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There are often complaints about "bad neighborhoods" and why good places to live near any major metropolitan area costs so much. That the focus on property values post-segregation to keep out riff-raff also keeps out youth looking to start families of their own. This is true, but if houses were cheap enough for them, said riff-raff would also enter, usually on government subsidy, and render it an unfit place to raise kids.

:marseychud: chuddier than me would disregard the role of the individual, and just make a blanket call to RETVRN to segregation. Nevermind the practicality of it, this would, in fact, subject innocents to that punishment and let bad actors remain on the crude blanket judgement of the color of their skin. In fact, this would disincentivize Blacks to behave, as they will be punished anyways, after all.

However, the de facto current system of using monetary barriers has its own pitfalls and perils. It has become far harder for a typical American young person to gain said property to start a family, and even if they inherit, that is usually after they become de facto infertile due to age. It increases the pressure to get into the upper class, as government subsidies encourage the poorest e.g. Section 8 to move into middle-class areas.

So what is to be done about this - one locks out the youth, the other the innocent among the colored? The answer is to take inspiration from the other side of the Pacific. Not the Japanese, you weeb-brained coomers! China! :marseyxi: :!marseyxi: The Chinese Social Credit system - like a credit score for a person. Why can't we just use that, and block off neighborhoods - even cheap ones - and/or schools by social credit scores? Meritocratic and yet able to separate the innocent and behaved from the rabble destined for a jail cell sooner or later.

It accomplishes both being racially neutral - adhering to individualistic principles and keeping neighborhoods safe to live in without undue monetary penalties. It's not like we have privacy anymore anyways :marseyxd:.

p.s. Disparate Impact Doctrine is r-slurred

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In addition a social credit system allows for your person from a bad neighborhood to shift to a good neighborhood over time if they are able to improve their score instead of being permanently locked into place.

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That's the point - it accomplishes the goal of keeping the riff-raff out without unnecessary expenses and yet keeping individual meritocracy.

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Now we only need good rule makers who can set up the system to actually be useful.

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I nominate myself :marseytroll:

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I vote against your nomination.

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@CerebralChud I nominate both of you :marseyhearts:

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anyone below 80 iq only has the right to vote over what they want separate from the rest of the population.

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Are you implying that I have an IQ lower than 80? :marseysad:

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No I am stating the general rule I would write out.

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