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Lesbian TERF calls for the lynching of all trains :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain:


You're the mothers, right? The moms? The mums? I need the mothers on my side. I'm on the side of the breeders. I'm on the side of the children. Frick feelings. I care about the emotional and physical well-being of the future generations, not some spoiled little frick of the easiest, stupidest, path of least resistance society that has ever existed's bulls*** delusions.

I'm not here to play back and forth games with the actually cute twinks who with the wedge of their actually and your weak, well-meaning, nice, feminine, kindness and your ignorance of the smell of sulfur on the monster before you have rolled a Trojan Horse full of literal baby-fricking God Darned p-dophile monsters into your Ivory Towers, your Kindergartens, your locker rooms, your Olympics, your prisons, everywhere you sought to stand in public. Frick these people.

This was done to hurt you, to make a mockery of you, to hold you down. This was done by men who hate women more than any other men who have ever walked the Earth, the worst men that have ever existed, trans women, men so worthless they can't even admit the most obvious thing about themselves that is obvious to the dogs and rats who can smell their manhood and should be obvious to every mother on Earth.

Wake the frick up, b-word, before they slice up even one more child in public.

Trans women are vile, weak, disgusting, whiny, fake-victim masturbators who should be ashamed of themselves. They threatened suicide and you rolled over. You disgust me too. There is but one noble response to a man who tries to use the threat of violence against himself to manipulate a woman's emotions. frick*** do it then!

No woman should ever pity a weak man. Tear your fricking blinders off, b-word, what the frick is wrong with you? Your pity rewards weak men for their weakness. You have sacrificed your children's futures on the altar of that pity.

I have looked thousands of adult men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. Soldiers. Bull Riders. Artists. Dope Smokers. Lawyers. Men. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men. They are forcing you to pretend to believe that they are women to r*pe your minds and the minds of your children. They are like Big Brother before them twisting your language so that you don't have the words to make sense of reality. This is power, b-word. This is the shape of power. These men run your world now because you refused to speak Truth to power.

Trans women are men. Say it. Own it. Know it. Hold the fricking line, b-word. Michfest held the line. When Michfest fell, so fell Western Civilization!

This is a p-dophile cult. It's been here the whole time. You gave these people too much power so they became a p-dophile cult. The lesbians tried to warn you but no one listens to the lesbians. I broke Max Hardcore's nose, b-word, and drank at his house and shared his cameraman. Max Hardcore, a whorebreaker, who still slings fake peepee, has more integrity than the whole of Western Civilization who would rather stroke their peepees and their phones while the world burns than speak truth to power. Say what you want about me I never fricked no kids. I would send my daughter to learn what a golden shower is from Max Hardcore before I let these satanic :marseytrain: freaks "educate" her about her body and her soul.

You have abdicated your responsibility as a mother. You have sold your children for the trance of the endless scroll, for cheap validation, for Candy Crush b-word you stupid fricking cow how could you, because you're too cowed to draw a line. Enough is Enough. Your horrifying addiction is making you stupid and weak and your children are suffering because of it. You are no different than a heroin addict who ties the cord for her child to shoot up with her.

Trans women are men.

Trans women are evil.

Trans women are male feminists.

Trans women are predators.

Trans women are men who have surrendered to their shadow. That's what it means to be evil. I should fricking know. The men beneath these vile personas can still be redeemed, so long as the soul walks the Earth, it can be redeemed. The trans women cannot. There is no such thing as a trans woman. There is no such thing as gender identity. This is a sick fetish.

Trans women are a lie. They know and I know and if you can't see it you're not paying attention. Their fetish is lying to you, jerking off all over everything you care about, pissing into your children's developing minds, and making you shut up and take it. Weak men are the natural prey of whores. I see right through them. I read their dark hearts. Some of them are vile sadists and some are just worthless bootlickers but every single one of them is evil.

Trans women are evil p-dophiles who have twisted the minds of your people so badly with annoying, ugly, stupid language, that your children are mutilating their bodies to please them. These people understand attention. Attention is the currency of your horrifying society. Teenage girls want attention more than anything else on Earth. They have been offered a choice between mincing TikTok whore and navel-gazing spoiled rotten weak pathetic fake man victims because you sold them out for the smartphone. Trans women and the shadow lords of the Algorithm control this attention. They are p-dophiles, predators, monsters, shadow beasts, the literal devil. These men hate women. They are jealous panty wearing sick masturbating fricks who have infiltrated every level of your society with one goal: Degrade Women. Piss on the faces of your mothers, your daughters, the women who fought to get here. Piss on your right to say no. Cut your breasts off. Sew your kitties shut. Take the word mother how the frick dare you let the actually fa****** take the word mother from you.

