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Gigachad Milei has taken his first W of the year

And it happened last year!


Don't you just love happy endings?

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>Builds industry

>Builds highspeed rails

>Dominates the world :marseyww1russian2: economy

:marseyxd: B-word we both know that the chinesium isn't holding up, have you actually seen chinese industry? It's ridiculously low-quality, american industry is just focused on maintaining a high-bar.

Dominate the world economy? :marseyrofl: They can barely hold their own together with how treacherous they are.

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all economic data says otherwise. Trump :marseybackstabglowie: banned :marseyban: Huawei phones because they're better :marseysaulgoodman: than any of the bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: Apple :marseyapplejackpixelart: or Samsung :marseyappicon: makes 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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>:marseycope: Communism will win this time

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