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EFFORTPOST Turbo :marseymushroomcloud: Nuclear COPE in r/Africa over BMI :marseysnorlax::carpchonker: statistics. :marseycope::marseycope::marseycope:






"BMI isn't very accurate especially for Sub-saharan Africans. For instance, some sub-saharan african women have a BMI of 30+ but when you see them in person, you wouldn't categorize them as “obese”"

AAAAHAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHHHAAA :marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist: :marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope::marseycope:


Peeps agree they are totally not faaaaaaaaaaaaat :marseychonkerfoid::marseychonker2::marseyobesescale:


Okay let me explain,

despite all the circlejerk liberals and shitlibs make, there are distinct differences between races on earth, no matter how taboo it is to discuss amongst woke people, medical careerists do have to take racial differences into account when treating their patients.


The earwax of caucozoids is sticky/wet and very comparatively thick, whilst the earwax of SAE asian peeps tend to be papery and dry, and the treatment towards earcleaning can be downright dangerous between the races. You will often see these ASMR asian ear cleaning spas and shit in china where a lot of chinese go to for relaxation in their mystical ancient chinese 1000 year old Kung Fu bullshit about how smearing mud on your face will help lengthen the youth of your skin for the next 50 years.



Basically anything on this youtube channel


Basically the general rule is that asians can afford to clean their ears more often than westoids like caucasians, if your earwax is wet, then basically you NEED that shit in your ear, as it's a secretion to protect your sensitive eardrums from dust and bacteria and foreign crap. Usually only when they start blocking up your ear canal is a good idea to remove it by flushing it out after a few days of waxxol or whatever .

In terms of skin, Dermatologists nead to be very careful in subscribing cream to africans which could be downright toxic, even if they are nothing but beneficial to asians or whites.

African frizzy or curly hair react differently to shampoos meant for whitoids and can downright cause bad hygiene, it's so fricking prevalent in Burgerland whitoid foster parents who adopt african kids, and use shampoo and skincare products from whitoids, that the kids inevitably grow calcified dreadlocks which are horrifically unhygienic, and whitoid parents :marseycrying::marseycrying::marseycrying::marseycrying: WTF is happening to my baby's hair, it keeps going all wonky now matter now much I wash it reeeeeee :soycry::soycry::soycry::marseysulk::marseysulk::marseysulk:

To such extent that there are websites dedicated to the skin and hair care for mayo foster parents of chocolate kids











:blacksoyjak::blacksoyjak::blacksoyjak: "my whitoid parents tried to give me a life away from the orphanage, but they fricked up my black hair now im not cool anymore wahwahwah" :blacksoyjak::blacksoyjak::blacksoyjak:

Didn't even begin for mayo foster parents :marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan::marseyitneverbegan:

Anyways you guys get the idea, there are diistinct and extreme physiological differences between races to the extent that doctors may not be advised to give patients of different races the same medication as it would be toxic to their biologies.

So there is genuine sincere precedent in which the application of medical norms to people of different races can have adverse effects - example in burgerland, the majority race is Mayos, and thus research tend to be overwhelmingly towards mayo subjects for research and experiments, this can have unintended consequences for people of different races if those same methodologies or medicine is used for other races like blacks or asians.

Many basketball americans had complained that they had suffered mistreatment at the hands of white doctors who prescribed to them treatments not suitable for black patients, and while the usual woke crowd will over inflate this, there has been historical president of black women receiving less or no painkillers during treatment of surgery by white doctors, for whatever reason, like the false belief that black women have less sensitivity than their white peers.




Once again it's near impossible to get a non-wingcucked research into this subject as wokoids will overinflate a very real occurence, but the point remains there had been a very long history since over a hundred years ago in burgerland, of blacks, and especially black women, receiving less care and painkillers, whether in birthing a baby or surgery or basially any form of injury by a noticeable amount.

The takeaway is that there is sincere historic cause for american blacks to have some amount of hesitancy towards health norms applied by a nation with a mostly white dominant population, HOWEVER

Which brings us to BMI and /r/Afirca :marseysmug2::marseysmug3::marseysmug:

1st - there is genuine physiological differences between the manner in which fat and weight is distributed between men, women, and people of different races - specifically whites and blacks

2nd - Just like the biological differences in earwax of eastoids VS westoids, and hair hygiene between caucozoids and BIPOCS, so too is the margins of how BMI is calculated to determine the weight health of a person of african or european descent - specifically black women due genuinely by actual hard research have larger margins of healthy weight supposedly on average so that black kweens should have larger ranges before being considered obese as the BMI had been mostly calculated via white test subjects






The ACTUAL amount of margin differences between mayo and black women for default boy health is fricking inconsequential lmoa, by all the research i had skimmed, it had been in the order of a pathetic 10% difference

In laymen's terms, to have the BMI calculated for our Kweens :marseykween::marseymyeisha::marseypenny::marseychudnny: you are supposed to adjust the BMI by a order of 10% increase or whatever :marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist::marseylaughpoundfist:

SO IN OTHER WORDS: if a mayo b-word is obese at 30 BMI, then a black kween would only be obese at 33 BMI, and so on.

