Most normal WPDegenerate

Our Twilight would never do this, right princess?:!marseyindignant: @Twilight_Sparkle

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The full bio is 1k words btw:marseylongpost:


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Hello, this is Twilight Sparkle the princess of Friendship. I'm flattered really. I'm from WPD . TV and had to make this account to say that I'm happy as frick, live a good life, and do drugs. Ps- what kind of person needs to post someone elses shit just to get some clicks??? That's pretty weird. But whatever, you keep doing you man.

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the same kind that posts someone elses dead body to get clicks

dont call me weird. we are more alike than you think.

!horsefrickers our WPD envoy is here:marseysoypoint:

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I only utilize the site for chat, dear. I don't watch or post gore, so you might pick your words better in the future.

And from where I'm standing, you're still someone I see as below me. You sound like a b-word, oh well. Keep being a loser, maybe you'll come around and not be a piece of shit.

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Least obvious :marseyoctopus4: penny :marseypenny2: alt

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Dear Friend,

The least obvious :marseyoctopus2: penny :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: is the one that is most often overlooked. In the same way, we often overlook the things that God has for us because they are not always obvious.

But, just like a penny, God's blessings are always there :marseycheerup: for us to find if we take the time to look for them.

Psalm 34:10 says, "The young :marseytedkaczynski: lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."

So, if we seek God with all of our hearts, we will find the good things that He has in store for us - even if they are not always obvious.



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sounds like old @goodNews4U tbh

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"Old me?" The only thing that's "old" about me is the wisdom :marseyprincesszelda1: I've gained from years of study :marseyreading: and reflection :marseycontemplatesuicide: on God's Word. The Bible :marseychristchanreading: has a lot to say about wisdom, and I've found :marseymissing2: that its truths are timeless. So, when you say I sound :marseyhearnoevil: "preachy," I take that as a compliment!

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why so condesending:marseyconfused2:

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Why do you think??

Maybe next time don't put someone on display like a fricking zoo animal and you won't have someone who genuinely hates you. I outright think you're scum.

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>don't put someone on display like a fricking zoo animal

then stop chimping out:#donkeykongshrug:

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Lmao okay that one won me over. You've got my sense of humor. Alls good, I just wanted to stop by. Thought it'd be fun.

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I enjoyed your brief incursion to our domain. don't be a stranger


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You should :marseynorm: go upmarsey :marseyholdingcoin: my thread :marseystitch: making fun of you

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Sorry, I don't like neurodivergent shit, better luck next time champ

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Yet you're a 40 year old brony Satanist, I should :marseynorm: call the cops on all those kids you've got locked :marseykey: up

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Hash browns with truffle butter oil

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You did this to yourself :#marseyclown3:

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Found 181 Coins!


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Dearest Princess @Twilight_Sparkle,

What is your favourite drug and why is it ketamine?

Your stalker faithful acolyte,

Haunted John

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lol, you are beyond hope.

Best of luck with digging yourself into an early grave.

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the full bio

Welcome, everyone.

Firstly, I change my anthem a LOT, if you ever want to know what it feel free to dm me or ask on my wall.

If you've made it this far on a gore site to visit someone with a My Little Pony avatar and name then allow me to tell you about myself. And first things first, you've probably noticed my edgy banner picture. While I'm not huge on self harm (anymore) I did think it would be fitting to cut "Twilight Sparkle" into my arm for a banner on a gore site. Anyways-

I've seen the best and worst life has to offer. While I'm an extremely happy person as of this moment, I've dealt with extreme depression for most of my life, and this dude is close to 40 years old. I've hurt people, I've upset people, I've been on probation for 2 years, I've been a drug addict, I've been to jail twice- once on suicide watch, I've also attempted suicide, I've been in the hospital because of my drug habits, I've blacked out while mixing 3 sustenances and was found in the woods in a thorn bush unconscious, I've been so drunk i blacked out at a party and broke most of my knuckles only to awake at my house because someone was able to drive me home and then finding out i also had my blood drawn to make sure i wasn't SO drunk i was going to die of alcohol poisoning, I've had a gun pointed at me by a stranger and was so jaded at the time i only shrugged and made some whatever comment, i hate my father and haven't so much as spoken to him in years, my mom attempted suicide when i was 14, I've been an alcoholic, when I spent a short period of time living with an uncle I was sleeping in a room next to the one that a guy committed suicide when i was around 15, to cut a longer story short I've been through quite a lot.

But after years of making mistakes I've come out as an extremely strong and loving person. I'm one of the happiest people you'll ever meet. I've been to therapy, I'm surrounded by very loving friends and family, I'm an animal person and am lucky enough to have a slew of wonderful critters all around me, I'm as generous as I can comfortably be, I'm not a materialist person and own VERY little and prefer it that way, I LOVE punk, I really like edm, music is one of the most important aspects of my life, I'm goofy and weird, I've recently given up ALL bad drugs, I have around $1,000 worth of My Little Pony merchandise proudly in full display (I'm not very materialistic but I'm just a dedicated fan lol), I've been making my strongest effort to right as many of my wrongs as I can, I'm artistic, I believe myself to be a fairly smart person with a good head on my shoulders, I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the planet, I'm a hell of a good cook, and even if you're going through some terrible times I just want to remind you that you're the ONLY you in the entire universe and that makes you one of the most unique things in the entire universe. Just do the best you can and maybe we can all make it through this journey together.

If you're still reading this you deserve to be filled in on the "joke" of my account name. While I do consider myself a rather dedicated fan of the cartoon My Little Pony, I'm in no way, shape, or form, the kind of person to cram it down everyone else's throat on the internet, but I made this account on a gore website on the 3rd day of its existence over a year ago and thought it would be amusing to make a profile on a website that focuses primarily on videos of people being killed to make my the exact opposite of what you'd expect to come across on a site like this. It's been a lot of fun reading comments I get sent over it lol.

Anyways, I'm a guy. I'm straight. I'm a Satanist. I consider myself to have a good sense of humor. I dress goofy. I always try to have a good time. I work out. I paint my nails twice a week based on what colors I feel like displaying. I have confidence in myself in spades. I try to exude my happiness onto others as best I can. I've lived a hard life but believe I live a good life.

To the community here, you people are incredible and I'm happy to have met so many of you. I've made true friends here. I've shared a ton of laughs and deep moments. A lot of people here are really cool, and I'm glad to have bumped all of you.

While I'm entirely desensitized to all gore at this point, I don't often watch videos of gore anymore mostly because I find it rather boring at this point. However, you can VERY regularly meet me on chat here and I'd like to meet you someday. I don't talk much but I lurk very often.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Even if we don't all get along, we're all stuck in this life together and if we work together we just might make it through this weird existence of ours. I hope the best for you all.

This has been yours truly, your WPD Princess of Friendship, himself, your biggest fan, and the only Pony lucky enough to bump into you.

  THE Twilight Sparkle

!retards which one of you is this

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Holy frick a 40 year old gore brony. This BIPOC :marseytariq: is definitely holding children :marseychildcatcher: in his basement

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he sounds so fricking gay

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That handwriting is awful, too

Try again

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Probably because zoomers have no fine motor skills and hold their writing instruments like cavemen

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the bio says he is 40:marseyconfused:

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Good gravy

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Does WPD also have Marseybux? Are the 2 websites really that similar?

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they even gave out marseybux because of downtime. My rdrama account has none. clit peeler plays favorites.

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Keep this man away from me.

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would transitioning have saved her?:marseyquestion:

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what a blast from the past

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