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EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] Javier Milei, President-Elect of Argentina, is a schizophrenic anarcho-capitalist. He believes that Ayn Rand came to him in a vision and told him to liberalize Argentina.


@FrozenCapy Rightoid drama please pin

@FrozenPilgrim @HeyvestMoon @carpilgrimflorist !effortposters

You've all seen parts of this guy by now. You all know he's a dramatard at heart, and he's just been handed real, actual power of a South American country. But I don't think you realize just how funny this is going to be.

I'm copy pasting large parts from an Economist article with some added Twitter shit and Argentinian TV clips.

Dramatards, meet your new President!


In 2019 Javier Milei – the front-runner in Argentina's presidential election later this month – attended a cosplay convention. He wore black and yellow spandex and wielded a golden staff. This alter ego, a character of his own invention, was called General Ancap, the leader of “Liberland”, a country “where nobody pays taxes”. The name was a portmanteau for anarcho-capitalist, a strand of libertarianism that seeks to abolish the state in favour of unfettered free markets. As Milei told a gaggle of amused adolescents, the general's mission was to “kick Keynesians and collectivists in the butt”.

He's an actual proponent of the meme ideology. He's literally declared Ancapistan. Argentina has just elected the heart and soul of /r/WallStreetBets :marseywallst: to the highest office of their country. You may have seen the clip going around of him screaming about shit leftards ruining the country. I didn't add that, he's actually using "shit leftards" and screaming about a journ*list conspiracy to destroy liberal economics.

Oh, you haven't seen it? Here.

Argentina, for the record, is fricked :marseystocksdown: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseydeadcatbounce:. Inflation is sky high, the economy is in the potty, and in the previous election (this guy just won the run-off), the only mentally stable candidate was eliminated, giving Argentinians the choice between this guy and a Peronist, who's ideology has previously been fricking up the country. Now, it's someone else's turn.

Included among his campaign promises are:

  • :marseybux: Fix inflation by just switching to the US dollar which is actually stable

  • :marseypoor: Reduce government spending by 15% of GDP (that's a lot)

  • :marseyfedposthmmm: Reduce the number of government ministries from 18 to 8

  • :marseylibright: Get rid of most taxes

  • :marseymacarthur: "Blow up" the central bank. He may just get rid of it, he may actually detonate the building. No one knows

He blames Argentina's problems on a political 'caste', which he believes consists of fat politicians, trade union leaders, and other cronies. :marseyrightoidschizo:

Javier Milei - S*x Guru

*Since he exploded onto the public scene, Milei's complex personal life has been as prominent as his political pronouncements. He has boasted on television about being a s*x guru whom former girlfriends call “the naughty cow”, introduced audiences to his four cloned English mastiffs and spoken openly about his complicated relationship with his parents, whom he long dismissed as merely his “progenitors”. In a country of 46m people, he has nearly 7m followers across his social-media accounts. *

This man has publicly boasted the weird s*x he has, including the fact that he can go three months without nutting. Yes, that's real, he said that. :marseycoomer3:


He's kind of got a weird look to him. Like most unstable rightoids, he's got a weird hairstyle. Instead of just trying to look presentable and normal, he just owns the schizo look for some reason :marseyschizotwitch:

As frontman, Milei styled his beehive-sized hair to look more like Mick Jagger's. (Today he attributes his hairdo that ends in impressive sideburns to the work of the “invisible hand”, a wry reference to Adam Smith's description of the forces that move the free market.)

This motherlover's barber is literally the invisible hand. He's so schizo he probably thinks it's an actual floating hand :marseyxd:

Economic Beliefs and Schizophrenia


Milei claims he consumed the 150-page article in three hours. “When I finished reading it…I said, ‘Everything I taught in the last 25 years on market structures is wrong.'” (In fact, Milei had only been teaching economics since becoming a master's student.) Milei adopted anti-statist ideas with the zeal of a religious convert. Soon after, he started devouring books by anti-Keynesian economists. He particularly liked Friedrich Hayek, Keynes's nemesis, who argued that handing over economic control to the state, rather than to individuals, leads to tyranny.

Javier Milei used to be a Keynesian, which is a pretty par for the course economic theory. It's got it's own problems, but if you met one, you wouldn't cross the street or anything. This motherlover read one article and became an anarchist overnight. Not because it was good, but because hes highly unstable and really just needed a direction to go.

But @NeedForStuffing, I don't think he's that unstable, he just seems kind of radical. Maybe that's what Argentina needs?

Oh boy, is he!


Milei seems to believe that leading Argentina is his destiny. Maslatón said he asked Milei in 2022 whether he would throw his hat in the ring for the presidency; he responded that God had told him to turn Argentina liberal. Other sources have claimed that Milei has supernatural visions. In one, Ayn Rand, the libertarian philosopher, supposedly appeared to him in a bookshop. In another, he saw the resurrection of Christ.

