NEW: FBI executed search warrants at locations tied to people who worked w/Project Veritas as part of SDNY investigation into how a diary stolen from Biden's daughter Ashley was publicly disclosed days before ’20 election. She was burglarized in ‘20.
— Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) November 5, 2021
update: James O'Keefe raided -
edit: copy of diary apparently -
Tweets coming in fast: biden&src=typed_query
on NYT:
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas (i know) on the raids:
elsewhere on right-wing (?) source: (
“Ashley Biden” is trending on Twitter following the verification of her diary that National File published last year, which included various scandalous details regarding her life, including “not appropriate” showers she took with her father Joe as a child.
A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to journ*list Patrick Howley.
Today, the FBI searched two addresses in New York related to Project Veritas in an apparent attempt to gain information about how the diary was acquired, admitting that Ashley Biden reported the diary stolen in the process when the story was then broken by the New York Times. The Project Veritas whistleblower told National File that the diary was found at an address where Ashley Biden used to stay.
Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.
On Friday, The New York Times published an article confirming that the FBI was investigating how the diary was obtained, and had raided two addresses in New York in connection. Despite the fact that their story included no discussion of the contents of the diary itself, the story of the diary was now widely spread across the internet. As a result, Ashley Biden trended on Twitter, hitting at the time of writing the sixth spot on the trending list.
Many conservatives and supporters of President Trump were quick to bring up a number of salient points, including why the FBI was investigating the theft of a book, something that John Cardillo highlighted would not even be picked up by “local police,” with Representative Paul Gosar quizzing if the FBI were now the Bidens’s “private security force,” and if the mainstream media would once again ignore the allegations included in the diary.
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I swear to god if there's actual evidence that DDD really is a libertarian male feminist and the media will just completely ignore it ... you know what, my opinion of journos won't even change. That's how far we've come. They could knowingly support a libertarian in the White House and it wouldn't even surprise me.
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Most of the time when people of your kind declare the media is ignoring something you really mean "the media isn't applying my warped understanding of events because they aren't as r-slurred as I am."
The Biden girl could come out tomorrow and point out the context here isn't the implication rightoids are making (it clearly isn't if you're literate) and the right-wing fringe media would still apply the most warped reading of it because it's all they know how to do.
As Rob Brotherton says:
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Bro imagine if this had been Trumps daughter's diary. Every media outlet would have took the ball and ran with that story.
All I'm sayin
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Nobody is willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because he's a fricking pathological moron and genuinely awful person.
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That's so beyond the point of what I said. This story deserves to be published whether it's Biden or Trump.
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The story has been published lmao, repeatedly, including when it first came out months ago.
They aren't going to lend it any credibility until it can be verified, and that's exactly how this should work.
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Pizza I hope you get a permanent "pro child molestation" sticker/sideline if this story is proven to be true coz you clearly would have earned it.
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>unironically believing Project Veritas
And what badge would you earn, r-slur? Put up or shut up.
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You give me no choice, putting it up, now sit on it.
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Never convicted for libel despite numerous lawsuites
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I though you were leaving to get eaten by wolves or something
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Well, that's what Veritas thought. They said, "We can't totally verify that this is her we aren't going to publish." They contacted Biden attorneys and said, "If you want it you can have it". Instead the FBI shows up. As far as I'm concerned, this is verified now.
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Talk about a warped understanding, these goalposts have passed Saturn
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When was it controversial to say Donald Trump was a pathological liar and unhinged moron? Not until after the 2015 Republican primary, before that it was a universal opinion amongst conservatives and liberals.
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still rent free lol
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Aren't you supposed to be freezing to death in someone's backyard in Ohio right now?
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The BBC covered for Jimmy Sauville molesting kids, everyone knew but did nothing, because he was a heckin wholesome music guy in the public eye. BBC still around with no consequences.
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BBC has a girl Doctor Who now though so it's OK !
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Doctor who fans still somehow consistently worse than Harry Potter fans and nuStar Wars fans. I don't know how they do it.
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It takes time and energy to concentrate that much awfulness, since tumblr fell down a flight of stairs.
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That’s because all the new doctor who series are shite and you have to have no taste to like them
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Only ever went after the black guy and even he is free now.
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Journ*lists murdered Epstein in his cell. How much more faith could you possibly have in them?
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