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New schizalien theory FACTS just dropped


Earth was created using artifically induced natural terraformation for the purpose of having a physical space to carry out their experiments. By creating humans, they use us as a way to prove a point to another NHI "higher power". They gave humans the Earth for a selected period of time, in which there is a proxy war happening "behind the scenes" (in a different dimensional space where these things exist that overlaps our own), that influences humanity in ways that literally change history.

They introduced knowledge using consciousness-based, manifestations of physical crafts and beings, having telepathic interactions, and they influenced many of these selected "prophets" to go on to influence the world, which led to many of the world's religions we see today. By doing this, they created conflicts, which are tests that these beings use to judge us as a species. They let us kill, love, create, destroy, and live our lives through free will, but will not let us destroy the planet. This is where they've been seen intervening at very disastrous times throughout history.

By letting us live with ignorance and free will, it allows them to continue to experiment on us, seeding each new generation with "upgrades" until we get to a point where our genetic pool can handle the level of interactions that these things operate. They influence us with subliminal messaging, hidden symbolism, energy manipulation, and in extreme cases, even possession. Keeping the population blinded in the illusion allows us to have blissful ignorance so that we continue on through their experiment without it falling apart.

That's the only way we can succeed. That's why some of the ones in government that are in charge of this stuff keep it secret. If the world finds out the purpose of the experiment before the time is up, at a time where humanity definitely isn't worthy of "graduation", defeats the purpose of the experiment and our creation. If that happens, they destroy the experiment, wipe our collective memory, and start over with our recycled consciousness into new bodies on a new planet.

Too many people are waking up too fast, at the wrong time, and so now they are rushing to keep everyone in the know, raising the vibrational energy of the "collective field" of humanity, and get everything in order. That's also why they're fighting to hard to keep it secret. They know they're coming, and they don't want us to get wiped out.

That's their "Plan". That's why they abduct us. That's why they created us. That's why they're keeping it secret. If the world finds out at the wrong time, they hit the reset button.

There is so much more going on, but thats the gist of it... AMA

Theyre coming, and we're fricked.


OP elaborates:

How have you been able to ascertain this “speculation”? Was there a eureka moment or a specific reason why you felt so compelled to share (besides the aforementioned escalating global tensions)? I'm interested in learning more.

I've had contact with NHI that have given me knowledge, and I spend my days ignoring the mundane world in the search of truth. That led me to studying history, Para-anthropology, Theology, Physics, and many other things that led me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, to the point where I started connecting the dots to everything that makes up this grand illusion

Once your eyes open up, it's hard to close them.

Why were you contacted? What makes you so special to them?

There's nothing "special" about it. It's all part of their Plan. They take us, unlock certain things in people, and put them back into the experiment to do what they wanted. They told me to be a teacher, so here I am. I spend my days researching, sharing my experiences, and spreading my knowledge and experience to those who will listen

I'm listening, king. Who will join me?


He's very responsive in this thread, not going to post all of it.

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░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELETON


I've had contact with NHI that have given me knowledge, and I spend my days ignoring the mundane world in the search of truth. That led me to studying history, Para-anthropology, Theology, Physics, and many other things that led me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, to the point where I started connecting the dots to everything that makes up this grand illusion

Once your eyes open up, it's hard to close them.

There's nothing "special" about it. It's all part of their Plan. They take us, unlock certain things in people, and put them back into the experiment to do what they wanted. They told me to be a teacher, so here I am. I spend my days researching, sharing my experiences, and spreading my knowledge and experience to those who will listen:

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