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Sweden's :marseyflagsweden: Fertility Rate sinks to record low. Redditors at r/europechuds are concerned



Just to give dramacels some context, Sweden had a relative stable TFR of around 1.8-1.9 for the past 30 years, it even reached 1.98 around 2010. 1.45 is a very low number for them, and that's accounting immigration. I was surprised by the 1.49 UK TFR's, is also a record low for bongs despite over 1/4 of babies being born to foreign mothers there.

I blame my gaming computer making me not wanna waste any time having s*x and raising kids when I could be grinding in game

Some self awareness :marseysurftheweb:

Hm I wonder why all these nations around the world have such low fertility rates? Could it be that people don't want to get kids because the world is fricked up or because they can't afford it?

A bit too semplicistic, in Africa they are way more poor and fricked up than us in Europe but they make tons of kids :marseynoooticer:

Redditors learn that the global poor have more children :marseymindblown:

The fall of western society.



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Hm I wonder why all these nations around the world have such low fertility rates? Could it be that people don't want to get kids because the world is fricked up or because they can't afford it?

Why do internet freaks always talk like real income was higher in 1745 lmao or that people are worried about 1c increases in average temps?

The Toba eruption and Younger Dryas made things pretty shitty and people still had kids

According to one hypothesis, people are inclined to imitate the behavior of those with highly successful careers, who commonly have few children, thus causing low fertility to spread through a population by cultural transmission. Decreased family size among the elites of nineteenth-century Europe has been ascribed to "status anxiety," especially among women: maintaining the social and economic standing of the family in the next generation was more difficult when the estate had to be divided among many offspring (Johansson 1987). In wealthier societies, there is also less need for producing children to contribute to family income, for example as laborers on the family farm (Sanderson and Dubrow 2000) or to care for elderly par- ents (who receive old-age social security or are rich enough to pay for their own care) (Nentwig 1999). Additional sociocultural factors in wealthy societ- ies include postponement of fertility in order to complete education, and greater dispersion of the extended family and, hence, less reprieve from the burden of child care. Other suggestions are that lower fertility in wealthier countries can be attributed simply to the availability of cheap and effective birth control meth- ods or to negative health effects resulting from technology and Western lifestyles-for example, harmful chemicals in the environment may cause reduced sperm count and other reproductive abnormalities

It's because society bombards you with "don't have bbaby it will make u poor" and moids having cratered T levels

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It's literally just women in college.


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Palestine should be in the upper left corner of that chart

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Giving women the vote was ultimately how the left killed the west

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I don't even think that's it.

Ask childless women in their 20s why they don't have children. You'll hear a lot of prioritizing their own careers. Which is all fine and well, but it means fewer children, and children are had later (which brings other complications).

It really makes me wonder how much of an impact "equalizing" the workforce had on this.

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It had an impact for sure, but I don't think it's that massive. Read the OP, they were steadily at around 1.9 for many years, reaching 2 in 2010, it's not like women work or focus on careers much more since then.

Ultimately it's a combination of many different factors, housing prices matter, economy matters, good support system matters (having friends or family who can look after your kids when you're running errands, or simply want to have an occasional date night/night out).

The biggest factor IMO is feels, unironically - :marseyitsoverwereback:, :marseyitsallsotiresome: / :marseyitsallsowonderful: type of thing. Post war booms have more factors, of course, men being away, people putting having children on hold etc., but I think the being hopeful about the future matters a lot. OTOH after the fall of USSR, many countries' birth rates fell of a cliff - it has been falling even during the late years due to economic decline and uncertainty, but it also means you can't blame the fall after collapse purely on economy as it's been in the shitter before and wasn't really falling much further. The hope for the future just wasn't there, and for many reasons isn't there in the present either.

Which brings me to IMO second biggest factor behind the decline in the modern era, tech driven attention economy. Not only social media/Netflix/YT keep people occupied and waste their time, they also encourage doomposting, news running the most alarming headlines to make people click etc. which just contributes to the lack of hope I mentioned - whether it's climate change or economy alarmism for normies, or GAE/capitalism for :marseywingcuck: , it encourages bad feels about the future.

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The Toba eruption and Younger Dryas

That's when it all want downhill :marseyschizowave:

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It was way easier to afford a living back when people spent a third of their entire salary on loaves of bread

- Every r-slur on the internet

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>that people are worried about 1c increases in average temps?

Libtards are pretty neurotic and not very fertile

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