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My application for the @Impassionata crew: Voting & Fascism, “They're The Same Picture” - AN ESSAY

Webster's Dictionary defines democracy in some way that I'm sure sounds very nice and that's all well and good but ultimately of no real consequence. Democracies are, at their heart, the will of the people. The implication that one must vote to participate in democracy and achieve different outcomes is counter to that very definition. If one's vote is so significant that it can override that vaunted will of the people, then there is no democracy, there is at best a solipsist autocracy.

Voting is undemocratic, unamerican, and tyranny in its purest form. I don't need a million words to explain why; I've done so succinctly and unimpeachably with a few dozen. Anyone who tells you that you need to vote is a fascist.

R*pe Nazis.

@Impassionata let me in :#marseyheavymetal:


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>lazy shortposting

Democracy is less important to Carp then groomercord bullshit. They should reinstate those Jim Crow literacy tests so lazy fricks like our fishy friend here can't water down my outstanding, high quality votes.

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Get r*ped nazi


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Wow, rude. Do you pleasure your mother with that mouth? :marseysmughips:

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You too if you play your cards right ms hitler


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