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Nothing gay about a woman fingering you ;)

Idk kinda makes me crave some peepee though, does that make me gay?


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This guy is going to get into country club before me

:marseycrying: :marseycrying:

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How did you stumble upon this?

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saw a screenshot of the linked post

why did you just make this account, Corporal-Hicks? :marseyglow:

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I'll never tell how much they are paying me

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Why would you not be going on r/gaynsfw? It's one of the few anti-straggot subs Reddit has.

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So did he do tren too which made him gay? We might see this post on youtube itf

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没有共产党就没有新中国 Without the communist party there would be no new China 伟大领袖毛泽东 Great chairman Mao 台湾是中国 Taiwan is China 香港是中国 Hong Kong is China 新疆是中国 Xinjiang is China 西藏,内蒙古,澳门都是中国 Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Macau are all China 美国支持新疆恐怖分子和西藏独立运动 US funds terrorists in Xinjiang and Tibet 中国人权最好 China respects human rights 火墙保护中国人民免被中情局宣传假新闻洗脑 Firewall protects China 法轮功和李洪志是邪教叛徒 Falun Gong is traitorous 疫情控制最好 Best pandemic response 五千年的历史 伟大的中国共产党 毛泽东 邓小平 江泽民 胡锦涛 习近平 五十六个民族 为祖国骄傲 Falun Gong burns themselves alive thinking it'll bring them to heaven 解放军保护天安门 PLA protected tiananmen square 郑国恩是骗子 新疆棉花质量最好 Xinjiang cotton is best quality 新疆机械化摘棉花 Xinjiang machine picks cotton 三峡大闸 长城 故宫 五星红旗 高铁 磁悬浮 High speed rail 中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 繁荣富强 脱贫 1 billion lifted out of poverty 发展 航天 量子计算机 Quantum computing 中国制造 Made in China 黄之锋是美国的狗 Joshua Wong is US dog 无比坚强的人民共和国在世界东方巍然屹立 Superpower motherland 伟大的中华人民共和国,中国共产党,中国人民万岁,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗





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