A very large number of people seldom believes me when I say that Afrikaners didn't have a deep seated history of Anti-Semitism or widespread societal hatred of Jews systemically plaguing our population in the way that it has in Europe. That's understandable, in fact it's logical.
For most people, the only afrikaans word they'll ever know or learn in their lifetimes is Lekker or Apartheid. And for most people who will only learn one singular afrikaans word, it's Apartheid exclusively; and prior to Elon Musk, the one South African anglophones in Bongland or Burgerland could name was Nelson Madiba Mandela - nether facts are famous because of the virtues of the Afrikaner people.
Thus, when I mention that curiously, afrikaners don't have a history of Anti-Semitism, most find the idea ludicrous, the idea that people who dominated South African black peeps, for a century, somehow aren't jewhating nuts, along with most righwingers and authoritarian nationalities??
It comes across as me, an afrikaner, desperately trying to salvage some of our internationally ruined reputation, of all worldwide whites, we are perhaps the greatest pariah, and garner little sympathy from liberal western nations when we b-word about our woes, like farm attacks or national corruption (outside of dedicated Chudzones like 9gag). After all, after the arrogance, cruelty and subjugation we had inflicted upon our fellow blacks for over 50 years, and preventing equal rights for non-whites in SA, we are just what we
But, I'm not lying. The curious absence of anti-semitism and jewhate from afrikaners is curious BECAUSE of our historic bigotry and mistreatment of SA blacks, as naturally any far rightwing ethnic group traditionally almost always hated jews amongst every other conceivable manority. The very famous burgerland KKK for example hated jews as much as burger blacks - our absence in following their steps regarding jewdom is what makes our relationship with jews unique from all other modern right wing predisposed ethnic nationalities on earth I believe.
But the absence of jew-hating isn't a boast about our collective virtue, or a feeble attempt at garnering sympathy, it's a weird and r-slurred set of social-geographic events which took place alongside the formation of the Boer republics, which played a direct role on our relationship with jews
It's a testament to the sheer fricking r-sluration and stupidity involved when it comes to the formation of bigotry in human beings.
One hilarious tidbit I always tell peeps about Apartheid, is that in their infinite wisdom, the Nationale Party racially classified Japanese and Chinese differently as a direct consequence of the economic models of their host nations. Japanese were considered the equal of whites, and could use white amenities and ablutions; but chinese were considered and classified as a lessor race as only subhumans would allow Communism to rule their host nation. This is especially ironic when you consider absolutely most afrikaners would never be able to tell a chinese or japanes apart, from their attire, dialect or physical appearance. And yes, I'm aware many whitoids who spend a lot of time interacting between SEA people, can differentiate between the slight differences of Physiognomy of say Koreans and Japs - but trust me, the apartheid party didn't even remotely put that much thought behind their ruling....
They were genuinely that r-slurred
The Big Reason of why there is such a schism between Boers and euros regarding jew hating, especially at the critical point of the WW2 era, had to do with the event of the Groot Trek
Depending on who is doing the measuring, between 1833 to 1838, the largest contingent of proto-Boers/dutch would throw a colossal tantrum at having to be subjugated under British dominion
The Great Trek resulted from the culmination of tensions between rural descendants of the Cape's original European/mostly-dutch settlers, known collectively as Boers, and the Cape's British colonial administration. It was also reflective of an increasingly common trend among individual Boer communities to pursue an isolationist and semi-nomadic lifestyle away from the developing administrative complexities in Cape Town. Boers who took part in the Great Trek identified themselves as voortrekkers , meaning "pioneers", "pathfinders" (literally "fore-trekkers") in Dutch and Afrikaans.
Even a great deal of modern afrikaners who don't know their own history would be surprised to know that this trend started way back as much as 1800 as individual dozens of frontiersmen saught autonomy and land away from the stifling rule of the British. The Great Trek was just the lionshare of dutch GTFOing into the unknown inland wilderniss
anyways, the rest is boring history, the what and why isn't important - that it happened is significant.
You see the biggest thing which makes Burgerland Southeners and Boers similar is also the thing which set them apart. Both American predecessors and Boers are famed for the Frontiersmanships, their extreme individualism, their self-reliance, and also their innate sexual attraction towards firearms.
Both had a history of evolving culture outside of main civilization, living on the brink of developed nations, and farming into the unknown. The pictures of Ossawae or Oxwagons paintings depicting the pathfinders of the Boer Republics, are the same wagons in the Oregon Trail videogame.
And the old battlepaintings of circled wagons , where european settlers fighting off Apaches for their lives, are the same as Boers fighting off Zulus and Matabeles and Xhosas after they had strayed too far into opposing territory, with settlers desperately trying to reload their muskets against arrows or spears.