Javier Milei, President-Elect of Argentina, claims that the ghost of Ayn Rand came to him in a bookshop and told him to destroy the central bank :marseyxd:. it really doesn't get better than that. He's literally waving a chainsaw around at public rallies. What more did you want?

>I was sitting in the presidential palace, reading my copy of Atlas Shrugged and shooting up heroin, when a call came in. I put a quarter into my receiver and picked it up. "President Milei's office", I answered. "It's Ayn Rand and also Jesus Christ", came the reply. "We need you to destroy the central bank and criticize the Pope on television"

He really doesn't like the Pope, by the way. He's pretty mean to everyone when asked lmao. People will ask him random questions and he just flips out:

As he became more famous, Milei's views and public persona grew more extreme. When a journ*list asked a mundane question about Keynes, he replied: “All I'm saying is that you're an idiot and you talk about things you don't know.” He called the centrist mayor of Buenos Aires “a leftist piece of shit” and “a worm” whom he could “squish even in a wheelchair”. Once, he suggested that a politician he disliked should be beheaded with a samurai sword. He has dismissed the pope, who is Argentine, as “a leftist son of a b-word”, “a donkey”, “a jackass” and “an ignoramus”.

>Darn, you know what could endear me to Argentinians? A majority Catholic country, when the pope is also Argentinean? Calling the pope an r-slur. Yeah, that'll do it.

When asked whether he thought parents should be able to sell their children, he responded: “it depends.” “Wouldn't the answer just be no?” the journ*list replied, dumbfounded. “If I had a child, I wouldn't sell it…[but] maybe 200 years from now it could be debated,” said Milei.

The ancap president is literally going to put the children back in the mines :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Oh my god he's actually pro child-slavery you can't make this up what the frick is happening in south america lmao

When a journ*list asked a mundane question about Keynes, he replied: “All I'm saying is that you're an idiot and you talk about things you don't know.” He called the centrist mayor of Buenos Aires “a leftist piece of shit” and “a worm” whom he could “squish even in a wheelchair”. Once, he suggested that a politician he disliked should be beheaded with a samurai sword. He has dismissed the pope, who is Argentine, as “a leftist son of a b-word”, “a donkey”, “a jackass” and “an ignoramus”.

I'm just including this for fun. He threatened to behead someone with a katana, it's literally :marseywallst: as president lmao


Are the Brazilians in the room with us now?

Some weird shit to round it out

Javier Milei loves two things in this world - his sister, and his dog.

He's really fond of his sister. He was pretty abused as a child and he was really worried about her, so now that they're grown up he practically worships her. She approves or denies literally everything in his life, from meetings to catering etc. Which is kind of weird but maybe in a nice way? I don't know, you guys judge.

He also really loves his dog. When his dog died, he had it cloned. He now has four identical clones of his original dogs running around in his house. Go figure lmao.

There's so much on this guy. If you can find more please add. But holy shit guys, it's /ourguy/ running a country :marseyxd:


I forgot the best part:

An interest in the mystical has also prompted Milei to consider converting to Judaism. He has begun consulting a rabbi and says his first trip abroad as president would be to Israel. The week I interviewed him, he told me he was travelling to New York to pray at an ultra-Orthodox congregation before Shabbat; he explained that Moses, who led the Jewish people out of Egypt and into the promised land, was an inspiration. In other interviews he has gone further, likening his sister, Karina, to Moses and himself to Aaron, Moses's brother and spokesperson.

I'm pretty sure this guy believes that the Jews actually control the banks and the world. So he's going to Israel to get on their good side and ask for help in fixing the economy. This guy is fricking unbelievable.

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I forgot the best part:

An interest in the mystical has also prompted Milei to consider converting to Judaism. He has begun consulting a rabbi and says his first trip abroad as president would be to Israel. The week I interviewed him, he told me he was travelling to New York to pray at an ultra-Orthodox congregation before Shabbat; he explained that Moses, who led the Jewish people out of Egypt and into the promised land, was an inspiration. In other interviews he has gone further, likening his sister, Karina, to Moses and himself to Aaron, Moses's brother and spokesperson.

I'm pretty sure this guy believes that the Jews actually control the banks and the world. So he's going to Israel to get on their good side and ask for help in fixing the economy. This guy is fricking unbelievable.

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Finally someone who follows believing Jews control the world to its logical conclusion; Join them.

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:#imperialjapanesesoldier: moment.

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The year is 2023, Russia spilled rivers of blood for one piece of Ukraine.

China went through years of diplomatic instability to take over Hong Kong.

Israel got Argentine just because.

I am beginning to think maybe the Jews really are as powerful as advertised.

:marseyworried: :marseysweating: :chudconcerned:

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I'm pretty sure this guy believes that the Jews actually control the banks and the world. So he's going to Israel to get on their good side and ask for help in fixing the economy. This guy is fricking unbelievable.

I think Lord Balfour believed the same thing. He thought supporting Zionists within Britain would grant enough favor with powerful Jews like the Rothschilds to help secure them the funding needed to win WW1.

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