
:marseyaustralian: REFERENDUM DAY THREAD:!platyaboriginal: [Current status- 6/6 STATES +60% NO TOTAL CHUD VICTORY :chudspin::chudspin::chudspin::chudspin:]

!strayans !strayans !strayans IN IN IN

I've timed this to go out at midday AEDT and I'll try keep it active until the referendum is called sometime tonight.

Carp aevann pls pin, but if they don't I'm gonna use my limited coins to pin it myself when something happens.

  • Sneed- Marcia Langton says reconciliation is dead



  • News- last minute Newspoll shows Yes gain by 3 points (still losing tho)


  • Sneed- Dutton is literally drumpfh



  • Sneed- "Once again, it seems only white men know what's best for Aboriginal peoples"


Anyway, how was voting (if you're doing it on the day)? What result are you expecting? What result do you want?

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can someone explain what this whole drama is about, been hard to get a straight answer even on here

something about abbos and money?

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Adding to others' answers, the Voice is part of a package of reforms that indigenous rights groups have been pushing for: Voice (race-exclusive shadow parliament) Treaty (land and money gibs that can't be undone by future governments) and Truth (self-flagellation about bad stuff a bunch of long dead Bri'ish people did). It's very obvious that if the Voice is established, it creates momentum for the other two things.

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A treaty would be nice, if only to shut up the 'never ceded' bullshit.

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So bascially,

Theres a referendum about enshrining an aboriginal advisory body into the constitution today. Many aboriginal advisory bodies have been tried before but have all been ineffective (and thats not to mention other moneypit projects aiming to help aboriginals that didn't do much). The proposed constitutional amendment is limited in scope, pretty much only saying that there needs to be a voice, that the voice can advise parliament and that parliament has power to change it's composition, procedures and powers. No draft legislation has been released and the prime minister has not explicitly supported any proposed models such as the one proposed in the calma-langton report. Both yes and no have had pretty abysmal campaigns, although yes in particular has been particularly garbage as the official government messaging has been "vote yes because it'll make you feel good". i wish i was joking.

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To add, it's the first constitutional referendum in 24 years, so there's a bit of media buzz about it.

The people don't GAF though, and the enthusiasm gap is highly entertaining.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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Arent there bigger things to worry about than this homosexual voice thing. Like abos being r-slurs or the economy etc.

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Something to do with the peoples choices and voices act or someshit like that

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you mean that one side is good and correct and the other side is evil and wrong? yep i totally see what you're talking about, thanks for clearing that up

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been hard to get a straight answer even on here

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Abos need a voice in the Australian Government according to white people. You may think, "Wait, abos can't vote?" And the answer is yes, of course they can. So what does giving them a voice actually mean? No one knows, but it's a good thing and you're a racist if you keep asking questions.

That's the summary of all of the Internet discussions

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So if they can vote, and presumably they're also allowed to run for office do they not already have a voice?

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Yes but right now it's just a general "australian" voice

They need a special "abo" voice

Real apartheid has never been tried

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They have a voice but they don't have a Voice. Part of the yes campaign is literally this play on words, where they say aboriginals have never had a Voice and it's technically true because they've never had race-exclusive representative body called a "Voice" but it's supposed to create the false impression that they have less of a figurative voice in politics than any other individual.

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Wow. Racist.

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Here's a post of mine from a couple months ago, it's a bit out of date but it's the best I can do at a pinch


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nice write up thank you!

so the biggest controversy, if you actually read into it seems to be whether or not this council will come with some giant gib scam by leftoids

yall really aren't that different than us in some ways

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Yeah and it's probably the main reason why people are voting No. While they cannot just shotgun through legislation on their own it's pretty likely that reparations and other rackets (like having to have a permit for an abbo to inspect your land so you don't disturb holy rocks before you can make improvements on it, at your cost of course) will be proposed at some point.

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Yep pretty much lol

The problem is that the leftoids absolutely want to do the gibs and absolutely want to use the Voice to lobby for gibs, but they know the gibs are incredibly unpopular so they're essentially stuck with arguing "this referendum isn't about the gibs" ad nauseam

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hide behind MUH RACISM is a classic tactic. lets see how it plays out for them

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Public shaming so rarely affects private behaviour, and no one can verify what you do in the voting booth.

Real life is not Twitter/reddit/ social media, it's amazing how many people and organisations don't get that.

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