Full coverage of the Ron DeSantis bombshell


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:marseyxd: did you see the interview where :marseydrama: he was exposed? He's 100% sussy :marseyamogus:

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Is there actual proof or good suspicion or is it just the usual ""experts"" from the news programs?

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There's no "proof" but he could have easily debunked it when the interviewer :marseyreportercnn: asked :marseythinkorino2: him about it by taking off his boots

The host even bought new dress :marseytradwifedaisy: shoes :marseyinboots: for him to do that :marseyxd:

DeSantis was super :marseysupersorensoarin: awkward :marseyhelp: the whole time too, it's one of those moments that immediately triggers your BS detector :marseysmokealarmbeep:

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If i lived in a country where political discussion had descended to that level, i think id just :marseydefenestr#ation: myself tbh.

I can appreciate watching the shitshow :marseypopcorn: but imagine that actually being what decides the course of your country :marseytoasterbath:

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X (formerly chiobu) why are you watching full length interviews about random American politicians?

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it was a short :marseymanlet: clip

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Patrick :marseybateman: Bet-David tried to give Lil Ronnie :marseyboar: shoes :marseyinboots: and he got sussy :marseyquestion: :marseyemojirofl:

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WTF is this? Why is meatball Ron doing podcasts with non-whites?

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A Trump :marseyliberty: simp too :marseyxd: he knew what he was doing

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SMH. How am I supposed to trust his judgement as a world leader when he's doing podcasts that aren't Rogan?

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The Lucchese thing is also such a bizarre way to spin it. Most politicians downplay overt luxury brands, saying that your weirdly out of place boots are merely $2000 urban cowboy attire is such weird way to spin it. DeSantis is truly demented

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His feet only reach about half way down his shoes

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I don't need an expert to tell me those are the fruitiest frickin boots I've ever seen

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