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Why won't the US allow voluntary euthanasia like Canada and Europe? :marseymaid:


Theres a lot of wordsposting :marseypop2: :marseywoah: in this one folks

It's because the US “values” life too much. Real reason, it's because capitalism :marseycapitalistmanlet: requires a constant refresh in the workforce, and allowing this would give people an out from the system :marseyrevolution:

We're a country founded by far right Puritans too conservative for 17th century England. And I didn't even consider the capitalist angle, preventing euthanasia to force us into involuntary servitude :marseycracka: is likely a major factor here

OP I think you have some kind of defiant disorder. You argue everything and everyone on the points they make and perspectives they share. You do not know it all, and you have not seen it all. You claim to have low self esteem but you are not humble in the slightest. From your responses, I think it would be a nightmare to try to have a regular conversation with you. I think that's your problem far above and beyond your perceived level of attraction. I think you blaming it on something outside of your control like “genetics” is a total cop out.

I know my perspective and the perspective of men my age existing in the current dating environment which has been made hyper competitive due to apps and social media.

“You claim to have low self esteem but you are not humble in the slightest”

I'm certainly above average intelligence but that has zero to do with how attractive a guy is to women, if anything there's probably an inverse correlation simply because an attractive man getting a lot of female attention from an early age would see no need to study hard and self improve. I'm physically unattractive due to genetics

“From your responses, I think it would be a nightmare to try to have a regular conversation with you.”

It's certainly possible but it's not like attractive men are good conservationists, I mean have you ever spoke to one? They're usually as dull as a brick but women don't seem to care lol.

“I think that's your problem far above and beyond your perceived level of attraction. I think you blaming it on something outside of your control like “genetics” is a total cop out”

You can say it's a cop out but the data isn't on your side. The fact is the physical qualities most important to women are all genetic, height, race, facial structure, hairline, frame, eye color. And we know women base their judgements on men's personalities on their physical appearance, I mean that's obvious. An attractive man who is flirty and outgoing is seen as masculine and desirable, an unattractive man behaving the same way is creepy. They've literally done studies on this


I know personally because I've made great efforts to improve my personality and physical appearance through diet and exercise, dressing better, being more outgoing, and it makes literally zero difference, I'm still just as unattractive. Women aren't dumb they can see when a guy is trying to cover up or compensate for poor genetics. And of course a man's genetics are the most important factor because that's what he's going to pass down to her children, the driving motivation behind dating and s*x

You actually just proved all my points. Good luck ✌️

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There's an alarming amount of incels and misogyny on this app. Is this reflective of us all in the industry or just those of us that are chronically online?

I don't consider myself either of those things, do I come off that way? I'm a liberal Democrat excited to vote for Biden again. I think male singledom is rising, it's literally never been higher and it's likely disproportionately so in tech, an unattractive and antisocial field filled with ugly neurodivergent men like myself. But that doesn't mean we're all misogynists, I mean I'm certainly not and statistically we're far more likely to be liberals than conservatives. I mean the very policies I want, universal healthcare and voluntary euthanasia, are about as progressive as it gets

Lol being a liberal democrat who's excited to vote for Biden again is probably why you're an incel

This is absurd, Biden has done a fantastic job pushing widely popular policies, like supporting unions, protecting abortion rights, and moving towards decriminalizing marijuana. He's easily the best president of my lifetime :marseypatriot:

You are complaining about being involuntarily celibate and have all the incel talking points. The way you talk about looks and women is definitely misogynistic. You talk about a “competitive” dating market when in reality it's just that women finally have a say rather than getting sold off against their will. Get off the internet :marseygrass: and work on you. Thats what everyone is telling you cuz it works.

I don't at all, the talking points of those awful men revolve around why it's bad for women to have rights and equal treatment. I don't believe that whatsoever, I don't wanna live in a world like that and any man that cares about women wouldn't. I believe in democracy and liberalism and equality for all. But the fact is we live in a hyper competitive capitalist society and dating has similarly become hyper competitive. Not all men can compete, women DO have better options and not all men are needed, hence record levels of male singledom. I don't resent women, if I had better dating options I would be ignoring less attractive ones as well, anyone would.

“You talk about a “competitive” dating market when in reality it's just that women finally have a say rather than getting sold off against their will”

I mean it's both. Women having rights means that men need to be truly exceptional to them for them to give a man a chance. Why would they bother their time with a lesser male with worse genetics? Every woman from the beginning of time has sought a male with the best possible genetics to pass to their offspring, dating apps and social media allow women to pick the best man out of tens of thousands. And while not all women want children that same evolutionary mating mechanism exists in even casual dating and hookups.

Women having rights is a good thing even though it's made many men including myself completely worthless in terms of dating and companionship

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