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Why I Believe in God

Why I Believe in God

by Eric

This is kind of a freestyle essay, with no formal points or whatnot, I don't even have an outline...

A lot of people do not believe in God or the bible, and I was one of those people before I realized a few things...

For about three months I took a philosophy class and my biggest goal of said class was to debunk Christianity among anybody who claimed affiliation to it. Shitty goal, right? Well to some of you it is and to others it isn't and a lot of you could give a frick less.

A short explanation of why I accepted God and Jesus as savior is this: I went to listen to a man speak about Christianity and he was a bible beater, I hated him, I left his speech, I thought he was full of shit... Then I took some time to myself and a lot of things I learned in my philosophy class came flooding back to me and I don't know whether it was a voice from God or a flashback from Fight Club but something in my head said "If you were to die right now, how would you feel about your life?" and I gave the Fight Club answer of "I wouldn't feel anything." And i realized that was true. Then another thing entered my mind, which was "You know, there is a higher purpose to be served." Shit yeah, that was God.

Allow me to digress for a second: Every question in the world brings more questions. Honestly, think of a question and you can ask who, what, where, how, why, whatever to that question. Is the world round? yes. Why? Because of gravity shaping it, whatever... Shit like that. Anyways, the only question that can be answered Yes or No and left at that would be the question "Is there a God?" A yes or no answer would suffice. Sure, you can pin more questions on, but there's no need... once you know the yes or no it can be left at that. I don't know why, but that is my reason for believing in God, so don't ask me why. That is my faith.

So why believe in Jesus? As a completely independent thinker, I see Jesus as the epitome of what man is capable of. Forgiveness, love, and being selfless all for the betterment of mankind. Jesus taught that (what would later become) Christianity is about the salvation of mankind as a whole, and not of any single person. Also, Jesus died for what he believed. He was the ultimate "Frick You" to society, the ultimate revolutionary... He changed 83 percent of the world. He didn't get off the cross and say "April Fool's!" He died because he was showing us the way.

Which brings me to the point of the bible. A lot of people will say, "Christianity has to be bullshit because of so many discrepancies." The main one is Genesis and the story of creation. First of all, Genesis is a poem and that's it. The longest poem ever written. Many biblical scholars will say so. So don't take it as fact. Another thing is the whole seven days thing, maybe seven days to god isn't seven days to us. Maybe seven days for him is like 7 billion years to us. God has to be around for eternity and if the days passed as slowly to him as they do to us he would get bored. In the old testament, he kind of slowed things down to set us on the straight and narrow, then he realized "Wow, it's going to take me a long time to straighten these bastards out." So he gave us Jesus to clean our slates. That was a tangent, back to my point... People point out so many discrepancies in the bible, but look at it this way. The bible was written by a shitload of different people over about 600 years. Yeah, there's going to be discrepancies. That's all i have to say about that.

And i read this bullshit article here by some guy on testing Christianity. A true Christian doesn't give into questioning. Jesus didn't try to prove to Satan that his faith in God was real. When Satan told Jesus to turn the rocks into bread, Jesus basically said, "No don't test my faith." Now that same guy might say "yeah, but you're not Jesus, so i have the right to question." Christian means "little Christ." So True Christians will not give into the questioning of "little Satan." It's a microcosm thing.

This whole thing probably wasn't very clear, but what the heck. I'm a fledgling Christian, it's five in the morning and I just did this because I'm bored. Any questions, feel free to IM me on AIM: reifis lume.... or e-mail me at [email protected]

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Why I believe in God:

If people can say the word "yes" exists I can say God exists

Please direct all arguments against God's existence towards the existence of the word "yes"

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