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Which s*x toy :marseybeandrool:should I get for my foid? :marseytrad:

Not like a dildo obviously but one of those massaging wands you can use on a foid's clit and make her go wild. !biofoids please share your wisdom with me and give me a recommendation

I'm decently well off so I also don't need to get the discount version

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Anal beads or a buttplug, you can feel it through the wall so both of you benefit from it. Combine that with a bullet vibe for her clit and youre solid

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THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER!!! If you aren't using plugs/beads, you are seriously fricking up :marseyindignant:

The feeling of your foid, who you have fricked countless times, being not only tighter due to the space that the toy is using (the b-hole and v-hole are seriously so close together that if you put a finger in each, I swear you could snap your fingers :marseycheckem2:), but also having a totally novel "texture" (idk how to describe it non-weirdly) because of the shape of the toy is simply :marseychefkiss: And obviously your girl gets something out of it as well unless she just hates it :marseyteehee:

This is my #1 recommendation for couples who have been together for a bit, are cool with butt stuff, and need some spice without going into full-on fetish crap :marseythumbsup:

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Basically, sounds like I'm one of the only ones here whos had a relationship before lmao.

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