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i'm always amazed at the hate towards Chris Pratt just because his politics are different, dude's always happy and all and they could learn from it. probably jealous how he lost weight too :marseylaugh:

Had an ex like this pre FDS . Wrote me love letters but I distinctly remember how annoyed I would be after I read it. He always thanked me - for everything that I did for him (caring for him for x thing) but where was him telling me he loved me because he loved my wit or my brain or my gee let’s go superficial my looks? Nope. Always about him.

oh gee oh dear he thanked me but not in the right way!!!! :marseycope:

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It's truly bizarre as he also comes across as a really genuinely nice dude, shitlibs are fricking nuts only sharia law can fix that

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Chris Pratt really is a genuinely nice dude. I met him years ago at a pharmacy. Sounds weird but this was right before he became an A lister from Guardians.

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He seems like the kinda dude who'd still chat with you in line all excited about whatever dumb shit he's been thinking about

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I saw Chris Pratt at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, β€œOh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was β€œHuh?” but he kept cutting me off and going β€œhuh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like β€œSir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually β€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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I heard Chris Pratt has an 8 incher

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And wastes it all on gussy

:marseydepressed: :marseydepressed: :marseydepressed:

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His Indominus Erect.

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Do you post about anything besides peepee sizes?

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Usually its about foids, how I'm a superior ricecel to other ricecels, dunking on foids, and many other foid-related subjects.

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It is a important task

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One of my fantasies is that someday Keanu Reeves will say something redditors disapprove so I can see their brains melting after all the cringe worship they have towards him

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This 2 gender bullshit really rustles my jimmies. There is 1 gender. Women are objects.

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there is one gender, the human gender!

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Is this real? Lol

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no, he doesn't use twitter


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Honestly I don't blame him, some of the obsessive attention he gets from some people is really creepy and we all know Twitter is a cesspool so not using it might be the smartest decision for him

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Keanu was the original hover hander, he’s way ahead of the curve on not getting canceled.

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Broke: hoverhand because you are a kitty

Woke: grab sideboob, sleep with 850 fans in under 2 years

Bespoke: hoverhand to avoid getting me-too'd (and because women disgust you)

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lol nice marsey

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Hopefully he has a Twitter alt that does early life checks in the NYT comment sections

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Showing appreciation to your SO for doing things for you is completely, 100%, about yourself clearly. The second to last line sums up the truth of the matter:

my gee let’s go superficial my looks? Nope.

Usual FDS fatty trying to subvert the conversation for paragraphs.

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exhibit A women aren't funny or smart

exhibit B men wouldn't care if they were

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Top of the thread:

When men are asked why they love their partner, its always "shes GIVEN ME..." and rarely "she IS [independent attribute that doesn't relate abck to what they do FOR him]"

Are these women talking about a romantic relationship between a man and a woman or are they talking about a relationship between work colleagues? Of course partners can appreciate each other's qualities but why would you love someone just because they are smart/funny/etc... ? What makes two people love each is the things that they do for each other, no? These FDS-cels make it sound like relationships are a way to affirm/validate yourself or something. :marseydepressed:

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Are incels as unhinged? I know there are the Elliot Rodgers kind but the few times I've taken a look at their forums it seems to be mostly self-deprecating comments, much like what you might see on r/foreveralone or r/ForeverAloneWomen/


For femcels maybe it's also because I've only mainly seen FDS, they always sound angry and unhinged. Even ovarit is much more chill..

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FDS is pretty much the female version of r/TRP and they were just as unhinged and delusional about the opposite s*x. I will give them credit, though, for how often they talked about what men should do (e.g. go to the gym) to improve themselves in order to attract women. Whether they actually did it though... :marseyshrug: Unlike the femcels which just... expect "HVMs" to chase them for... I don't know what. :marseyconfused:

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Oh right, there's the TRP bunch. Yeah, some of their rhetoric is rather helpful like the gym stuff and whatnot, but on FDS I've seen them wanting to own their obesity, grow out their body hair, just generally things that would not do them any favours. really feels like a lot of LARPing and coping from this one random result from google


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25, fat, living with parents, thinks she has 100 men chasing after her.