But the r-sluration of these FAT :marseychonker::marseychonker::marseychonker::marseychonker::marseychonker::marseychonker::marseyscooter::marseyscooter::marseyscooter: activists is that they misunderstand the application of the BMI, and it's usually only the fricking morbidly obese fatoids who try to cope using the challenge that BMI was invented by the evil Burgerlands :marseysaluteusa::marseyusa: white supremacy to keep kweens down and make them feel fatter than they already are :blacktears::blacktears::blacktears::blacklivesmatter:

Thus there is perpetual fricking cope :marseycope::marseycope::marseycope: I see online from black burgers and africans about the supposed invalidity of the White Supremacist BMI! :marseykkkevil::marseykkkevil::marseykkkblm:

When in reality what often happens is that a fat black b-word of BMI 35 will b-word and moan that actually! :marseyakshually::marseyakshually::marseyakshually: she is not obese because she is over 30 BMI, nonono, instead we must adjust the BMI - but in reality if we adjust the BMI with that fabled pathetic inconsiquential 10%, the margin for obesity is STILL FRICKING 33 BMI!!!!!

AND SHE'S STILL FRICKING OBESE LMOA :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseylaugh::marseygossipsmug::marseygossipsmug::marseygossipsmug::taylaugh::taylaugh::marseyobamacope:

Right sorry fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally back to /r/Africa cope


The map is inaccurate , WRONG THESHOLDS!!! :marseyscream::lepanicrunning::lepanicrunning::lepanicrunning::marseysmokealarmbeep::onfire2::onfire2::onfire2::onfire2:


The usual cope :marseyobamacope::marseycope::chadcopecapy::carpseethedilate:


That's a lie



Fattoid posts his :marseyl::marseyl::marseyl::marseyl::marseyl:


"BMI takes your height into account..."


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Many basketball americans had complained that they had suffered mistreatment at the hands of white doctors who prescribed to them treatments not suitable for black patients, and while the usual woke crowd will over inflate this, there has been historical president of black women receiving less or no painkillers during treatment of surgery by white doctors, for whatever reason, like the false belief that black women have less sensitivity than their white peers.



To determine whether there was a racial bias in pain medication prescriptions, the researchers looked at more than 60m records of pain-related emergency department visits from 2007 to 2011 for people aged 18 to 65.

Doctors that handle emergency visits and those "fast care" clinics that don't require appointments are generally reluctant to hand out pills to anyone who comes off the street and demands them. So if a disproportionately high rate of black people visit, demand drugs, and get denied, then maybe it's no surprise that blacks are less likely to get prescribed.

“A black patient with the same level of pain and everything else being accounted for was much less likely to receive an opioid prescription than a white patient with the same characteristics,” said study co-author Astha Singhal, an assistant professor at Boston University's dental medicine school.

Sounds darning, but pain can be hard to verify:

Five conditions were examined and divided into two categories: definitive and non-definitive. The first referred to conditions that were easily diagnosed – kidney stones and long-bone fractures – and the second to conditions that are not: toothache, abdominal pain and back pain.

Black patients had about half the odds of being prescribed opioids compared to white patients for non-definitive conditions, according to the study, which Singhal co-authored with Renee Hsia of UC San Francisco and Yu-Yu Tien from the University of Iowa.

Yeah, thought so.

This is weird:

The study found no race-based differences for definitive conditions or toothaches, which Singhal said could be because emergency room doctors may be quicker to treat these conditions with medication because they are not dental experts.

“This study unfortunately tells us what we already know – black patients are improperly treated for pain and that is mostly because of their skin color,” said Keisha Ray, a postdoctoral fellow with the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

>not biased in type A events

>not biased in type B events

>not biased in type C events

>bias found in type D events!!!!

:#marseyattentionseeker: :siren: It's racist! It's racist! :siren: The whole system is racist!!!! :siren:

If there's no systemic bias for the treatment scenarios, except for the one for "non-definitive" pain, then why would you strongly conclude that black people are being [under]diagnosed for pain complaints becaues of their skin color?

I also wonder how many were insured or at least had medicare and how that would affect the results. If 80% of the black patients had medicare, then the low prescription rate for reducing a pain that can't be objectively verified isn't surprising.

Christopher Ervin, an advisor to the Black Women's Health Imperative advocacy group, said there is a history of assuming black people are more likely to be addicts, so even if they receive adequate pain treatment in the emergency room, they may not receive a prescription for it once they are discharged.


Well, are they? Is there a disprortionately higher rate of black drug addicts? There sure seems to be in my city.

Ervin said these study findings also show how differences in race can amplify the power groomercordance that exists between a patient and doctor.

But forget about the evidence! They _is_ racist!


For instance, a clinician may not recognize someone's pain because of cultural differences in describing pain. “Many cultures may not be as demonstrative or vocal or assertive about pain and say: ‘Hey, I am hurting,' particularly when, women in color in general, being vocal is not always to your benefit,” Ervin said.


Black people pain, much like voodoo and Ancient Blackened Ways of Learning from the Hotep Days, is based and :marseykey:'d on a plane that the White Mind cannot comprehend.

In the US, it's a 1-10 scale where you mark how much you're in pain. Then you're asked follow up questions, and if possibly related to your muscles, joints, bones, whatever they move your limb or head around to elicit a response of pain. If they're really not seeing that, and you mark your pain as 10, then you'd be reasonable in assuming they're exagerrating or outright full of shit.

This reminds me of higher violent crime rates from blacks (an outcome), and people looking at that as indicative of a systematic racist bigoted bully society when it's almost entirely due to more black people committing violent crimes. :marseyshrug:

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‘Hey, I am hurting,' particularly when, women in color in general, being vocal is not always to your benefit,” Ervin said.

Bullshit. Black women are loud as frick, whoever wrote this has never been around black people in their life. They are the only group of adults i have ever heard scream at full volume in an office setting.

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And we all know how quiet and non-confrontational black women are

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White women could learn something

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Maybe not

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Black :marseyhermione: women :marseyblops2chadcel: don't experience less pain, they just scream :marseyquagmireshocked: louder so they get ignored.

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