Most afrikaners who migrate to Burgerland pretty much make a beeline to places like Texas
But here is also the biggest difference. You see in today's world it's not thought of, but in the time of colonialization, there was a perpetual fear of "verwildering" or wildification - the notion that europeans would degenerate into lessor beings, less sophisticated away from civilization. They had a genuine fear that peoples who spent too much time away from civilization and the chuch would unlearn language and devolve into tribal barbaric trogledytes.
If you spent too much time away from the church, you would unlearn respect and loyalty to Christ, you would generate all of the worst vices, and your very children would inherit your devolved nature as if through genetics - it was a whole lot of pseudo science and superstition that was often made manifest as border towns and the frontier was often the most lawless place of any civilization, but especially for colonial states.
It was a genuine belief that too long spent in isolation would rob europeans of good european values, like feral children who grew up in the wild, not learning speech in their formative years. That isolation would have negative impact upon the culture of isolated groups, and that whites spent too long away from european civilization, would be no better than the savages of South American natives or African black peeps.
This is how the British came to view the Boers after a century of "Isolation". From the earliest of the 1800s, then especially from 1833 to 1899, the Boers would make themselves extremely culturally isolated from the rest of the european world.
Where the American frontiersmen kept constant contact with the western world, the boers preferred their isolation. It's important to understand that I don't mean there was NO contact between the forming Boer republics and the rest of euro civilization, everything is relative. Mail frequently exchanged, sometimes even by train between Cape Town and the earliest settlements of Pretoria.
But this was before the age of the internet, before the establishment of the Telegram in SA, before any form of formal mailing system or any communications network. The inland of SA was genuinely wilderniss, at least to the europeans. The fastest mode of transportaion was by horse, both for men and messages. And the fastest mode of transport for goods and supplies was by oxcart or oxwagon, which was much much slower. It was a time of incredible rural isolation and underdevelopment. You guys see that VVitch movie, where the family is literally in the absolute wilderness away from civilization? That was the boer reupblics for every farm outside of Bloemfontein, Joburg and Pretoria. It's difficult to translate this comparative islolation.
In the eyes of the world, and especially the British, the Boers had degenerated into a sub-people. They had become lessor whites, away from civilization, and away from organized religion. They could not fathom the rugged culture of the Boers - to them they were a devolved subspecies of man. In the same way that the Romans completely disregarded the culture of and technology of lessor german tribes, so too did the British see the Boers, the same as the blacks with whom they had intermingled and shared customs with.
Example: Biltong, south african dried meat, similar to burgerland jerky. Today biltong is a delicacy, often expensive, and not something to eat every day. But in the 1800s they were a survival technique to survive the lean winter months of central South Africa. The boers learned it from the Khoi-Sand and friendly Hottentot/Sotho tribes who showed them how they dried buck meat in clay vessels or dry airtight cool and shaded huts, to serve as reserve food in times of hardship.
The Khoi-San and hottentots would mine salt to help cure dried meat.
Instead of seeing this this as an ingenuous survival technique, it was proof to the british that Boers were copying the lower tech tree of lessor people. The british were used to architectural marvels, great cities and vast infrastructure - the meagre farmsteads of the Boer Republics were those of lessor beings. They could not envision that boers had masons from europe constructing stonewalled churches at every Boer settlement, to continue their religious contact, and had not lost their christianity on their way. They could not envision that Boer smiths could create horseshoes and bullet points from meagre veld fires, where british needed smith stations, all they saw was a white race having devolved religiously, technologically and culturally.
Thus, when they in turn, turned to war against the Boers, it wasn't a large leap for the British to extend their own form of cruelty by "treating the boers and their women worse that the most maltreated London stray dog" as Lord Rhodes himself would say, referring to the Concentration camps the British would use to house Boer women, in the hopes to pressure the Boer guerillas to surrender in the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer war. For them it was nothing to do against a lessor race.
I mention all of the above so that the "Isolation" in which the Boers and proto-afrikaners brought upon themselves can be comprehended. Because isolation is relative. But the isolation meant that many cultural exchanges were greater between Boers and Blacks, than between Boers and the continent of Europe, a tragic irony considering that they would dominate their black peers a century later in 1940 -1990 during high Apartheid.
But the most significant influence this 70-100 year long isolation brought upon the Boers, was their intrinsic absence of Jewhatred. At least comparatively to mainland europe. I don't mean there was never ever any Jew haters in Boer populations, past or present. Qtard boomer boers, rightwing poltards exist just as plentiful amongst boers as any group, but the cutting off of Europe, also meant cutting off from ancient european systemic societal bigotries. In the wild heart of inland South Africa, it was primarily the differences between black and white man which would dominate the hearts and minds of the Boer Republics, and eventually the war against Britain.