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Prime pump and dump material

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I’ve been with my foid a long time and we’re still extremely courteous to one another.

These people are insane and uncivilized.

Like I can’t fathom being so mentally fricked that they get mad over this. β€œAlways about him”. The frick, b-word, am I supposed to fricking thank you for some shit you did for yourself?

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That last one lmfao…. these bitches are insane

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Lmao she didn't like that moid to begin with and found a reason to leave.

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dude sounds extremely neurodivergent, or this FDS lunatic was his first girlfriend, who the frick writes letters like that

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-Religion is by men for men.

-Age gap relationship.

-She runs their life yet he is β€˜the head of the household’.

-Being rich and successful did not make him act right-he cheated on his ex Anna Faris when they were married with a sick child.

-Her family name and connections made her extra shiny and attractive to him.

-β€˜Godly men’ love subservient women & being in a position of power or influence in an organisation/church.

-He is very charming and handsome which glosses over a lot of his deep seated beliefs which many would not agree with eg his church is anti LGBTQ+.

-She is β€˜pure’ and belongs to him.

-Jokes he might forget to get her a gift for her birthday. If he does he has laid the ground work with a β€˜nice guy’ social media post praising her and comparing her to a deck of cards or some sh*t he values.

High-BMI degenerate witch foid seethes that she'll always be cursed to live a poly life with fat lazy gaymers and will never have a Trad-Chad hubby to cherish her.



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i just saw this, jesus them being devoid of any sense of humour is why they're femcels :marseyfacepalm:

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-Being rich and successful did not make him act right-he cheated on his ex Anna Faris when they were married with a sick child.

This is the only thing they should be complaining about.

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"Sick child" lol

They had a kid 9 weeks premature and years later he cheats on his wife.

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Also it is the foids own fault for providing weak spawn

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Nope. God doesnt give you wealth in this life if he is not okay with what you are doing.

And you know deep inside everyone believes this which is why that rapper is still famous and free after beating the shit out of his wife but that smelly fat frick is in jail for looking at a girl for 5 seconds.

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Based and prosperity theory-pilled

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She's not even mad about it though

Faris agreed and said it was easier because they get along. β€œThe truth is there isn’t any bitterness, and I’m just so happy that we’re all really happy,” she said

β€œI do want to congratulate Chris and Katherine,” she said. β€œI do love you and congratulations and I’m thrilled. They’re both fβ€”- amazing people and I’m so happy.”

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Don't show FDS strategy this there would be blood

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There would be blood every month or so anyways :marseyshrug:

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Not after menopause! So fds will soon be there!

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I read it, and read the comments, and I genuinely can't tell what they're so mad about lol. Can someone explain?

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They won't say it, but they hate that his wife is happy.

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Hot rich white Mayo women found a hot rich successful Mayo moid, they seem pretty happy. She didn’t marry him for money cause she is loaded so she may actually like him

Basically they hate that another women is happy

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They want all other foids to be as miserable as them.

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That’s called feminism

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apparently this

I can’t figure out how to add to my post, my bad. I saw this screenshot elsewhere on Reddit but it fits here as a reminder. Some red flags to observe 🚩

-Religion is by men for men.

-Age gap relationship.

-She runs their life yet he is β€˜the head of the household’.

-Being rich and successful did not make him act right-he cheated on his ex Anna Faris when they were married with a sick child.

-Her family name and connections made her extra shiny and attractive to him.

-β€˜Godly men’ love subservient women & being in a position of power or influence in an organisation/church.

-He is very charming and handsome which glosses over a lot of his deep seated beliefs which many would not agree with eg his church is anti LGBTQ+.

-She is β€˜pure’ and belongs to him.

-Jokes he might forget to get her a gift for her birthday. If he does he has laid the ground work with a β€˜nice guy’ social media post praising her and comparing her to a deck of cards or some sh*t he values.

Did I miss anything?

