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Is there a leftoid version of ''LIBERAL DESTROYED WITH FACTS AND LOGIC''?

Recently found out about this Steven Crowder neighbor and his ''change my mind'' series. Of course, this is nothing new, just rightoids with terrible arguments arguing with r-slurred randos who have even worse argument. Although i've never watched a ben shapiro video we've all heard ''destroyed by facts & logic'' memes. And I wondered, is there a leftoid version of that? Because even for me, a person that does not like to watch political videos (much less burger r-slurred politics lmao), Steven's videos were pretty easy to get into. A stark contrast to ''breadtube'' with their neurodivergent 50 minute videos that feel like youre entering a schizo fever dream.


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parodies yes, the type you're looking for i can't recall seeing any


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Studies show rightoids are inbred hicks with small peepeees

That’s about all I can think of. Lefties love dropping fake β€œstudies” with a sample group of my mom dad and 3 male co workers.

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Ben Shapiro has nothing really compelling except the culture war crap, where: duh.

Without it, he's just 2010 free market Tea Party, borefest. But when you can turn "leftwing" outlets into content farms for much larger rightwing audiences, then even Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle and rDrama might fall for your :!marseytrain: freakshow/tabloid clickbait. Rlly makes you think.

:marseyglow: :marseyglow: :marseyglow:

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Fact Check

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If you're talking about a debater, the closest thing lefties have is Destiny. He mostly does high effort and civil stuff now days, (BORING!) but he does get into heated debates sometimes.

You should watch his tonkasaw debate, it's pure low iq internet bloodsports at its best. He goes in 1v5 against a bunch of rightoids and bullies them off 1 by 1.

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Vocal atheists? You could probably change just a few words from a comment on that default subreddit from back in the day and have it read as a believable Shapiro rant. They seem to have died off or moved elsewhere, though.

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Not that I'm aware of.

I did enjoy Russell Brand and Ben Shapiro talking to each other though. Ben is still obsessed with his rhetoric, but comes off as almost human, and Brand is always an interesting fellow.

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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?

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