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Gigachad Milei has taken his first W of the year

And it happened last year!


Don't you just love happy endings?

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By that logic the USSR was a free market. By that logic all markets are free markets.

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No, it had a centrally planned :marseybabykiller: economy not based :marseyhesright: on profit. The "free market" is about anarchic chasing :marseycatwithhands2: of profit which is what the US does when it totally :marseyaveragetotally: pillages Iraq so that US companies can extract and sell the oil and export all the profits to themselves away from the people of Iraq 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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You don't know what "free market" means. All systems arise out of anarchy, so accepting that "starting from anarchy -> free market" implies that all markets, even with government-set prices, are free markets.

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That's because a free market :marseystocksup: is an r-slured :marseyretard: concept that has never :marseyitsover: and could never :marseyitsover: exist because it will always centralize into what we have now 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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A true free market has never existed and never will. That's a basic result of the free market centralizing economic power into the hands of the rich, who will then use that power to benefit their own interests.

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I'll take an imperfect and distorted free market over starving to death because the state can't set the right prices.

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