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this should be added to the snappy pool

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Fat ugly r-slurs mad that normal people are happy

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Wowwww being married to Chris Pratt must be soooo awful. The one Hollywood star who seems genuinely nice. The wealthy, good looking, and charming actor. The guy who said that one of the highlights of his life was wake and baking in a van in Hawaii. Wow how awful.

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Is he trying to be Ryan Reynolds? Pratt is not successful,

Lol what? He is objectively more successful than all FDS subscribers together.

he just looks like self entitled, ungrateful person who does not appreciate his spouse. He does not even mention his son on his Instagram ever.

How dare he not post on instagram the way I like :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad:

I unsubscribed from him long ago, I cannot even see him on movies.

Chrissy is done, how will he ever recover?

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How dare he not post on instagram the way I like :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad:

Noooooo you must pimp your children out on social media for likes :soyjakhipster:

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She’s not going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 . How will Pratt ever recover?

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Surely nobody else would ever watch capeshit

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Imagine showing off pictures off your underage children to potentially millions of freaks (redditors). I don’t blame him one bit

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He does not even mention his son on his Instagram ever.

I would be horrified if he did

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I thought β€˜tism was rare in foids, but I can’t find one that understands this was clearly tongue in cheek (whether you think it is funny or not) and that he doesn’t literally love his Ken Griffey Jr baseball card as much as his wife (although he should).

I’m just glad these women can’t attract anything but broken idiots like themselves at best and will more likely die alone with their cats.

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Autism isn't really rare in foids but it is less common and the symptoms tend to be a bit different so it's easier to miss.

It would be really interesting to know just how many FDSers have it because, like all incels, I suspect it's a lot.

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Sneeding is more pleasurable than laughing.


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believing what a foid says

smh, they know it was tongue in cheek, they just need an excuse to seethe at him

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Fat fingers everywhere in the post histories

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Are most Reddit adults fat?

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Most redditors are Ameriburgers, yes

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F(emales) D(etermined to be) S(pinsters)

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Females Dilating and Seething

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FDS needs to bring Mystery and Neil Strauss out of PUA retirement to lead their movement. That old "Game" shit was incredibly devious, cunning and realistic about scoring kitty, I bet they could do wonders with disarming the male ego and breaking a man down, psychologically, to beg for scraps and propose.

TLDR: FDS truly needs male PUA to lead them, this thread just pathetic. I think it's a bait, to begin with.

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Femcel Desperation Stench

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He is honestly a living trope of a mediocre white guy. Right down to the joke excuses about her birthday then comparing her to trading cards. The type of personality that easiy flies under the radar. Unassuming, child-like(man child), thrives in only doing the bare minimum. Woo...Never thought much about him before this but good reminder to stay away from these types.

These fat useless c*nts would kill for a man like this.

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He traded Anna for a younger, bouncier, cool girl. How predictable

Didn't she dump him.

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Top shakes its jowls furiously at Pratt's jokes. Second highest pulls the old "I know it's bait, but on nom nom nom" card.

Bunch a LVFoids in there. :marseysmug3:

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He is honestly a living trope of a mediocre white guy. Right down to the joke excuses about her birthday then comparing her to trading cards. The type of personality that easiy flies under the radar. Unassuming, child-like(man child), thrives in only doing the bare minimum. Woo...Never thought much about him before this but good reminder to stay away from these types.

Copium OD


Dude is an A list movie star, fit, worth 10s of millions, and has an attractive and loving wife

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I feel bad for her


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Holy frick, they are so soft skinned that they can’t imagine being teased.

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Good morning

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It also annoys him that she chews her food? The food that she likely shopped for, prepped and cooked. If my future husband ever puts his ear pods in his ears instead of enjoying the dinner and my company-I would rather eat alone.

Good news, foid: nobody will ever marry you and you'll die alone so no need to worry about your non-existant husband not listening to your dumb bullshit while he eats.

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And you're wrong.

The thing about privilege is you fail to understand the impact of bigotry.

You see it is an innocuous comment because you don't deal with the impacts of it. Your biggest concern is thise darn kids on the street, check your privilege before telling other people how racism affects them.


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