The Nazis invented very little regarding ancient hatred of jews. Example: even the most infamous Yello David Star Jews had to wear on their attire of prison uniforms are an ancient invention.
"Another instrument of 12th-century anti-Semitism, the compulsory yellow badge that identified the wearer as a Jew, was also revived by the Nazis. The practice of segregating the Jewish populations of towns and cities into ghettos dates from the Middle Ages and lasted until the 19th and early 20th centuries in much of Europe."
In midieval Europe for example, Jews were often despised for being the only bankers in a nation state. With Christians banned from lending money at interest by the Catholic Church, and Jews barred from many professions by Christian monarchs, moneylending was undertaken by Jews in much of Europe.
"In much of Europe during the Middle Ages, Jews were denied citizenship and its rights, barred from holding posts in government and the military, and excluded from membership in guilds and the professions. To be sure, some European rulers and societies, particularly during the early Middle Ages, afforded Jews a degree of tolerance and acceptance, and it would be an error to conceive of Jews as facing an unchanging and unceasing manifestation of anti-Jewish oppression throughout this period."
"As European commerce grew in the late Middle Ages, some Jews became prominent in trade, banking, and moneylending, and Jews' economic and cultural successes tended to arouse the envy of the populace. This economic resentment, allied with traditional religious prejudice, prompted the forced expulsion of Jews from several countries and regions, including England (1290), France (14th century), Germany (1350s), Portugal (1496), Provence (1512), and the Papal States (1569). Intensifying persecution in Spain culminated in 1492 in the forced expulsion of that country's large and long-established Jewish population. Only Jews who had converted to Christianity were allowed to remain, and those suspected of continuing to practice Judaism faced persecution in the Spanish Inquisition. As a result of these mass expulsions, the centres of Jewish life shifted from western Europe and Germany to Turkey and then to Poland and Russia."
"But where they were needed, Jews were tolerated. Living as they did at the margins of society, Jews performed economic functions that were vital to trade and commerce. Because premodern Christianity did not permit moneylending for interest and because Jews generally could not own land, Jews played a vital role as moneylenders and traders. Where they were permitted to participate in the larger society, Jews thrived. During the Middle Ages in Spain, before their expulsion in 1492, Jewish philosophers, physicians, poets, and writers were among the leaders of a rich cultural and intellectual life shared with Muslims and Christians. In collaboration with Arab scholars and thinkers in the tolerant society of Muslim Spain, they were instrumental in transmitting the intellectual heritage of the Classical world to medieval Christendom."
And as we all know few people are hated more than money lenders, doesn't matter how honest they were. As many business enterprises go bust as succeed, and many sour lenders, would come to hate bankers who they had to repay a failing loan. Many actual fricking european kings would banish Jews into the Shadowrealm so as to not to repay their own monarchic loans!
Jews consistently didn't help themselves by having a very insular society, and never trying to convert others, thus they would always remain a numerical minority wherever they went through the ages, and were a prime target for scapegoating during times of hardship. And there were always ALWAYS hardship in europa
Even fricking protestants continued the rich and ancient culture of jew hating and pogroms.
"The idea that the Jews were evil persisted during the Protestant Reformation. Although Martin Luther expressed positive feelings about Jews, especially earlier in his life, and relied on Jewish scholars for his translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into German, he became furious with Jews over their rejection of Jesus. “We are at fault for not slaying them,” he wrote. “Rather we allow them to live freely in our midst despite their murder, cursing, blaspheming, lying and defaming.” Such views were emphasized by the Nazis. They were renounced by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in 1983 and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1994."
Jewhatred was fricking entrenched into european culture, Hitler didn't invent shit.
"The end of the Middle Ages brought little change in Jews' position in Europe, and the Catholic Reformation renewed anti-Jewish legislation and reinforced the system of ghettoized segregation in Roman Catholic countries. Jews remained subject to occasional massacres, such as those that occurred during wars between Eastern Orthodox Ukrainians and Roman Catholic Poles in the mid-17th century, which rivaled the worst massacres of Jews in the Middle Ages. Periodic persecutions of Jews in western Europe continued until the late 18th century, when the Enlightenment changed their position, at least in the West. "
But the Nazis did turbo charge Jewhatred into a magnitude never before experienced in the history of Europe.
Worse yet still, from 1933 to 1945, the nazi Jew hatred and the absence of consequence of fricking up jews in your own country, also inspired other nations to step up their Jew hatred up a notch.