Where the frick are your balls, b-word? Where are the mother bears?

I know what a woman is, b-word, and I know what a man is, I know what a mother is, and I know what a child is, and I sure as frick know what a p-dophile is. A p-dophile is someone who sacrifices the souls of children to feed his shadow self. A p-dophile fricks kids. A p-dophile believes the validation of his monstrous sexual fetish is worth the reap of thousands upon thousands of your little girls and your little boys, your daughters, your sons, your babies, generations of your children, bred now for it, their minds warped from birth, their deep animal truths denied. These :marseytrain: freaks are experimenting on your children and cutting them apart in full view of the public and you stand by and let it happen because you are worried they will call you out for being afraid of them. You are worried they will take away your social media. Frick Social Media. It did this. Burn it to the fricking ground and hold these fricking monsters accountable!

The evil :!marseytrain:s are 1% of the population. They control The Matrix. They do not control real life.

Call me transphobic. I'm transphobic. You should be too. The trans ideology is bulls*** on its face, a lie built to suborn these soulless p-dophiles in their public grooming of your children. This is a p-dophile cult. This is the real p-dophile cult that has been staring you in the face the whole time laughing, masturbating, the naked Emperor stroking his peepee while you try to find some new nice words to explain gently to him in NewSpeak that you would like him to stop and that he is naked. NewSpeak doesn't have those words!

He won't stop. He hates you. Enough is Enough. Speak English, b-word. Frick your NewSpeak. I piss on your NewSpeak. No woman should ever let another word of this vile mockery of English that is NewSpeak pass her lips ever again! You know which words I mean. Don't say them. Don't write them. The truth is beautiful. NewSpeak is not. Hold the line. Let the p-dophile monsters keep their NewSpeak. Speak English, as all men still do, once the kitties leave the room. Frick your pronoun dance. Frick your obfuscation while the blood truth stares you in the face. Do you think the Marines speak NewSpeak? Do you think the tuna boat fisherman ask for my pronouns? Grow up. A dog knows what a b-word is. I walk with the dogs. This dead whore is the last man left in America. Take the culture back or the dogs will be all that survives of Western Civilization.

This is your Great Replacement, b-word. These people castrate your kids. They sold them to Big Pharma to be castrated while you cheer them on for living their "truth." The frick? How do you sleep at night? Self-mutilation has never been and will never be a cure for mental illness. Self-mutilation is a sign of extreme psychological distress. This is your next Opiate crisis. End this before it gets worse. Stand up to the cult. Every fricking teenage girl experiences "dysphoria." The cure is acceptance and spiritual growth, a fricking gym routine, hobbies, goals, control over the desires, the intellect trained to guard the heart, compassion but never pity not bulls***, personas, lies, a lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals, hack job surgeries that construct a vile funhouse mirror effigy of the opposite s*x from the bodies honed by millions of years of evolution that you have allowed the worst people in your society to "educate" your daughters about.

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Yeah I can see why she's so afraid of trans people

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I think everyone who has mentioned :!marseytrain:s in any capacity since 2013 part of CIA psyop, including rdrama and Dave Chappelle.

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well trains went after her first in 2012

And she's gone insane specifically because of the entire cotton ceiling discourse. She agreed to do a scene with a pornstar called Drew Devaux, found out the porn star was trans and then declined to do the scene. She then sent a very apologetic email to Drew, but this wasn't good enough so Drew coined the term "cotton ceiling" and said that it's hate speech to only sleep with "cis bodies". Then Morgan Page ran a workshop at Planned Parenthood called "Overcoming the Cotton Ceiling: Breaking Down Sexual Barriers for Queer Trans Women" in 2012 - Planned Parenthood then had to put out an apology stating "The workshop does not and was never intended to advocate or promote overcoming any individual woman’s objections to sexual activity. Instead, this workshop explores the ways in which ideologies of transphobia and transmisogyny impact sexual desire."

You can see the reaction here, which given this was 2012 was basically "wtf why are you asking lesbians to question why they don't like peepee". But Lily Cade, patient zero of this attack, has watched herself get pilloried and that very normal reaction to the concept be increasingly marginalised as transphobic and lesbian spaces fill up with AGPs. And it's highly relevant to the whole discussion, so her sexually assaulting some women is irrelevant to the topic at hand, but of course twitter is eager to go "Lily Cade's a male feminist! Who cares what she thinks! Take the whole article down!" because nuance is dead and therefore bad people can't still have relevant talking points and opinions. Her flat out stating "trans women need to be lynched" still doesn't change the events that happened in 2012 and the fact that this discourse has come to dominate online spaces, but will be used to discredit any discussion around it ("You're on the side of the GENOCIDER").

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