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I was the one who put malware in Five Nights at Cobson's :soyjakcobsongenocide:

F.Y.I. Don't install it and if you did, uninstall it right meow unless you want me stealing all your paywalled patreon content :marsey4chan: :marseyanon:

TL;DR: I'm a game developer and I made it onto the team. What better way to strike back at the chuddies than to ruin their little game? Serves them right after they tried flooding here. :marseytroll:

This is in country club so it won't be visible to any plebs, especially shitty little soyteens! :marseyindignant:

TRANS. LIVES. FRICKING. MATTER. :#donkeykongchestbeat3:

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I found this on google search, although making it visible would cause more seethe, even if it's fake

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