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City slickers sneed at farmer putting down pest :marseysneed:


I hope he went and killed it and didn't let it suffer. It's not wildlife's fault we put delicious food in their living space and expect them to leave it alone.


coyote mama not coming home and the cubs gone starve to death 😒

Good. Less coyotes

we need less of you tbh :soycry:

Be glad that you're living in a time and place, most likely the comfort of your couch, in which you are allowed to feel compassion for such an animal, so much so you can prioritise it's importance over someone of your own species. Fortunately, you will likely never be made to see how stupid you just sounded. I guarantee you if you were out there, and your life or your livestock's was on the line, you'd agree with him.

What a bunch of sanctimonious trash. I guarantee your hypothetic is fricking stupid.

He just said "good" to a bunch of starving coyote cubs, which regardless of how you feel about coyotes, is a stupid and ghoulish thing to say, and anyone who would fall over themselves to defend that with some idiotic non sequitur is in no position to lecture anyone.

what about the sheep? :#marseysheep2:

World population of sheep: 1.266 billion

World population of coyote: 10 million

We need the coyote more than we need the sheep. Especially when factoring in climate change.

by that logic, let's nuke the most populated countries, since we don't need them as much. :#marseynukegoggles:

Sucks to see the thing try to lick its wounds before it dies. Wish he shot it in the heart

Contrary to popular belief, anything thats not a direct headshot is most likely not an instant death, even a shot to the heart. Theres a big difference in how long they will suffer tho depending on where you hit, and hitting the heart usually shuts anyone down pretty quick.

I mean he could've used a flashlight or air horn and achieved the same results.

"he should have shot the gun out of his hands" :#marseybigbrain:

The way it fell :(

I don't feel sorry for it though, the sheep's death would've been way more painful than that, had the coyote not been shot.

That's nature playing itself out. The coyote's death wasn't.

Bro what are you on about. Humans are top of the food chain. That's also nature playing itself out


My question is: why in the heck this weapon is in the hands of a civilian? Glad this shit is banned in my country.

Proud Cuck :#marseycuck:


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by that logic, let's nuke the most populated countries, since we don't need them as much.

Agree tbh. It would also have the benefit of blocking out the sun causing a decade of global cooling. Trust the science chud.

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I mean the guys point was valid lol.

I see farmers wanting to kill wolves a lot - wolves are a vital part of the ecosystem and wildly more important than generic farmer #7424.

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I agree with wolves but coyotes are just a nuisance and invasive.

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:marseyeyeroll: we already knew you hated farmers already

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I dont hate farmers lol, there are valuable farmers.

A lot of them happen to be worthless welfare leeches though.

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>I dont hate farmers lol

>A lot of them happen to be worthless welfare leeches though.

:marseysmughips: ok pizza, just admit you mean all farmers

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You work at Walmart. Subsidies for food upstarts and expansions make perfect sense.

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I mean the guys point was valid lol.

No it's not? :marseyconfused:

He conflated the world population of sheep with that of coyotes which is limited only to North America. If using only continental numbers for sheep, the ratio of sheep to coyotes is 2:1 at most.

Coyotes are also no where near threatened. 10 million is a lot, if not too many, and they're still expanding their range and numbers since the 19th century. They've become pests in every sense of the word and are now present in suburbs, urban neighborhoods and even the downtowns of major metropolises in addition being found throughout the American countryside in every state minus Hawaii where they kill people's pets and attack pedestrians. They also breed with stray dogs thereby creating coyote mutt hybrids which are bigger and more aggressive. They absolutely should have their numbers culled in areas densely inhabited by humans, especially in rural northern Mexico where response times are much longer and losing a sheep or goat or cow is a bigger deal.

This should be a good thing for wolf simps though since they're taking over the former ecological roles or wolves but I don't see a coyote killing a farmer is them maintaining their β€œvital part of the ecosystem”

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There are coyotes all over houston. Few years ago there was a bunch of Facebook drama about a cat killer in the neighborhood. Lot of people spewing about how it's a sign of serial killer

Turned out it was just coyotes.

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I've had an old friend who had a cat the coyotes got to. He later found what was left of him in literal pieces in the alley. Was sad hearing about that since he was pretty cute, fluffy and young when I visited my friend when I was in town during a visit.

Not a fun thing to tell your children about what happened to whiskers either :marseycringe:

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This should be good for wolf simps

It really should considering grey wolves are probably the most effective natural means of controlling coyote populations. Human efforts at destroying rural coyotes have been hilariously ineffective and smaller wolves tend to end up hybridizing with them.

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I meant to say that coyotes are replacing wolves in areas where :marseydrama: wolves got exterminated so they should :marseynorm: be keeping the animals :marseytedsimp3: that wolves kept in check.

What methods do they try to kill coyotes?

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Shooting and poison mostly. There are counties that have had bounties ($'s per left ear kinda thing) for a century but still the coyotes persist and increase in population across the board. They partially fill the wolf's niche but just aren't large enough to really be the deer mulching machines that are needed and are more than happy and capable of living as garbage pups

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The coyote hybrids can and they're becoming more common in the areas where :marseydrama: the deer population is the highest and a problem

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All coyotes predate deer to some extent yes but the eastern coywolves are still going to straddle the niche between the both full blood ancestors, limiting how many deer they actually control. Plus they still succumb to the siren call of delicious trash providing easier to obtain calories.

Don't get me wrong, it's good to have a mid sized predator back on the eastern seaboard but they will never replace wolves and mountain lions

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im literally screaming, I mostly see it with indifference tbh, and Like it is fetch to see such a large :marseywide: predator :marseymap: that far east but they cause too many problems otherwise

omg! I think :marseyquestion: the current course of trying to slow their expansion :marseymanifestdestiny: and culling both their and deer numbers :marseysoypointtrips: is the way the go, success or not

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Reminds me when the reintroduced wolves on the east coast after culling them way back when. It has a domino effect of improving the region caused by overgrazing by wild deer and other animals.

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Depends on where they are, in north-western europe they're little more than pests afaik

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You mean southwestern Europe? The wolves in Scandinavia :marseymidsommardani: and Germany :marseyswastika: are proper wolves iirc

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We Germans genocided all wolves and have been free of them for decades. Only very recently some Eastern European are migrating to us again, cause Leftist idiots think that's a good idea. Hope their kid gets killed by the wolves when it plays in the woods.

The French church had a cool list of wolf attacks. Good numbers around 1800 +-25 They also basically did the same as us.

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I thought :marseymindblown: it was the right, first :marseywinner: romantics and monarchists them later :marseywave2: the volkisch and Nazis, that brought the wolves back?

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Hmm just skimmed Wikipedia & NABU (nature protection union, well known here) and it's ~1850 last pack in Germany, 1904 last wolf shot in Germany. 1945-1990 22 shot wolves (seen as migrants). 2000 pair of wolves are being observed having a wolf cub and thus it's seen as the "Year of the return of the wolf".

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We (Germany) and France eradicated all wolves in our countries. Ecosystems are still fine, cause we also have this thing called "hunters" which shoot deer & wild boars. More food for us as well!

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wolves are a vital part of the ecosystem

But farm animals aren't.

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Not when theyre just excess lol. The US has way too many farm animals if anything.

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the most populated countries

Euthanize the Chinese and Indians in one go? I thought he was trying to not to sell the idea.

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nuke the countries with the most yt? sure.

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Wdym most yt? :marseyconfused:

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