you mean? The youngest zoomers are puberty age now

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I know /r/marvelstudios has a huge zoomer presence at least. Then there are stats like this which say 54% people in the US aged 18 to 34 have watched at least one or more Avengers film.


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Only 54% has watched a single :marseywall: marvel :marseyspiderman: film? That's like low lmao

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One or more*

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Bro your point :marseysocratesyourself: is still stupid :marseymoidmoment:

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Holy shit that get.

Anyways is it really MCU sloppa as a whole or just Spiderman single handedly keeping them relevant?

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It's Spidey and Avengers films mostly. I don't think the newer heroes can bring in a younger audience. So it'll be just millenials propping up capeshit for the forseeable future.

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Weebs are more delulu than MCU normes. They think if it has subtitles, it's basically literature.

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Peak fiction is what I would do for a crumb of sorussy. :marseynut:

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>supporting a literal Nazi collaborator


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If soren was a nazi then I am a nazi too. :marseyauthright:

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I am not

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Nice marsey in the sig

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How many of these people have opened a book of literary fiction within the past year, do you reckon? Not counting manga obviously.


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:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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  • PermaChudRanch : hating capeshit and YA fiction is fundamental rdrama culture sweet cheeks

ITT: the gay :marseytrain: bullying site climbs on its high horse about litfic.

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seriously, I've seen better lit takes on here than Reddit.

4chan has better discussion than both, but I prefer here because I enjoy tripstragging.


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:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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My fellow Christians, I implore you to take a hard look at yourselves. Is this the kind of discussion we should be having? Are we really glorifying God with this kind of talk? Instead of tearing each other down, let us build each other up, as Scripture commands us to do.

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It's a meme lol.

For Fire Emblem fans ”peak fiction" is for when there's incest in the games lmao

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The latest cycle was that Engage is peak fiction lmfao

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Isn't the usual boomer take that Genealogy of the Holy War has the best story? Although that one still has some incest, what with Deirdre and Arvis.

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It is peak storytelling and peak fiction (incest)

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Imagine being so fricking r-slurred and uncultured that you think that something is good just because you really enjoy it. What the heck happened to guilty pleasures? :marseymalding:

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That's because the term "peak fiction" is used exclusively by morons.

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Hollywood and the literature :marseyelli: industry isn't exactly pumping out great :marseygreatpumpkin: fiction :marseykangtheconqueror: these days so I see why this is happening :marseyfsjal:

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Neither is the anime industry as a whole.

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I don't like anime, but you can't deny that whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: the Japanese :marseykamikaze: are doing, people are buying and can't get enough.

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... you understand people use that phrase as a joke?

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Have you actually interacted with these people? One of the reasons people took so much pleasure in AOTs crash and burn was because the fanbase was unironically confident of it being one of the greteast piece of media ever made.

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You are silly.

Children thought that.

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And Manchildren*

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nihon sugoi is so cherry tree sakura onigiri

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I heard twin peaks was pretty lame but it was a show at the time that led people on much like LOST

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Anime is bugslop

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of course someone r-slurred enough to watch anime would say something like PeAk FiCtiOn

god i hate the internet :uhuh:

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"peak" is kind of a neighbor-coded word so this doesnt surprise me

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It's not even kino anime, it's all mediocre ones too.

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:#soyjackwow: Oh wow! Some foggy trucks! So peak!

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Not to disagree with you, but what work is peak fiction in your opinion?

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Yes I am a female g*mer, yes I even like Zelda. What a surprise (after I even gave him personal bonus points for wearing a Zelda Shirt). No, a g*mer shirt is not "a handicap". Yes, when you think wearing a Zelda shirt equals "dating a minor" then you are the problem, not the shirt. Nope, I don't think the "majority of women will see it as a turn off". Yes, when all women you know act negatively around people wearing g*mer shirts and degrade others for having that hobby you have a pretty bad and in my opinion immature social environment to be honest. Nope, you don't have to be a "nerd" or g*mer in order to accept and/or respect other people's hobbies. I think I got all covered now.

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Sometimes I wonder just where the heck are people over 30 in the internet. Is it all zoomers? Do you just lose the ability to post after a certain age?

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>current year +8

>neurodivergents control the internet

how new r u

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Losers killed :marseydeadpooner: anime :marseydimitri:

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