"The storm of anti-Semitic violence loosed by Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945 not only reached a terrifying intensity in Germany itself but also inspired anti-Jewish movements elsewhere. Anti-Semitism was promulgated in France by the Cagoulards (French: “Hooded Men”), in Hungary by the Arrow Cross, in England by the British Union of Fascists, and in the United States by the German-American Bund and the Silver Shirts."
I always find it astonishing the sheer magnitude of cooperation Europeans had with the Nazis, the Gestapo, the SS, when it came to ratting out their neighbours. For every heroic Frenchmen sacrificing their lives and safety of their family to let jews literally hang out in their attic for half a decade so that they might survive the gestapo purges, there were TWO frenchmen in their place, who went to equal extreme lengths to rat out their jewish neighbours of over 2 decades, or to snitch on people they disliked. The Vichy French was appalingly predisposed to this.
While some countries like Sweden went into superhuman overdrive to try and smuggle out jewish children from Nazi occupied territories, and disguise them as native swedish adopted kids until the end of WW2.....
.....Denmark went to to even greater efforts yet still.....
.......others like Hungary had almost the entire fricking population gleefully participate in aiding Nazi round-up squads, by getting virtually every single jew they possibly could.
Even Poland, the European nation I admire most of all, filled me with supreme dismay when I discovered the sheer shamelessness of the scope of their participation Poles had in the ratting out, rounding up, and participation of murdering of Jews which had lived as neighbours in their country for hundreds of years. Even as the Poles were being spitroasted by the Nazi and Soviet armies, they had little pity to give the Warsaw Ghetto pleading their capital countrymen to aid them in their futile ghetto final stand, over loudspeakers, as they were being slaughtered to the last
So when I state Afrikaners didn't hold Anti-Semitism, it's the violent burning bitterness of the WW2 era I refer to, a curiosity especially notable in its absence, considering our famous bigotry against africans.
The strange alliance from the 1950s-1990s between Isreal and the Union of SA wasn't just an alliance between two Pariah states like between North Korea and Russia, it was because the Afrikaners genuinely in large scale and on-average admired and respected Jews and isreal. I'm aware jwehating outliers exist, but they are outliers.
I mentioned before one curiosity was the great support nearly half of all Afrikaners held for Nazi Germany during WW2, in the greatest display of mass wingcuckery any people in history must have had - regarding holding support for something to spite your enemies, despite it going against almost all your intrinsic values.
You see the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer left a deep scar upon the soul of the Boer/Afrikaner, and it would take more than 50 years to even begin to heal the schism between SA Bong and Boer. In WW1, the Boers desperately wanted to support Germany, as the Germans had been the greatest benefactor of the Boer war, and their biggest indipendance advocate. But SA was a commonwealth nation under British Dominion, and Boers would suffer the indignation of having to oppose their most favoured nation.
In 1939, a repeat of WW1 was brewing when the Ossewa Brand Wag became a serious political party, and their members had to be jailed for the duration of WW2. Of course in hindsight the practical reality of Afrikaners actually overthrowing the Commonwealth government was unlikely, but the SA gov took it extremely seriously. Britain's navy was stretched thin across the earth, and Cape Town was an extremely important keystone refueling location.
Anyways point is many Afrikaners were divided in supporting the Allies or the Axis, but postwar was a different story. The infamous Burgerland Supreme Commander Eizenhower had evidence of the Nazi Death Camps collected, and pictures and footage distributed all across the world. When newspaper and video footage reached the tiny south africa, there had never before been such an evaporation of support for any political party before.
The scale of propaganda made discerning news of actual atrocities from Europe difficult to discern all the way in South Africa, so very far away from Europe, but the magnitude and quality of evidence of the Death Camps and Concentration camps would evaporate any wingcuckery the afrikaners had towards the Nazi Germans. Here was a people, the Jews, the Boers had respected and regarded highly, now suffering the same fate on a much much much worse scale than what had been inflicted upon them.
Anyways that's all I got. SA would have strong relations with Isreal until the ANC took power, when hilariously the position would reverse, and the commies would support Palestinians.
Jan Smuts served as prime minister of the Union of South Africa from 1919 to 1924, and 1939 to 1948. Smuts would have a key role in the UN Referendum when UN voted to establish Isreal.
After which the entire Arabs world vowed to wipe out Isreal and drive the isrealites into the sea
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Late comment, but regarding
This is not true, poles were seen as a slave race and treated as crypto Jews. Of the 11 million purported Holocaust deaths (6 million Jews + 5 million others), 7 million of those were poles (3 million polish Jews, 4 million ethnic poles). Poland was permanently occupied throughout the war, the Germans never bothered to set up a collaborative government because they didn't view Poland as a country. Also the polish home army was the largest and most effective resistance army in Europe
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