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re: /h/chudrama

  • we're gonna :marseyvenn6: start banning/permachudding ppl who post shit that belongs in /h/chudrama outside :marseygrass: of it - case in point :marseytedsimp3: @lnternetCustodian who only posts rightoid :marseyliberty2: ragebait to farm DC - usually I just moved posts there :marseycheerup: quietly but clearly this isn't enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: at all

  • we really :marseythinkorino2: need /h/chudrama to have a highly-distinctive css, so ppl instinctively know when they're inside :marseyteapot: and outside :marseytouchgrass: it, and hopefully adjust tone accordingly, for that im offering 20k marseybux for the best CSS anyone can make for it, you can test CSS in /h/test

  • kill chuds, behead chuds, roundhouse kick chuds into the concrete, slam dunk a chud baby into the trash :marseyraccoon: can, crucify :marseyjesus2: filthy chuds, defecate into chuds food, launch :marseycruisemissile: chuds into the sun, stir fry chuds in a wok, toss chuds into active volcanoes, urinate into chud's gas tank, Judo throw :marseypuke: chuds into a wood chipper, twist chuds heads off, report chuds to the IRS, karate :marseybowing: chop chuds in half, curb stomp :marseygravedance: pregnant :marseysperm: chuds, trap chuds in quicksand, Crush :marseyironmaiden: chuds in the trash :marseyraccoonhappy: compactor, liquify chuds in a vat of acid, eat chuds, dissect chuds, exterminate chuds in the gas chamber, stomp :marseychudgravedance: chud skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate chuds in the oven, lobotomized chuds, mandatory abortions for chuds, grind chud fetuses in the garbage :marseyoscar: disposal, drown :marseyaquagrunt: chuds in fried :marseykfc: chicken :marseyblackcock: grease, vaporize chuds with a raygun, kick old chuds down the stairs, feed chuds to alligators, slice :marseybestfriends: chuds with a katana, in minecraft.

!jannies !codecels !nonchuds

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Gunna dig me a hole

Gunna dig me a hole

Gunna put a chud in it

Gunna put a chud in it

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In my country there is problem

And that problem is the Chud

They take everybody drama

And they never give it back

Throw the Chud down the well

So my country can be free

So my country can be free

You must grab him by his horns

Then we have a big party

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