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[MensLib Tue Checkin] "Parents took his side after I called him a fricking butthole. I'm currently being punished. Not allowed to be in the living room while he's living at the house." :marseycry:


I'm 38. He's 35. We're not children anymore. He was so over the top about it it made me realize he genuinely hates me.


which one of you !dramatards is this?

I don't want to be one of those "my biological family is the root cause of all my emotional issues" kinds of people but I'm constantly reminded my family are emotionally illiterate.

Was talking to my brother about a shared hobby (video games, Baldur's Gate 3 specifically) and mentioned I had a failed playthrough on the mode where you can't reload a save when you die. He called me stupid and proceeded to mock me. Mind you, I'm 38. He's 35. We're not children anymore. He was so over the top about it it made me realize he genuinely hates me.

I ask him, "can you please not call me stupid every conversation we have?" And he responded "then don't fricking talk to me then, idiot."

Parents took his side after I called him a fricking butthole. I'm currently being punished. Not allowed to be in the living room while he's living at the house. He bought a home and will be moving when that sale closes so "it's just for awhile longer."

How about stand up for me for fricking once? Why am I the problem that I get angry when people are blatantly hateful toward me for no fricking reason? Why does he get to just walk all over me?

This is just one drop in the bucket of a lifetime of my family being fricking terrible and somehow making it my problem. I'm just so tired. I wish I could get my life together so I could literally never see any of them ever again. Being financially unstable enough to still be living at home at darn near 40 makes me wish I hadn't been born.

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>mid 30s

>still living with parents

>put in timeout over petty fights

The best time to :marseyrope: was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.

!fellas I think we found peak redditoid.

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38 is late 30s… he's in his late 30s, obsessed with Baldurs Gate, and was put in timeout.

I'd say it's not over but he's too old to even join the army, it's genuinely over

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This neighbor is getting grounded at 35 :marseyxd: No, worse at 38 :marseydicklet:

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The OLDER brother is being bullied by the younger. This wouldn't have been acceptable at 8 years old, let alone 38.

I'm afraid this case is terminal. I prescribe mandatory HRT, followed by MAID. :marseydoctor: :marseymaid:

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can you please not call me stupid every conversation we have? :soycry:

then don't fricking talk to me then, idiot. :marseygigachad:

Holy L posting.

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Imagine getting bullied by your Chad younger brother at 38 over video games. The younger brother is even buying a house so he's more functional, on top of his parents liking him better.


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It sounds like the fricking younger brother is fricking mostly ribbing on him, but the fricking other brother is fricking such a fricking sperg, he can never bantz back, and He can like only :marseybomb:

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ye but his older brother still lives at home at 35 though.

also, house:


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Does the brother live at home? It sounds like he's just staying there for a few weeks while he's in the process of moving out of wherever he was living and into his new house. But even the /r/MensLib commenter has the modicum of self-awareness necessary to realize how much more pathetic that makes him sound in comparison to his brother, so he obfuscated it. Let's take a look at his comment history and see if we can find out. :marseyreading:

Ah, here it is:

It sucks working on yourself to unfrick the degree The Patriarchy has damaged your social skills, and still be surrounded by absolutely emotionally incompetent men.

I still live at home at 38. Father in his 60s is a con artist for a living (MLM's and "direct coaching" and all that.) He doesn't recognize it as a con. He thinks it's his calling from God. And my younger brother moved home after quitting his job out of state. He's found a new job already and is looking at real estate, but for now he's here. It's impossible to make a small comment without him making a sexist or racist joke, or him belittling me.

I'd just like to be able to, like, stand up to grab myself a soda from our fridge in the garage and ask "hey anyone else want something while I'm out there?" And not be greeted with, "eww, cute twink!" Or some other childish nonsequiter. Dude is 36 and still behaves like an edgy 12 year old.

The brother moved back in-state for work and is just staying with his parents for a month or two while he buys a house. He also somehow de-aged from 36 to 35. Does this loser somehow not even know how old his younger brother is? And calling him "emotionally incompetent" while seething on /r/MensLib has caused me to retract that "modicum of self-awareness" comment. He has zero self-awareness and will almost certainly die without ever acquiring any. :marseyshitforbrains:

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>Not great. My dad was threatening to kill himself last night and I've not been able to contact him since. Now trying to get the local police to do a welfare check.

What part of ACAB do these fools not understand? They'll probably shoot him the second he answers the door and it's YOUR fault.

Evil chuddy fascist pig cops --> :marseycop: :#!marseyshooting: :marseydead: <-- YOUR father, dead by YOUR actions.

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I wish I could get my life together so I could literally never see any of them ever again. Being financially unstable enough to still be living at home at darn near 40 makes me wish I hadn't been born.

from the sounds of it he's not the only one regretting his birth :marseysmug: if you don't want to be treated like a child :tuckedin: , maybe grow up? how do you not have independence from your parents at 30-fricking-8 :marseyfacepalm: ??????

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His brother has him pegged, hes a dumbass.

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Parents took his side after I called him a fricking butthole

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I wish I could get my life together

That's your problem homie.

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My neighbors who I barely ever see are around this age. They used to be avid g*mers, maybe they still are. I'm choosing to believe this Redditor is the older brother :tsuchinokotruth:

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@sneedman see look, you aren't the biggest loser on earth after all.

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You never see women NEETing this hard :marseysipping:

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This guy makes a thread for each goal scored in hockey. I was wondering when watching football who tf posts gifs immediately following goals. So iok

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